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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. ...when you know what the acronym "SHADO" means, or you know who/what "International Rescue" or "Spectrum" are.
  2. Granted. But it affects all threads on all forums on all servers, retroactively. The entire Internet becomes disabled. I wish for a good cup of coffee this morning...
  3. Banned for incorrect Kerbal coloration.
  4. ..ain't got no body. This worn graveyard plot...
  5. When life gives you lemons, it's time to sue the car salesman.
  6. 102: Preface all new entries as number 102
  7. Banned for having all the morals of a virus.....
  8. Your wall falls down due to lack of mortar. My pile of bricks
  9. Granted, but no one on the planet uses money anymore. Free lifetime supply of toilet paper! I wish to go home early today
  10. Exactly, else we end up in Bester's vision of the world as read in "The Disappearing Act": http://www.edwardwinkleman.com/2013/05/send-me-poet-open-thread.html
  11. Alas, the pumpkin ablates due to reentry heating. By the time it reaches me it is merely dust, the worst of which just made me sneeze. I invoke a severe peanut allergy on the next player while throwing peanuts at him/her...
  12. You know you're a nerd when you know the correct spelling would be "Elvish"
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