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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Yes it does, but it's not configured for RSS by default. It's dangerous to go to RSS alone. Here, take this: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/RealismOverhaul/RO_DeadlyReEntry.cfg
  2. Check back in the MM thread. 2.3.4 has been posted to address those and other issues. . All mods are latest versions AFAIK, RSS is version 7.2.
  3. Costs are handled procedurally. You are being assessed a cost for the chutes. It might not be reflected immediately (which is probably a bug in itself, whether KSP or RC I don't know) but it does happen. Wrong log file. To find your log file: Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log NOT ksp.log file. Especially not ever.
  4. You're the only person I know of that's having this problem. Tweaking your max temp isn't the solution, you need to track down what's causing this, and DREC is not causing this. At least not by itself. Please post your log file: To find your log file: Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log NOT ksp.log file. Especially not ever. (there see? friendly smiley face because people don't seem to realize this last line is meant to be funny)
  5. After some distractions (Reflection Mod, others) working on update for Ioncross again Here's some numbers I'm looking at for refactoring of resource volumes. Parts aren't the given part names, just my description of them. Volume is the total volume of compressed O2x200 in liters, based on similar parts as defined in Real Fuels. So, the small radial has a dimensional volume of 200, multiplied by a 200 compression factor for a total of 40,000 liters of pure O2. For reference, a scuba tank can have a compression factor of 250. The numbers I was getting were pretty large as is so I decided that the safety minded(!) Kerbal Engineers aren't filling the tanks to full capacity. Days worth of oxygen are based on the assumption that Kerbals need about 80% of what humans need. (initially 75%, but bumped up a bit). I've hesitated on these numbers a bit because it seemed like not enough of an improvement where life support barely has meaning with a tank allowing durations of a year or more. But I've run and re-run these numbers over and over again and if you look at what a tank of pure O2 contains versus what a human actually needs in terms of O2 mass, they seem reasonable. Example: A 200 liter tank at 250 atm = 71.45kg of O2. NASA says that a person performing typical astronaut duties requires 0.8 kg of O2 per day. That should last a single person 89.3125 days. Note that that doesn't count losses due to EVA, which typically vents atmosphere to space seeing as how it costs less to just send up more compressed air rather than install bulky equipment capable of recovering airlock air (I think the ISS does try to recover as much as possible though...). Nor does it count any other losses that I might not be thinking of right now. So, here are the numbers by part. EVA resource usage isn't listed here (and is handled a little differently) but I think it should be bumped up a bit to reflect increased Kerbal activity. [TABLE] [TR] [TD]Size[/TD] [TD]Volume (liters, compressedx200)[/TD] [TD]Days/1 Kerbal[/TD] [TD]Days/3 Kerbals[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Small Stack Tank[/TD] [TD=align: right]100000[/TD] [TD=align: right]238.10[/TD] [TD=align: right]79.37[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Large Stack Tank[/TD] [TD=align: right]940000[/TD] [TD=align: right]2238.10[/TD] [TD=align: right]746.03[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Small Radial[/TD] [TD=align: right]40000[/TD] [TD=align: right]95.24[/TD] [TD=align: right]31.75[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Large Radial[/TD] [TD=align: right]150000[/TD] [TD=align: right]357.14[/TD] [TD=align: right]119.05[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  6. Arron is right, you're going too fast, at least for the altitude that you're at. It can also happen if your ascent angle is too shallow, that is if you turned too sharply and are going supersonic at a low altitude.
  7. This is another area where presets come in handy and personally I feel like I don't make use of it as often as I should so likely other people aren't either. If there's a particular SRB that you (anyone) use frequently then it's a good idea to create just that in the VAB, set up a chute for it and then save it to presets. You can name it something like 'Medium SRB Chute' or whatever.
  8. Kerbal AlarmClock works fine with RSS. To the Mediocre Planner / Pilot. You're mediocre because you play in mediocre conditions. Stop being mediocre and get DREC. Not using it isn't saving you fuel. Get it and start challenging yourself. (You really want the RO heat shields for RSS. Even if you installs nihongo else from RO. Get the shields) Stop being mediocre today!
  9. If you're jettisoning in the lower atmosphere (or even lower upper) think about using parachutes. Either alone or in conjunction with sepratrons. I've often done that even with stock drag. Put them on the side away from your core stage and part way up towards the center of mass. (the closer it is to CoM, the faster and greater the amount of rotation so don't put it too close or it'll swing up too sharp and smack your core rocket) Terminal velocity: It's not unusual not to hit terminal velocity. Unless you've got a TWR of about 6+ (maybe less) you're going to be chasing terminal velocity the whole way, except maybe in the lower atmosphere. Also though, about MechJeb and terminal velocity, it's been reported relatively recently in the MJ forum that MJ only counts vertical velocity when calculating terminal? I don't know if that's really true, but it is something to be aware of. If it is true it limits the usefulness of TV limiting. (hah.) About MechJeb looking at 'stock drag' values, there's no way it's doing that, barring some hitherto unknown bug whereby a part would report its original drag instead of current drag.
  10. Two things: if this is for SRBs then you're landing them after they're spent right? Did you select the option to calculate with dry mass? second: when putting multiple chutes on a part, you have to tell it how many chutes to use for its calculations. There's a place to enter that. edit: third: you don't have the entire ship attached when configuring SRB chutes right? That will throw off calc.
  11. if that's true then it would be KSP. Module Manager operates on ConfigNodes already loaded into memory by KSP.
  12. Angular drag governs a parts resistance to being rotated. So far I have not seen a need to do anything with angular drag and I'm not even sure it has the same mass bug as the other drag fields. I'll reevaluate angular drag as needed. I've got a good idea how I'm going to do nose cones and fairings. Just haven't got to it yet. Been working on an update for Ioncross and the reflection plugin claimed a few days of my time too.
  13. Space station parts... I forget the name but it's a little later on and it's on the top right. It's the one right after the ARM claw, connected to that one in fact. I think.
  14. No, but I've seen MJ2 do that even before SDF came along. I doubt it's related. If you want to send me a craft file for the craft this happened with I'll take a look and see if I can reproduce it. (if it needs staging, let me know how much staging to get it to the point where you had it)
  15. Of course not. Guess I need to lay off the hallucinogens.... I see what you did there...
  16. Ok thanks for letting me know. I'll try to think of something else.
  17. Translation: Sometimes the MechJeb 2 docking autopilot will thrust in the wrong direction. And it keeps on doing it long after it has achieved escape velocity (out of the entire solar system??? FOR REAL???) platooner: By now you should be able to get a feel within the first 5 seconds whether or not the docking autopilot is doing the right thing. If you think it is not, turn the autopilot off then immediately right back on. Do that as many times as it takes. Sooner or later it will dock correctly.
  18. Is that a slab of bacon I see there before me? Its end pointed towards my mouth??
  19. The link in your signature results in the forum displaying an error message that no link was specified.
  20. EC requirement is per unit of heat removed. Right now I don't think they have the ability to be 'always on'
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