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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. It's just not modeled, not in the plugin code or in configs. You could simulate it by assigning a loss_rate and temperature in its TANK node. i.e. @TANK_DEFINITION[Default] { @TANK[HTP] { temperature = 0 loss_rate = 0.0000000001 } } I have no idea what the temperature would be (probably higher than 0) and the loss_rate is the same value as for LiquidOxygen. It's the amount lost per second (scaled by delta time) and I think loss_rate also depends on how much actual part temperature is over the tank's temperature rating. Obviously it's not actually decomposing into other compounds, it's just 'lost'.
  2. Yes but that's also an overpowered combination. Stock LVN or anything based on it is way unbalanced.
  3. *cough*realfuels*cough* No, seriously... it's a non-issue once you install RF. Or even MFT.
  4. Or for that matter, Real Fuels. Choices are Hydrogen, Methane, Ammonia and... maybe Water. I'm not sure that actually made the cut. Or the engine might have the config to support Water it's not available as a propellant.... Also available is an LiquidOxygen afterburner option.
  5. Can you post a screenshot please? As for the alt-tab issue, there's probably nothing I can do about that... but how long have you stayed in the game after tabbing back in? Suggest you try time warping and see if it starts reflecting again after tabbing back.
  6. They're afraid of Windows and doubly so of the x64 KSP and are intentionally crashing the game.
  7. KSP symmetry has some bugs. I can pretty consistently crash KSP by trying to attach certain parts to certain other parts symmetrically at times that KSP thinks that the attachment is invalid
  8. So what you do is you get a dropbox account or use pastebin and you upload your log there (use dropbox, it's easier on everyone involved including yourself) Then get the link to the file and paste it here. (or anywhere else you might need to provide logs) When using dropbox, you'd just copy the file over to your dropbox folder (because it will create one on your computer) and then you right click the file and there's an option to get a dropbox link. Then you paste it here.
  9. Actually, doesn't that kind of sound like a problem with the legacy parts? Like maybe he tried to reenable them? (ala that 'fix' that people were pushing awhile back)
  10. Sounds like you missed the part where we're talking about an unpowered glider. Twenty degree dive? Welcome to the world of the space shuttle. That's about how it was done. Pull up about 900 meters from the ground and now they're doing 100m/s horizontal and slowed to about 10m/s vertical. FAR will rip that apart even with struts. And yet in real life, that's how it was done. Edit: Also, holy crap! Congrats Porkjet!!! Such spaceplane. Much aerodynamics. Wow!
  11. That's actually up to you, and not the parts pack. So a hearty good luck seems to be in order. Good luck!
  12. Sorry, no. Not buying it. It's not like they're sitting there cycling color all the time. And it's not like the color changing feature (texture swapping really) is something unknown and unproven. I find them to perform the same as any other intake.
  13. What you're describing sounds about typical of shuttle landings. You're about maybe 20% faster than the shuttle might have been. Also remember that the shuttle had to use air brakes too. What you're lacking that the shuttle had is a drag chute Real Chute mod has drag chutes. They deploy on touchdown. Frankly I'd disable the aerodynamic stress feature of FAR. It's overzealous to the point of unrealistic. You SHOULD be able to flare pretty hard when trying to land and anything that stops you from doing that you should ditch.
  14. Something's broken in your installation and you remove the whole thing and reinstall. If you still have trouble, cause the problem again and post logs.
  15. Oh crap, the pyramids are back??? Last I recall they had been buried and forgotten in the sands...
  16. Raptor, you should put a license on this. You might not think so (I didn't) but even a set of configs like this require licenses. I got an infraction from my science configs (signature) that I posted in a manner like you did your Karbonite / RF config. I'm not sure why it matters since lots of us post tons of config snippets all the time on these boards in our posts to each other, but it apparently does.
  17. heatMultiplier is a Deadly Reentry setting. Increasing it makes things heat up faster. (does not affect normal engine heating, only heating from exposure to a reentry shockwave) You figured wrong. Nothing in Real Solar System can possibly have anything to do with what you're talking about. It could be Deadly Reentry depending on what other settings you were playing with and Deadly Reentry does lower the max temp value on a lot of parts including engines. Completely uninstall Deadly Reentry and then test to see if the problem went away. If it did, reinstall Deadly Reentry. If the problem returns, go post there instead of here.
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