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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. I thought FASA already came with this installed and configured...??? I'll take a look and write up a config for it if I have to
  2. Yes, it should, because heating, air circulation, etc depend on volume of the crew area. And of course, a lone Kerbal will increase snack consumption in the absence of his comrades so the microwave usage remains constant as well As for scrubbers, you could argue it either way The fans have to run at the same capacity even not all crew slots are manned - use ratePerCapacity The fans are run at reduced capacity to save power - use ratePerKerbal I think I lean towards the latter and if I give scrubbers an EC cost then I'll likely use ratePerKerbal - The scrubber system could easily be smart enough to increase / decrease fan speed and duty cycle based on the amount of detected CO2. Yeah, I'd buy that. In other news, slow progress on the update today as I am looking at adding another feature to this update and am having to muddle through some unknown territory in the KSP API. If I can get it in then it should be pretty cool...
  3. Eek ok lots of stuff here. I'll go over it more thoroughly in a bit but I'll address one thing now. ratePerCapacity is independent of how many Kerbals there are. It's based on how many Kerbals the part can hold. If the part has a capacity of 4 then the resource drain is always x4 even if only one Kerbal is there.
  4. You wanna have even more fun? Get Real Chute (you should already have it; if not you are SO wrong) Then turn on April Fools mode. Then... I dunno, make something that splits off into multiple little parachute thingies...... and then trigger them all off and watch them go off like popcorns.
  5. Besides that, how else are the Kerbals going to heat their snacks if the onboard microwave oven gives out???
  6. Someone included LOGS???? Quick, get the thorazine drip started! He must be nuts....
  7. Surely you should post that in the NEAR thread instead of here...?
  8. Wow, you sure you didn't accidentally enable the April Fools joke? (which I finally got around to trying the other day; it should be illegal to have that much fun)
  9. Opinion request time Currently I'm working on the part of the code that will disable the mod if the mod has been turned off from the Space Center via the new control button. At this time it suspends updating for things like generators, collectors and all life support checks including death checks. I went that route instead of removing the actual modules from the parts because that would break a player's existing settings. And generally wreak havoc with persistence. What else should it do? hide the GUI? Hide GUI buttons? Anything else I'm not thinking of?
  10. Pretty sure it's not atmosphere dependent at all... it's been awhile since I poked at those parts but I do seem to recall that they were separate.
  11. Yes, just replace it. It's not like SP+ is using some special custom version.
  12. I don't think it will decrease the amount of posts on the subject, but it'll probably increase the number who think that stock reentries are too hard. Maybe add an in-game difficulty setting. Tie it into the new toolbar system maybe. That way it can be adjusted easily. Except that it should be restricted to 2-3 choices like easy, medium, extra-crispy. Manual exponent adjustment should still be limited to debug menu, which could also have a toolbar button tie in. toolbar button |--Difficulty Menu |--Debug Menu
  13. I'm going to marry mine. Can anyone refer me to a state where I can do that, legally?
  14. To find your log file: Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log Please note that these logs are generated regardless of whether you had a crash or not and they are generated constantly. If you are asked for logs, do not submit ksp.log Also, just to be sure you understand; you do NOT need to resolve each and every NEEDS. It's possible to create a config with NEEDS where is is a logical impossibility to meet every one. For instance, one that contains multiple contingencies. (i.e. a heat shield which configures itself differently depending on whether or not Real Solar System is installed. Just ignore the thing about hidden items. You don't have to get it down to zero.
  15. Just so. If an MM patch has a :NEEDS[RealFuels] then it is only applied if RealFuels is installed. Or if there is another config patch that has a :FOR[RealFuels]
  16. This is not red, and it is not 6.25% strength, but I'm not sure why. I don't intend to use this config, but I'm trying to figure out what everything does so I can make a proper one. Thanks (BTW, I love aesthetic mods, and this is no exception -- great work continuing this). EDIT: One other yes/no question: Is it possible to apply this to the kerbonauts' visors? I think it might be an ordering problem between the two configs. The second one might actually be executing first. If that's the case then ReflectionColor is still 0.125 You also would have run into trouble because the second config lacks a splice operator for ReflectionColor, so technically it would try to add a second field by that name. I'm not sure what the outcome of that would be. Try removing :Final from the first config and change the second one so that it says @ReflectionColor = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0625 Finally, not all of the shaders necessarily respect the alpha channel. (it's even possible that none of them respect it anymore but I'm not aware of such a change in Unity) Edit: Re: Visors, I'm not sure how you would apply this to visors, but there is a mod out there that applies a modified version to visors... Texture Replacer maybe? I'm not sure, I don't use it myself but someone already expressed interest in that and worked together with rbray to make it happen. I don't know what the technical procedure was
  17. Current display code [COLOR=#009695][FONT=Menlo]if[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Menlo] ([/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Menlo]Math[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Menlo].[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Menlo]Abs[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Menlo]([/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Menlo]rate[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Menlo]) < [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Menlo]minValue[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#444444][FONT=Menlo])[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444][FONT=Menlo]{[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Menlo][COLOR=#444444] rate[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] *= [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Menlo][COLOR=#f57c00]24.0f[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Menlo][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444] units[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = [/COLOR][COLOR=#f57c00]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#f57c00]day[/COLOR][COLOR=#f57c00]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]}[/COLOR] [/FONT] See what I did there? [FONT=Menlo][COLOR=#009695]if[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] ([/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]Math[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]Abs[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]([/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]rate[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]) < [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]minValue[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444])[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]{[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444] rate[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] *= ([/COLOR][COLOR=#3363a4]float[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444])([/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Menlo][COLOR=#444444]([/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]KSPUtil[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]Day[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]/[/COLOR][COLOR=#f57c00]3600[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Menlo][COLOR=#444444])[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444] units[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = [/COLOR][COLOR=#f57c00]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#f57c00]day[/COLOR][COLOR=#f57c00]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]}[/COLOR] [/FONT] Edit: The Results. Kerbin Time vs Earth Time
  18. I'll look into it for the next update. As to what's possible, of course electric charge can be added to scrubbers. Very little of that stuff is hard coded. The only thing that is is stuff that depends on knowing if atmosphere for the current body has oxygen or not. edit: btw, I'm surprised nobody commented on the implication that Kerbals run the microwave oven around the clock Edit #2 PROGRESS! I have the toolbar working and I have per save game persistence working. For right now that's going to be limited to enabling/disabling the mod per save game. It's open to expansion though but right now I don't know what might go in there.
  19. The exponent in question is part of DREC's settings, the mod settings. It's not added to or used to modify any heat shields. If you do increase difficulty by changing the shockwave exponent (for example) then you would want heat shield configs that make your shields stronger. You can access the DREC settings by pressing alt+D+R in flight, change them there and see the results in real time. (be careful changing shockwave exponent in flight; pause the game or you can accidentally incinerate your Kerbals very VERY easily because entering the decimal is tricky, as mentioned above)
  20. The shockwave temperature in Kelvins is roughly equal to velocity in meters per second. Kelvins -> Celsius is temp - 273 How much of that is transmitted to the space craft depends on air density. I think it's actually scaled by density? (at least in the code; not sure how it works IRL)
  21. Yeah, you might say he was.... mything the point BADOOOM-TISSSSSS
  22. Nothing actually causes them to die if they don't have electricity. Parts are supposed to lock if Ioncross sees a failed request for ElectricCharge but it's only supposed to affect Command Pods, and I think they lock up anyway as part of stock behavior so I'm not sure why that bit was in there... So really it's just there as a drain to represent Kerbal activities that require power and other life support issues like heating/cooling because there's just not a lot in the stock game that uses power. Edit: Part of that power drain is Kerbal use of the onboard microwave oven to heat up snacks btw. As far as working around the problem of stock generators / panels not generating when they're not in the scene (not just off-rails since they continue to generate during non-phys time warp) I figure there's two ways of doing that. One would be to trigger an update for parts like that on a craft that has Ioncross parts. I'm not actually sure you can do that... The other way would be for Ioncross to catalogue any generator / panel on the ship and when it does a resource request for whatever that generator provides, it first subtracts the amount that the generator is putting out and then does a request for the rest. And it has to be generic like that too, because generators and panels can generate any resource, not just Electric Charge. And solar panels have to be checked to make sure they aren't occluded. I would like that to go in the next update but there's a lot that I also want to do. stock toolbar integration (see screenshot a few posts back) per save game enabling/disabling (this is really all that toolbar will be used for this time around) across the board audit of resource parts examine resource mass to make sure they are what they should be. audit of resource consumption minimalist and advanced optional config files Future update will expand the toolbar button so that you can get alerts for ships that are in danger of running out. Or maybe I'll use the stock messenger system for that... or maybe I'll use both. Edit: Also, there's already O2 displayed on the context menu. Or are you saying somewhere else? Maybe through the toolbar button as above?
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