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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. CO2 doesn't move to the recycler automatically except when it tries to convert some. Might be possible to make it happen in a future update. About the the other stuff I'm on a bus back home. I'll look at that later.
  2. Oh please. You had to delete something from a mod that alters stock texture. Specifically something that mucks around with scaled space. But you see no room for doubt that it was SP+ Wrong. Very wrong.
  3. The reason for using RSS heat shields if you increase shockwave exponent is that RSS re entries have ~3 times higher temperatures. If you increased it high enough. I have found some spaceplane parts heat shield configs to have adequate protection for RSS. Ultimately It depends on whether you use stock aerodynamics. Spaceplane parts usually have reflection ratings of 25%. If you turn up the heat that might still be enough with stock aerodynamics because you get more drag from the atmosphere. Without stock drag you may have too much speed at max heating. It depends then on mass. The SP+ parts can still survive if your plane is low mass because drag affects it more. Massive planes and shuttles' inertia will make it less susceptible to drag so you'll have more heating later.
  4. !MODULE[NamedModule]{} deletes the the first module named 'NamedModule' that it finds on the part. It should just silently be failing if the nodes are missing that a config patch operates on. Something would have to be malformed somewhere to cause parts loss and that would be logged if it caused parts to not compile.
  5. Asphyxation isn't instant and death is random chance. Fast forward. They'll die. Edit: because it is random, it's possible for them to live quite awhile but they do die. The time they've been without isn't factored in but that is something that I intend to put in so that their survival time can be capped when O2 deficit.
  6. The node snapping thing isn't a clipping problem, it's just something that can happen if the center of a node lies within any other node. If two large nodes lie close together then the wrong one can be snapped to by the unwary. I think you should try the resizer. Once configured its transparent and unobtrusive. But it's your call so whatever you want.
  7. not sure why you don't see the resources in the VAB. Works fine in 0.24.2 for me. And others AFAIK. I'll look at your log when I get home minds evening. Re: CO2, it doesn't generate because of scrubbers. In its current incarnation, CO2 really only serves to be recycled and the scrubbers manually have to be turned off for that to happen.
  8. Wow, thanks for that, lots of good data in there. Re: Jupiter, well I just didn't want there to even be a hint of a surface that the player could ever perceive. That's the main reason that I took it all the way down. I intended for it to be accompanied by temperature curve data that would definitely destroy the ship so it's not like it was ever going to get there anyway. (I know, that sounds like even more of a reason not to bother modeling it that far ) Now, Re: Font... wow I have no idea how that happened, sorry! This message looks ok.... I think... font test: times new roman. other Font Font Font Font Font
  9. That sounds like the original curve data I did. I wasnt able to find any good data that Intrusted so I generated it with a static scale height. Where did you Get yours from? And it really falls off that fast? I have some knocking around for Jupiter somewhere but there were problems doing an atmosphere as deep as I wanted. It confused KSP's reentry aeroFX. (what I was experimenting with was literally scaling the planet to approx that of Earth to simulate what we think we know about its core and simulating its layers in atmospheric curve data. Rendering issues aside the AeroFX was stretched 90 degrees off and the camera was off too. Next thing I wanted was to scaling the planets hard surface to the metallic hydrogen layer and then do atmosphere from that point on.. never got around to it)
  10. Recycler rate is static per recycler unit. By design they have a set capacity per unit installed. The number you need depends on how many Kerbals you want it too support. The EC drain is general life support costs. I forget if scrubbers actually have an EC cost.... they probably should but might not.
  11. You could make the nodes size 0 to make it easier to snap. Then use a plugin to size them up to increase joint strength in flight The Copernicus pack in my sig includes such a plugin for just that purpose. It's got a permissive license so anyone can use it.
  12. I'm torn between a snarky comment like 'Maybe realism isnt for you and you should (something disparaging about the kids table)' and something educational. You cant scale up to real world scales and not expect to make changes in how you play. If by 4000dv you mean the actual circularization then you're not turning early enough. LEO has a delta v requirement of ~9300 and you should be much more than halfway through that by the time you're circularizing. start your turn when velocity reaches 100m/s with a 5 deg turn then follow the prograde marker. turn end should be at an altitude of 120-150 km with a pitch of about 5 degrees above horizon If you use mechjeb, then your turn start is going to be 0.5-1.1km depending on TWR Turn end and pitch as above. turn shape 50-70% All this assumes FAR / NEAR / SDF or your drag losses will be so high that you're spending 11km to get to low orbit. As far time warp goes, well you're stuck with phys warp as long as you're in atmo, and atmosphere extends to 180km so you've got a lot more of it to go through and there's no way around that.
  13. The scrubbers are intended to completely scrub all CO2. No CO2 should accumulate while the scrubbers operate. Cant comment on the rest because I'm on my iPhone. Not at computer.
  14. What you need to provide is a log file, either output_log.txt or player.log (for Mac or Linux) To find your log file: Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log But not ksp.log
  15. I'm going to go one further and say that whatever needs fixing, needs fixing on your end. At least try to help yourself, or failing that, help others help you. The Real Chute thread is where you need to be and don't go there without a log file and better information about the problem that you're experiencing on your end.
  16. I realize you're against FAR, but if you're using Real Solar System, you really want to do something about the drag, otherwise it's going to be difficult getting anything sizable in orbit, at least not without inordinate amounts of fuel and delta-V There's also NEAR, which is Ferram's 'FAR lite'. Or if you don't want to try that either, there's my own Stock Drag Fix which removes the worst part of the drag while leaving the stock system intact. As you might or might not know, stock drag system uses mass where it should be using the rocket's cross section in the drag computation. But the worst part of that is that it also uses the mass from resources, which makes atmosphere a lot draggier than it should be. What mine does is nullify the mass from resources while leaving the stock system intact. Because of that it has the least impact on stock mechanics. SAS module still works as does any mod that relies on the stock aerodynamics. Makes getting to orbit a lot easier with realistic amounts of fuel. Otherwise you're wading through 180 km of 'soup'.
  17. Wow, I really like the idea of this; everything in the OP speaks to experiences I've had (and everyone else has had, no doubt) So I'll probably be trying this out. However, let me just say that I do have another solution that is elegant in its simplicity and personally satisfying.... I just stick the three up in orbit in their own personal prison outpost on administrative leave an assignment of the utmost importance and I appreciate their enthusiasm for the mission.
  18. Firstly, not all Americans are like that. Secondly, not all non-Americans are NOT like that. Let's drop the stereotypes because if you look at any nation, they've all got their share of inventions or new ideas that were scoffed at by those in power at the time. (government, military, other institutions) Did you know that it took decades after James Lindt linked scurvy to citrus deficiencies before the British started mandating the use of limes on long term voyages?
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