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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Any plans to have DREC access FAR (if present) to grab atmospheric density to use for shockwave calculation? Or would you like me to code it up and submit it? (not sure when I can get to that but it's been on my mind lately to do if you aren't already planning on it but would like to)
  2. You should post the config code you're trying to use to make that change. You may have an error in what you're doing. Firstly, the use of spaces there will trip you up. If you have to use spaces in your conditionals then use ? instead of space. It's a wildcard that will allow matching on the space. Secondly (this should have been first...) Don't use title to match on. Use its part name. You want it to look like this: @PART[SDHI_2.5_ServiceModule]:AFTER[TacLifeSupport] { <put your code insertion here> }
  3. Well, actually it has to be within 2km. Outside of 2km it can still be within rendering range but it will be on-rails and additionally not processing any PartModule code at all.
  4. I see. Ok to answer the original question literally, yes it's probably possible to get the shader code you referenced to work. However I don't think that by itself would solve the problem you're describing. I'm assuming that KSPI is using KSP shaders and that what you're talking about is the emissions. What would probably have to happen is that the KSP shaders would have to be modified to accept environment mapping, which is how reflections work. It's just rendering 6 views from a camera to create an environment map.
  5. It should be possible. Are there shots anywhere illustrating the effect?
  6. Yeah, there was a... signal to noise ratio issue in that time frame. Must have been a technical... glitch
  7. I've got the liquid fluorine. Someone hand Sumghai a good pair of running shoes. I want this to be fair.
  8. Ok, re: turning HOME greenhouse into a functional sunlight dependent recycling... thing... I played around with it and this seems to work ok. Note that it doesn't currently do anything except produce non-flowable non-transferable 'sunlight'. I'm not actually currently using TAC (or any LSS mod) so I'm not sure what would be best to do with it. (aside from inputting CO2 & sunlight and output O2. Though technically plants do consume a small amount of O2, they just happen to output more than they consume when photosynthesizing) Because of the spaces in the greenhouse name, it uses wildcards so make sure you're up to date with a Module Manager that can handle it. Which most everyone should be by now so it shouldn't really be a problem. Also note that I removed the animation module completely. The solar panel handles animating the part. Unfortunately it says 'extend/retract panels' but you can't rename the context menu GUI for ModuleDeployableSolarPanel RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = sunlight density = 0 flowMode = NO_FLOW transfer = NONE isTweakable = false } @PART[HOME2?Hub?Green?House] { !MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric]{} MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel sunTracking = false //retractable = false animationName = living_tube raycastTransformName = HOME2_habbitat pivotName = HOME2_habbitat isBreakable = false resourceName = sunlight chargeRate = 4.0 powerCurve { key = 206000000000 0 0 1 key = 13599840256 1 0 1 key = 68773560320 0.5 0 1 key = 0 10 0 1 } } RESOURCE { name = sunlight amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 4.0 } }
  9. Getting the following error when I reload the database: PartLoader: Compiling Part 'RealChute/Parts/cone_chute/RC_cone' (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53) ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.SizeNode]].Add (System.String key, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at RealChute.ProceduralChute.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) at Part.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 All parts that would have compiled after that point don't and all patches fail.
  10. Wow, are you freaking serious?? Maybe I wasn't specific because I didn't know or remember what the answer was. I only know that two pages back, guess what? They're talking about your problem! But ok, no problemo. I got it. I'm supposed to go and find the answer for you. Here it is. Edit RealSolarSystem.cfg Find the line that says wrap = true and change it to wrap = false. Silver platter not included.
  11. "It is pitch black. Your Kerbals are likely to be eaten by a lurking grue."
  12. Unlikely. A lot of the necessary functions seem to be private. Some minor tweaking might be possible, like it already tweaks when the glow appears and when it disappears. And KSP is sitting there in the background the whole time trying to change it back. But outright modification of the shader responsible requires access to the FXCamera and the necessary functions are private.
  13. I always thought it was the launchpad message was just the Kerbal equivalent of filling out 'The tree jumped in front of my car' on accident reports.
  14. When I've tried adding the solar panel functionality to the greenhouse in the past, that part worked when I tested it on the ground, but when launching, some weird physics breaking stuff happened at around 7km altitude. I didn't know as much as I know now but I suspect errors must have been generated that I didn't see. Or possibly a problem with the model's transforms or center of mass. Maybe it was a bug in KSP. I'll try it again and see if anything's changed or if I've learned enough to solve the problem. Edit: BTW, raycastTransformName & pivotName have to be set to actual transforms on the greenhouse model or your code won't work. The greenhouse has no such transform as 'sunCatcher'. I think I used living_tube previously but I'm not sure that was correct either...
  15. OK, I just tried again and it does work with stretchies with the following caveats: Changing textures turns off reflections. Mousing over the tank at all turns off reflections. Most of the textures lack alpha channels and normal maps resulting in flat looking reflections and speculars. Once you launch you will have reflectivity.
  16. I've never seen that with PF. I have seen it with other parts. I recommend starting a new game and seeing if it still happens. New save, new craft, etc.
  17. You seriously should post a full list of parts for that craft or maybe the whole craft file and list of mods it requires. Edit: Yeah, no seriously, I'm taking a look at the source code that generates the bounding box and it seems straightforward enough. Either one of the part's on that ship has a stray vertex out in the middle of nowhere or it's got a stray transform sitting out in the middle of nowhere.
  18. There's been a development in the issue of the paradock's chute deploying on launch. If you use the Adaptive Docking Node mod you should download the latest update for the plugin it uses. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73005-0-23-5-Kip-Engineering-NEW%21-Adaptive-Docking-Node-by-Toadicus-Fix-%2829th-Apr-2014%29?p=1140151&viewfull=1#post1140151
  19. I have not successfully been able to apply reflective shader to stretchy tanks. I forget why, I think maybe because Stretchies were changing materials on the stretchies.... I intend to revisit it at some point, but I think it might actually require specialized code in the stretchy plugin. Or implementing reflection there outright. We'll see. And, yay. I got my computer working again. Too bad I had to pull my newest and bestest GPU and replace it with an older less powerful one.
  20. FYI, since MM version 2.x, there's a definite problem in the election process at least up to version 2.0.8 if not 2.1.0, resulting in node processing failures.
  21. Are you talking about the inflatable greenhouse? Do you actually have it setup to require sunlight? If so, have you had any problems with launching it? Would you mind sharing the configuration you're using? (unless you're just using it to process input/output resources without requiring sunlight)
  22. I once saw one streak past my ship 50 meters away. Just a bit of space flotsam up in orbit for years. Very scary thing to see that close to my nice new ship.
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