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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. They don't change just from copying a save file. There's a seed value that controls deposit locations. Deposit and seed data (and revealed data) are stored in a SCENARIO node in the save file. You can look at it by searching the file for 'KethaneData'
  2. No. It deploys when your plane touches down. Make sure it's actually enabled though. If you have the option enabled the chute will deploy without even having to be armed first. It auto-deploys / auto-arms on touchdown.
  3. When DREC reports a part as shielded, it doesn't just reference what FAR considers shielded. In fact, that's a relatively recent development. Aside from FAR, DREC considers a part to be shielded if another part lies between it and the shockwave. really if a raycast from the center of the part along its velocity vector has hit something in its path. Sometimes if a part is sunk too deeply another part it can be reported as shielded when it's not or unshielded when it should be treated as shielded. That's what the offset is for.
  4. 0.23.5 compiled dll with scrubber bug fixed. At least I haven't seen it show up again. If anyone cares, here it is: IoncrossCrewSupport.zip Source modifications here: Ioncross Github
  5. With all the asteroid activity, it's going to be difficult to spot approaching ships.
  6. 'No it doesn't' directly responds to 'This pretty much kills "wet wings"' NO. It does not. It works just fine in the game. In stock drag or FAR drag. People need to actually try things before making unsubstantiated claims about what does or doesn't work.
  7. No it doesn't Got your so-called 'wet wings' right here. Works just fine. Got that baby to orbit and back. Multiple times. Has flown with both stock and FAR drag. Also has code to make them Modular Tank / Real Fuel compatible. @PART[B9_Aero_Wing_HW21]:Final { RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 1440 maxAmount = 1440 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 1760 maxAmount = 1760 } MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = 32000 type = Structural } }
  8. The Warehouse module is used by a mod that lets you construct things in orbit. Actually there might be two mods that use it. It's used to contain rocket parts. I forget what the mods were named....
  9. He knows they are built into it. that's why he's asking if they can be made as separate parts, to which the answer is 'yes, they can be made as separate parts'. And no, it's unlikely that they will.
  10. Looks like I took into account the shield after all then... thought I had left it out. as for the last, dunno. if its just for personal play then whatever you feel comfortable with
  11. It's a work in progress; maybe if he presented it as 'finished product' you'd have a case, but you don't. Take your rudeness somewhere else.
  12. Edit the art files and give each one an alpha channel. You'll have to save it as something that supports alpha properly. If you're using photoshop, it doesn't support alpha properly for png files. There's a 'SuperPNG' plugin that does but I've never really got that to work properly so I use tga with compression. Save as 32 bit. Edit the Unity3D files you have for each part and set the shader to KSP/Bumped Specular As far as the alpha channel itself goes, black is no specularity at all and white is full specularity.
  13. For me, gaining lots of speed in a dive is usually accompanied by flat spins, followed by the yelling and the screaming.
  14. Are you using anything to make the SP+ parts More compatible with FAR? If not look around... I think the development thread. The wings and control surfaces can benefit from decent configs and the fuselage parts are configured as module = Winglet instead of Part, which doesnt work so well with FAR. Maybe ask Joachim if he's using such a config.
  15. I think it has to have the procedural chute module added to it in order for the advanced menu to work... not 100% sure of that and there might some other requirement as well.... for instance, the chutes on the Real Chutes parts have their chute meshes as separate models... think maybe that might be a requirement. it's probably doable with a good bit of work involved.
  16. To further regurgitate and expand on what others have said, just click on the hatch and then click EVA next to the Kerbal's name you want to EVA. It's always been that way in the history of EVAs. In fact, Apollo astronauts also had to click on the outside of the hatch before they could EVA.... No, seriously! Oh, Porkjet, you have to empty your mailbox a little so I can send you those DREC configs....
  17. I dont agree. The inflatable chute has WAY too much stock drag inflated and has no FAR configuration. It has 5 drag inflated. Nothing should be set that high. I have an alternate donfig I'll submit later. sorry bout double post Edit: Patch file for the inflatable. Still grants a lot of increased drag befitting an inflatable shield (which is meant to assist in aerobraking as well as thermal protection) but not to the point that it flips. So, what did I change... base maximum_drag / minimum_drag set to 0.2 base angularDrag set to 0.2 maxTemp reduced to 2600 down from 10000. So now you have to treat it like an actual heat shield and make sure your reentry angle is shallow enough. Inflation only increases drag to 1, which is still 5 times most stock drag values. inflated angularDrag has been set to 5 to offset the increased inflated drag value and make it easier to keep shield oriented. base heat shield reflection value reduced to 0.02 in order to match the value used in ModuleAnimation2Value's valueCurve DREC_inflatable.tweak.cfg @PART[6.25_Heatshield]:NEEDS[DeadlyReentry]:FINAL { @maximum_drag = 0.2 @minimum_drag = 0.2 @angularDrag = 2.0 @maxTemp = 2600 @MODULE[ModuleAnimation2Value],0 { @valueCurve { @key,0 = 0 0.2 @key,1 = 0.8 0.5 @key,2 = 1.0 1.0 } } @MODULE[ModuleAnimation2Value],1 { @valueCurve { @key,0 = 0 0.2 @key,1 = 0.8 0.5 @key,2 = 1.0 1.0 } } @MODULE[ModuleHeatShield] { @reflective = 0.02 // Make sure initial value matches uninflated value used by ModuleAnimation2Value } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimation2Value animationName = heatshield valueName = angularDrag valueCurve { key = 0 2 key = 1 5 } } }
  18. Before you go tweaking those LVN's too much, keep in mind they're already grossly underweight (setting aside for a moment the statement of one of them weighing 45 tons... not sure why that would be unless someone went and tampered with them again behind my back after all the tweaking I did to get them to RL values) People may not like that but those engines don't even account for shield mass as it is. Maybe Kerbals are immune to radiation but the projected mass of a 111.2 kN NTR is about 4.23 mt not including shielding which would be another 2.02 mt. (per engine) So let's not make these engines too light.
  19. 1. There's configs around that allow conversion of kethane into alternative propellants such as LOX. Not sure where they've got to now. Search the thread for them. If I come across any of my old kethane configs I'll post it here because I did have one once upon a time that did conversions into the more common Real Fuels available at the time. (including, I think, Methane though I might just have been using Kethane configured engines at that time. I don't remember...)
  20. Permanently even after restarting the game? That's strange. The right-click thing is kind of a stock GUI bug but I've never heard of it being perma-permanent...
  21. I am hereby also requesting what has been requested before: the ability to remove / revoke a ribbon from a Kerbal who shouldn't have received it, using the existing in-game interface for viewing/adding ribbons..
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