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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Sorry for nitpicking, but about Jool not having a surface. It actually does and you can even land on it and walk around. Not very realistic, it SHOULDN'T have a surface but it does.
  2. This has been done before. I think the Lionhead pack was the one that had a rover that uses an airbag landing system. It does work well. The key most likely is that the payload is attached by a single stack node and is completely enclosed by the airbag's shell. The airbag's collision body prevents all contact with the ground and most likely had a very high breakingForce and breakingTorque.
  3. If you take the time to read the posts on the last page (not asking you to read the whole thread) you would know that there is no public download available for this anymore. The original hosting site was Spaceport and it has been taken down and replaced by another hosting site called Curse. The mod is not available for download.
  4. I like removing the custom gimbal plugin from that engine and replacing it with a stock gimbal but retaining the 14 degree range of gimbaling. Works a lot better than mucking around with manual trim or trim toggles...
  5. Wow, really? Let's just stick those clockwork orange eyelid clamps on them while you're at it
  6. I have. I didn't really see an improvement. Don't take my word for it though, try it and judge for yourself. The lack of looping animation support killed it for me. Maybe in the future it'll be added
  7. No, you don't need to use a deliberately wobbly ship. You should use a ship that depicts something people are actually likely to send up.
  8. It can't handle looping animations so the centrifuge spins once then stops. also, @Porkjet strange, I dont think I experienced that. Might be a side effect of switching animator modules and testing an existing craft rather than launching a new test vehicle. I'll re-examine.
  9. This is a little spammy so I'll hide it with a spoiler. But this is debug information generated by Ioncross when it loads in a CO2 Scrubber. It's getting added in via AddModule() at the Main Menu. IonModuleGenerator.OnLoad() mk1pod CO2Scrubber (Filename: /Applications/buildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/MacStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53) IonModuleGenerator.OnLoad(): node MODULE { name = IonModuleGenerator isEnabled = True isActive = True lastLoaded = 1832.11999999866 generatorName = CO2Scrubber generatorGUIName = Scrubber EVENTS { ActivateButton { active = False guiActive = True guiIcon = Activate Generator guiName = Activate Scrubber category = Activate Generator guiActiveUnfocused = False unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } ShutdownButton { active = True guiActive = True guiIcon = Shutdown Generator guiName = Deactivate Scrubber category = Shutdown Generator guiActiveUnfocused = False unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } IncreaseButton { active = False guiActive = True guiIcon = Increase Output guiName = Increase Scrubber Output category = Increase Output guiActiveUnfocused = False unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } DecreaseButton { active = False guiActive = True guiIcon = Decrease Output guiName = Decrease Scrubber Output category = Decrease Output guiActiveUnfocused = False unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } } ACTIONS { ActivateAction { actionGroup = None } ShutdownAction { actionGroup = None } ToggleAction { actionGroup = None } IncreaseAction { actionGroup = None active = False } DecreaseAction { actionGroup = None active = False } } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide guiName = rateBase = 0 ratePerKerbal = 0 ratePerCapacity = -3.1558E-06 rateBaseMod = 1 ratePerKerbalMod = 1 ratePerCapacityMod = 1 resourceLow = False resourceDepleated = False effectOnEfficency = 1 cutoffMargin = 0 } }
  10. I'll have to look and see exactly where the module is being added, but definitely NO to parts of what you're saying. It needs that persistence data to know when it's been activated and deactivated. (CO2 scrubbers) and OnLoad is definitely called for it. The document you linked to mentions a few properties that can be saved with the MODULE. Do any of those say 'don't delete me!'?
  11. That said, the KSO IVA has control sticks that move as you control the ship. Just no Kerbal hands attched to them. (hmmmm TIL that Kerbals are telekinetic...)
  12. Memory related. I'd stake my Kerbal's life on it. You don't need to offer to show your error file btw. You should already have it hosted somewhere (dropbox is a good choice) and the link provided. That way, people could already be perusing it right now and you could already be getting a definitive answer. But it probably is memory related. There's only so much mod you can stuff in there before something breaks. If you haven't already, get the active texture manager: it will compress and shrink select textures and free up memory: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005
  13. You should post a picture of the build you're having trouble with if anyone's going to have a chance at helping you fix your plane. The lack of crew pictures is a known problem; it stems from not having an IVA. When the plane parts get an IVA, the pictures will show up. If you need to EVA, use the crew hatches.
  14. That's an extremely exaggerated example that doesn't depict what I described at all. I stand by what I said.
  15. And if it doesn't add mods back one at a time until it breaks.
  16. Yeah, I think that means only 5000 parts.
  17. I've noticed a problem with Module Manager recently (using 2.1.5) where if a module is changed/removed/renamed in one part, unrelated modules in other parts are being deleted. I assume by the save game fixer because it's happening at the save file level. (checked after loaded to main menu). I believe one factor is that the deleted modules are added on the fly by another module. What's odd though is that MM is deleting them when it detects that other parts have had modules altered. And it's not even trying to back them up, which is a problem given that at least one of the affected modules has persistant data on it. It never bothers that module at any other time... at all. Example: Porkjet's centrifuge1 part has MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric; <stuff>; } mk1pod has several Ioncross modules: IonModuleGenerator and IonModuleCollectorAtmosphere (added dynamically, not explicitly by any config) I rename ModuleAnimateGeneric to FSanimateGeneric on centrifuge1 When I run the game, mk1pod (all of them, everywhere and probably other parts too...) is stripped of its Ioncross modules in the save file. What's ironic here is that the CO2 scrubber on this mod has historically tended to reset to an inactive state, which I fixed when I branched that mod off. This issue has reintroduced that problem So, a few things I think are at issue here are: #1 Module alterations on part 1 shouldn't be affecting part 2 when they have absolutely nothing in common. #2 Even if there are legitimate reasons why those modules might have to be removed at some point, there should be some way of either making them immune to deletion or forcing them to be backed up since they might have persistant data. Here's a link to an archive that contains save files (normal save file and afflicted save file), player.log, the affected mk1pod part extracted from the save. (before and after) https://www.dropbox.com/s/b3zbkeavm40j58h/MM-troubleshooting.zip
  18. Thanks JDP! Hope things are well with you.
  19. Done. Sort of. Solution is to use the Firespitter animator. That seems to fix the problem of multiple animation states conflicting. However, the habitat restrictor starts throwing null errors if the inflation animation is not using the stock animator. So I tried using FSAnimateGeneric for the spin animation only and that seems to work. code sample for how I reworked the animation modules: MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = deploy startEventGUIName = Deploy endEventGUIName = Retract } MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric //name = ModuleAnimator animationName = rotation startEventGUIName = Spin endEventGUIName = Reverse }
  20. Bug report: This kills repeating animations. Maybe because it's being killed in LateUpdate? Or perhaps a wrapMode issue? (example: Porkjet's inflatable centrifuge has a spinning animation. Once it starts it's supposed to be continuous)
  21. I think that's probably good enough to blanket cover everyone but it would be nice if he posted it publicly to avoid problems later down the road. Same, something public please.
  22. Edit the Kosmos fairing config files to change the dependency. Leave notification in the Kosmos forum thread notifying them that there's a dependency issue. Either the part config files should be changed or a set of Module Manager configs released with conditionals that check for the new version of PF and that then makes changes accordingly. (I must necessarily be terse right now and can't elaborate further but will provide more information later if this is too confusing. But I'm pretty sur that it can be done; there's nothing insurmountable happening here that will stop you from using Kosmos with the very latest PF right now with just a little bit of config editing)
  23. There is a mod out there that does exactly that. You can do full time warping while things like ion engines are in operation. I forget the name but I think Honeyfox made it?
  24. All of this is probably a good argument for choosing an existing licensing model such as Creative Commons, or others. When non-lawyers try to phrase their own license, confusion abounds. As to the question of this mod and its license, be careful about doing anything that could be interepreted by Squad or their agents as opening Squad up to liability.
  25. They do nothing. Or more precisely they are being recalculated by the AFG code every frame as of KSP 0.23. they should probably get deprecated unless Squad ever reverts that code.
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