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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Those engine stats are way overpowered especially for stock propellants. 250 EC per second is also too high. Thats a God engine.
  2. No, rfihub is only one of may places he's being redirected to. There's malware on his computer. Probably 'rich media', but the name changes frequently as a means of disguising the malware from attempts to root it out. I had it on my PC a few months back and there were 5 different incarnations on my PC with similar sounding names. ('rich media player', 'x player', 'y media', etc etc) It's also possible his hosts file has been contaminated. Here's a website that might help http://malwaretips.com/blogs/rich-media-view-virus/
  3. Woah really? I didn't know that.... That kicks butt because although I was ready to accept the inline arrangement, side by side Kerbals is much better for that cockpit. Any chance we could turn it into a 4 Kerbal cockpit?
  4. Oh, hell yeah! Very simple, nothing fancy but very cool looking. I like.
  5. Bulk copying from the Keramzit folder will do more harm than good and any time you think you need to do that, stop and look for an alternate solution. The new version of PF contains all the old parts. Now, that picture you posted says LOCKED or invalid parts. Locked means either not researched or researched but not not unlocked. Unlocking is not usually necessary but sometimes you have to go back to the research center and select the part there and unlock it. It is different from just researching and it happens if a part was not present in a category when that category was researched. At this point you should delete your ProceduralFairings folder. Delete Keramzit folder if it still exists. Delete anything from that folder if any part of it exists anywhere in the GameData folder Then reinstall the latest version of PF. Resist any temptation to copy anything from Keramzit. Don't tamper with it further. Load the game up and look for items to unlock in the research center.
  6. Actually, output_log.txt is the one you wanted. Never send ksp.log as it's pretty worthless for troubleshooting. Output_log.txt has the same messages plus errors with the function names they occurred in plus the functions those functions were called from.
  7. IVAs are a requirement for having the profile pictures. That's how KSP knows to add them apparently. IVAs are coming; Porkjet recently posted WIP cockpit pictures
  8. What about parachute spread? Will chutes push each other away so as not to overlap?
  9. If you're still having trouble, try this: @PART [*]:HAS[~breakingForce[]]:FINAL { breakingForce = 200 } @PART [*]:HAS[~breakingTorque[]]:FINAL { breakingTorque = 200 }
  10. Interesting. It never occurred to me that there wasn't room for the pilot and copilot to sit side by side with reasonable access to the viewports for both of them. D'oh! Seems like there's a bit of wasted space to either side of the copilot. Any plans for that space?
  11. That's troubling. I count three mods then that distribute the same dll in their own distribution folder. Two of which I use and the third that I'll most likely use if I get my computer issues sorted. And if any one of them is out of date it can cause issues with other mods? This is the sort of problem I feared when Module Manager was threatening to move to a system that required a separate dll in every mod's folder. How many other mods use it?
  12. That was pretty stupid... (letting me design anything I mean. Or pilot anything...)
  13. It should have told you there was an error in one of your scripts but it doesn't log any exceptions. It just fails that script and moves to the next.
  14. Well the way to go is to turn this from speculation to emperical evidence. Convert those textures into mbm and re-test. remove old texutures first. Unity editor can do that but I don't know how other than to export them with some object. I dont know of a mass converter....
  15. Not sure what you mean about the feedlines but that doesn't sound good. I'll have to wait and see when I look at your craft but it sounds like you're doing something strange. upside down decouplers? You flipped it upside down? That's also a no-no. Your controlled from part has to be in the next stage. If the decoupler is upside down then that means you're detaching your upper stage and not being in control of it. Unless I'm horribly misunderstanding what you mean. Finally, this error: MechJeb module MechJebModuleStagingController threw an exception in OnUpdate: System.StackOverflowException: The requested operation caused a stack overflow. at Part.FindPartThroughNodes (.Part tgtPart, .Part src) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 ^^^^This line repeats continuously^^^^
  16. I've done it in sandbox. I haven't played RSS in career mode very much in general though with or without RO. Primarily I use stretchy tanks a lot. Without RO I find a shortage of engines for very large rockets so I use lots and lots of rocket motors. Stock sizes are doable for small to medium payloads. I probably also have a lot of custom tweaks in my tweaks folder that I've forgotten about that compensate too....
  17. THAT'S Why it didn't load faster. I didn't raise my voice at it.
  18. yes but I didnt get to peruse it in depth.
  19. Not about the volume (not familiar with the pack) but all caps mod/dll names? Did Module Manager suddenly become case insensitive? I guess that would be a good thing for file/folder names but I'm not aware of that having been done...
  20. Other engines aren't putting out as much heat. You didn't say what other mods you might have, so let's just look at stock values. The LVN has a thrust of 60 and heat production of 600 LV-909 has a thrust of 50 and heat production of 300 'Poodle' has a thrust of 220 but 300 heat production 'Mainsail' has a thrust of 1500 but only 400 heat production That's just a sampling to give you an idea of what engines do what. The nuclear engine puts out A LOT of heat. Too much IMO. Try this: Make a config file named LVN_heat_tweak.cfg (name doesnt matter; name it what you want) Edit it and paste the code below into it. Drop it somewhere in your GameData folder (or do what I do and make a Tweaks folder in your GameData and then drop this in there) I'm just guessing at the heatProduction; I think 300 is probably good enough. That's about what other engines are and it's also what Real Fuels sets it to for that engine. Really there's no reason for an NTR to put out any more heat than a chemically fueled rocket when it's in operation. (talking about the solid core rockets like NERVA or Pewee) @PART[nuclearEngine]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @heatProduction = 300 } }
  21. Sure. Just check every crew and if their name is Jebediah Kerman add the module dynamically with the appropriate unlocks. has to be in the plugin, cant be a config.
  22. that's what decals are for. name area would be blanked with another quad over that area that has the (much smaller) name texture. it's not rocket science. (sorry... I couldnt resist... game about rockets... and... )
  23. Clearly there are definitional issues between us as to what constitutes 'a hack'. Neither Softweir nor I said there was any sort of tampering with of the code, or any code insertion. In fact that aspect of hacking is relatively 'new' if you can think of 2-3 decades as new. If you can't accept that, fine, no problem. I will accept your definition of hacking even though I consider it unnecessarily restrictive. Now then. You came here because you think there's a problem between PF's plugin and the '64-bit-KSP-that-is-totally-not-a-hack'. If it can be argued that a mod's plugin could have compatibility issues with '64-bit-KSP-that-is-totally-not-a-hack' is it really unreasonable to consider the possibility that the fault could actually lie wifh KSP's own dlls? Which were not meant to run with the 64 bit player and are not currently supported to do so by Squad? They were! Are? I think they are part of the Lionhead probe pack.
  24. I'm referring to Assembly-CSharp.dll and yes, it does contain game code. Have you done any plugin coding for this game at all? That file is where the PartModule modules are actually implemented. It's where KSP specific physics (orbital, planetary, etc) are implemented. There's also Assembly-CSharp-firstpass which is KSP, non-game utilities.
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