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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. I don't remember anything like that being done to the KSO FAR configs... wouldn't that have broken craft files? Also why isn't the left wing affected? (or was it the right wing; I forget. I was playing around with FAR below and one wing had lift and the other didn't)
  2. Press F3 when that happens. See what the message is about the failure and take a screenshot of that. Show us here. (could be DREC but you successfully lifted off and are approaching for landing and it happened?) And no FAR... hmmm.
  3. You mean as in stock? I'd think other people would have reported that given how many people use it and for how long they've been using it. You should post screenshots of the craft, and go over how you installed. List other mods you have installed (one of them could be responsible) and Maybe post your output_log.txt file
  4. Module Manager doesn't do things like that. You could have saved yourself some trouble (things you INSTALL with Module Manager might do that though...)
  5. I just grabbed your FAR config from a few pages back. What's the deal with the wing nodes exactly? I think you'd said something about the lift but I'm not sure i understand how moving the nodes and model position around fixes that.
  6. Is it supposed to be able to fly? The shuttle was a brick. It didn't fly; it fell with style. (to paraphrase Toy Story)
  7. both of those answers aside, Kit, if your Kerbals are dying from decelleration trauma then your reentry may be too steep. Make it more shallow. you'll spend more time decellerating in the upper atmosphere where it's easier and less traumatic
  8. short explanation edit your save file. find that docking port (s) and set its state to Ready long answer, if you cant figure out how to do that I'll find the thread that tells you how to fix your ports but I'm on an ipad as I wait for reentry while I test the KSO25 and my heat shield config with RSS/FAR Edit: and yes, its a known stock problem. more likely to occur with space station structures where you have lots of docking and undocking happening.
  9. I've made such an adapter but it doesnt blend smoothly from one to the other and as I no longer have a computer for decent modeling work I cant continue work on it.
  10. Uh huh.... and.... what does FAR have to say about it? (or was FAR given any say in the matter?)
  11. Though, if a person really wanted some sort of adapter for those parts.... isnt there some suitable stock pieces?
  12. There was a time at which there was an unshielded wing but I thought I fixed that before sending it off to you. I'll send you another.
  13. If you check your EFT temperature just prior to separation, I think you'll find that it's already pretty hot. The cause of the heating is that you've gone supersonic and if your altitude is too low then your temperature can be quite substantial. You need to either modify your flight profile so that you've got more altitude by the time you jettison boosters. More altitude means thinner air and lower temperatures. Or, throttle down so that you're not going so fast until you get higher up. Also, DREC lowers part temperatures for a lot of parts, especially if their max temps were above a certain threshold..
  14. Translation: He had too much stuff plugged into the outlet
  15. Which can be opened up, revealing snacks alongside the samples in spite of the warning!!!
  16. Just speaking for myself, I put things like that in my MyTweaks folder. I keep backups of that and it's one of the first things into a new install.
  17. Wow. I don't care if you intend that for the ground or not. Ima putting that sucker into SPACE. Space bus! LKO to Mun Base crew rotation!
  18. Also, some clarification on when you'd use one over the other. If you think a mod is going to do config modification and you need to get there first, use :BEFORE. If you think a mod is going to do config modification and you want to modify the modification, use :AFTER.
  19. That's because it cycles through every vessel every frame checking for life support conditions. Utilizing every CPU core available. He'd been talking about optimizing that but he's had RL problems that are more pressing than game problems. Hope things are well with him and his. Do you also have Real Fuels or Modular Fuels? The support gantries have 'pumps' builtin that refill depleted resources. CO2 TANK needs to be flagged for refillable = false There is no CO2 tank in Real Fuels so it must be in the ECLSS mod itself and I dont have it installed to look right now Edit: Ooops, totally wrong. I found a RF config. Try this: Make a file named ECLSS_CO2_TANK_patch.cfg Edit it and paste the following code into it and then save (oops, this is not the final version. Another edit coming soon) edit #3?4? Let's simplify this. The current code below will cycle through EVERY tank that has CO2 and set it to be unfillable. That shouldn't be a problem unless you install a mod that uses a resource named CO2 that you will actually need in your tanks. (final edit: make sure you have Module Manager 2.1.5) @TANK_DEFINITION [*] { @TANK[CO2] { %fillable = false } }
  20. Does it show up in the IVA pictures too? Because I'm looking at a screenshot of the KSO25 and in the crew pictures in lower right, I see one Kerbal to a seat. I'll go internal and look more closely next time I have the game loaded up, but pretty sure I'd have noticed such a thing. Maybe you just have hitchhikers. KSO25 is a novel new toy for the Kerbals, who wouldn't want to cram in so they can watch Jeb take it through its paces? Suggestions on your config: don't use :FOR, use :BEFORE or :AFTER Only the FAR mod itself should use :FOR
  21. you might want to turn off aerodynamic failures. Although, like others, I have to insist on some pictures. You also don't even say what the failure is, so I am forced to presume that you're having structural failures. And you know what they say about presuming. When you presume, you make a pres out of u and me.
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