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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. If it does turn out to be relevant, maybe adding the module to the prefab instead of the part might be a solution. if that's possible
  2. Not just fields, the entire module. and only if something changed (module order change or removal/addition) and triggers the save game fixer. since modules added with addmodule are technically dynamic, save fixer does not preserve them. they are deleted, forcing the mod to re-add them with default values. there was some discussion on this earlier, a few pages back. that behavior is not changing anytime soon so I was forced add my modules via config. (it was for Ioncross life support mod)
  3. That's not really an error. Everyone has those if they use a mod that adds PartModules in code via AddModule() Edit: wow, quotation fail fails... not sure how that got munged Edit 2: further info. It definitely does not stop it from loading, and even modules added that way function fine between game loads with persistence if they had persistent variables. (aside from MM save fixer occasionally deleting them which it needs to stop doing!!!! but that's another story)
  4. Look in DREC's folder for a config file that says custom in its name (I forget the exact name) then delete it. If it doesnt exist or you still have problems, you might not have it installed properly. also, dont try post your actual output_log.txt, put it up for download. somewhere like dropbox.
  5. That only works if Ferram is using :FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] to schedule his configs like a good little modder. And I dont know if it matters since you dont say what the nature of the conflict is, but he adds some modules via AddModule. Though I'm skeptical that any of the things he adds that way OR changes in his config would cause AGE problems...
  6. No, that sounds horribly wrong... I think they take some oxygen with them on EVA. But clearly they're being a bit gluttonous with the oxygen. Maybe they panic when they run out of snacks and start hyperventilating. (jk) I'll go over the code Edit: Until I find the cause, go into IonCrossBase.cfg and look for the lines below and change them to 0 for each line evaAmount = 1 evaMaxAmount = 1
  7. I dont know why but I dont think thats reported accurately
  8. I think they're needed but I dont have a good solution for getting one on there.
  9. I never did finish reading this one. DUnno why. (Tintin was in one of the books my sister had a subscription to. I don't think I read anything else out of that book so I don't even remember what it was)
  10. Can't right now; don't have it installed on this computer. I'll see if can do that later. But if it helps, basically you'd orient your camera view so that when you bring the part into contact, your mouse cursor will be between truss beams. You might have to tweak camera view a few time. Might also work if you're doing it from the outside but looking out the open side. If the mouse cursor touches something right before you get there, reposition camera and try again.
  11. Better check the date. I'd stick with the latest..mwhich would be from the firespitter thread
  12. At the time that you see that report, Module Manager has already finished doing what it's going to do. (or shortly after you see the message) Pretty much everything you see after is Squad loading textures and audio from disk and compiling the parts that have already been loaded and have already been operated on by Module Manager. (additionally, anything Module Manager has done to a part does not affect its compilation time) Then there's other Mods that might load such as Active Texture Management which I find takes a while regardless of whether it has any uncached textures to deal with. Especially for those of us on notebooks, such as you have. Edit: Slight correction: ATM does its work just after ModuleManager does, and looks like it finishes up before the message about how many configs MM has processed
  13. Why is it that you cant be bothered to read the very message in front of yours???? It has a functioning link to Kosmos. Nobody expects you to read every post here but before you posted it was the very last post. at least try to help yourself please.
  14. I like using the KSO tail rudder as canards. Looks sexy on the Mk2 pit. (KSO not KSO 25)
  15. all that means is there's such a thing as too shallow. I go shallow all the time and arrive alive.
  16. Re: burning up. Coming in too steep maybe. do as much braking as possible in the upper atmosphere re: thrust Your thrust problem didnt come from RF. Unless you mean in combo with KID, which I dont use... but it never sounded to me like something that should be used in combo with RF...
  17. Apparently I derped out and only just now saw that he can't get anything but the current orientation. So that sucks.
  18. I'm only seeing 4kb of file there. It's not complete, doesn't even go far enough to get to the error you mentioned.
  19. It really would be best to provide the entire log file. You could put it in a dropbox or other download service. (if you don't have a dropbox, you should) It makes it easier for troubleshooters to locate specific bits of information so they don't have to come back with questions such as, where is it installed and how do you launch it? As in, do you click on the executable itself or via a shortcut? If by shortcut, that could confuse KSP as to the location it's actually running from. Also, if it's in Program Files or Program Files (x86) then you should move it out of there to a different folder, like D:\Games\KSP or some such. Edit: On the subject of shortcuts, if you are using one to launch the game, edit your shortcut and make sure the that the start location and target / open in locations match
  20. I think he's talking about the FLAT. 'gears' (sic) He probably means that landing legs arrangement meant for the FLAT.
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