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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Thank you for telling me that but I have zero intention of setting up an alternate. Farewell to you.
  2. Use them, don't use them. Noodles, don't noodles.
  3. I landed with my real chutes fully deployed and max physwarp just yesterday, and I only heard a few whippoorwills.....
  4. That seems a bit bizarre to not be able to get anything to orbit. What exactly are you trying to launch? Unless it's something excessively massive or over engineered. And there's also such a thing as too many struts. (yes, I know that sounds sacrilegious but it's true) Try simplifying your current designs and do away with the struts. Use small amounts of them strategically.
  5. minimum drag is unused by the stock drag system that we're used to. You should probably NOT mess with max drag. The current config for the inflatable sets it to 5 when fully inflatable. That's 25 times the drag coefficient for most stock parts and already tends to cause reentry vehicles with that shield to flip, in addition to being an unrealistic amount of drag. If anything you should be looking to decrease that. I suggest this patch: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54954-0-23-5-Deadly-Reentry-Continued-v4-7-5-5-14?p=1225945&viewfull=1#post1225945 Edit: To elaborate a bit more, maximum drag is a drag coefficient and equivalent to cD in the classic drag formula D = Cd * A * .5 * r * V^2 except that Squad cheated on the surface area and substituted that with part mass. But basically, that's what maximum drag is there
  6. tri-hexagon strut... somethingorother. It's not around anymore. It went down with Spaceport. It had no license permitting its redistribution. Edit: Oops that's not the solar panels though.... I think that's Kosmos...? which is still available if you can find the Kosmos forum threads... sorry, time to use the search function
  7. structural reinforcement carries extra mass. that's true in real life and parts in KSP are no different. I cant say for sure how much of the fuselage can carry fuel but it's not 100% of its volume. Even that tank you're stuffing in there does not utilize 100% of its own volume. the extra mass of plane parts is generally reflected in their higher crash ratings and breakingForce ratings. That's true for stock plane parts and every well balanced plane parts pack that's come along. Edit: Re:stack overflows Not a SP+ issue. most of the stack overflows I've experienced in this game were plugin related. the output_log.txt file should give a hint as to where the trouble is by revealing the last operation.. it'll probably reveal a loop that it got stuck in that caused the overflow. not a memory issue exactly so ATM wont help. there's just limited room on the stack and if things keep being PUSHed onto it and not getting POPped off then... overflow.
  8. he said a serious spaceplane mission. FYI, the space shuttle carried over 20 metric tons of propellant shared by both its OMS and RCS motors. And I'm not even clear if that was ALL of it. (RCS had its own propellant not shared by OMS but the OMS could be shared by both) Edit: this is what MFT is good for. No need for separate Monoprop tanks.
  9. I have actually, what I think that is is just placeholder stuff copied out of the small KSO (KSO... what? Junior? Chibi?)
  10. I'm working on some alternate configs and I'll take a look at the shielded status of the rudder. It might just be that its center is too high up and it's canted out too far to the side to be considered as shielded at a10 degree pitch up. not sure how FAR affects things other than your ability to pitch up. the KSO25 doesnt have FAR configs yet so maybe thats part of it too...
  11. Ignore those. They are safe. Most modules are assigned to a part in a cfg file, (even a Module Manager file) sometimes though, they are added by a plugin. In its code with a function named AddModule() That means there are an excess of modules to what was defined, and it triggers code that looks for modules that werent configured in a file. The numbering may seem odd sometimes because the first module is #0, and not #1.
  12. Testing it now and making sure everything got shielding. It's also MM 2.1.5 compatible meaning its configs execute during a dedicated KSO pass. Also, if Real Solar Systems is installed, shields get a buff.
  13. Yeah, I've lost parts to structural failure on very steep high-G reentries. Frankly with all the groaning and moaning and sounds of metal tearing and rending, I was surprised to only lose an RTG. Fortunately I'd built it with a backup. Personally I feel that just relying on the part's crash tolerance and a simple multiplier are not enough. It should also be based on mass. . The Genesis sample return probe had G forces in excess of 30G. If you tried to do that with something more massive and complex it would crumple. There's no way in DREC to achieve similar results unless you globally set the multiplier for everything. I did have some simple code floating around that did away with the multiplier and instead based it on mass. And it worked well in that small simple probes could withstand really high Gs. Large stuff would fail and Kerbals, of course would require a sponge and a bucket.
  14. @Helldiver/Nazari kso25_dre.cfg has some errors in it: The left/right gear does not reference the correct part name so these parts have no heat shielding. I also suggest that you move from an ablative configuration to reflective only, which would mean no ablative material. (and correspondingly more payload mass) I'm already working on a patch for myself so it would be little trouble for me to adapt that to a replacement kso25_dre.cfg if you'd like.
  15. Latest builds have some serious issues when trying to orient to nodes/targets (as when using SmartASS) Even when using 'stock SAS' in attitude settings. Latest build from the 24th (#262 I think?)
  16. That sounds like you deleted your entire MJ folder. Don't do that. Only drop in the updated MechJeb2.dll file on top of the old one.
  17. Yes, in the settings menu. When KAC is open, there's a button that looks like little tools. Click it.
  18. That's being fixed. NavyFish posted today that he'll update soon.
  19. With animated extending dish antenna!!!!
  20. node size won't affect positioning of the part snapping to it.
  21. Yes it does. KSO comes with one for each shuttle in a folder named FX. I knew the smaller shuttle had one and it seemed odd that KSO25 would not and there it is. I couldn't check until just now because I've had a hectic day. That said, I'm going to make a proper set of configs for my own use and I'll make it available for others. (proper in that it does not use ablative shielding which adds unnecessary mass that will reduce your payload capacity by that much)
  22. See? RL should be outlawed. Whose bright idea was that anyway?
  23. if this mod is available anywhere then it is in violation of its license. If you think you can create one like it then I think it would be a good idea for you to try it.
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