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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Hi NavyFish, I'd like to suggest a code change for calculateGaugeData() The original code is commented out. The main change is that instead of looking at the transform directly, it's calling GetTransform() on docking port module which returns the transform for the node. No more need for it to do a check for squad's lateral shielded port and it will work with any future docking port mods, even ones with multiple docking nodes per part. Specifically Porkjet's FLAT habitat which has three different docking ports on a single part pointing in three different directions. I've tested this on that part and the stock ports to make sure that it works and it does. One thing: I might have got the direction wrong... I thought it should be + for both but had to set it to -targetTransform.up.normalized for the roll, so I'm not sure the forward vector is actually correct. Still seems to work but... caveat. [FONT=Menlo][COLOR=#3363a4]Transform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]selfTransform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]FlightGlobals[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]ActiveVessel[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]ReferenceTransform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]ModuleDockingNode[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetPort[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]FlightGlobals[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]fetch[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]VesselTarget[/COLOR][COLOR=#009695]as[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]ModuleDockingNode[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#999988][I]//[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#999988][I]Transform[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#999988][I]targetTransform[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#999988][I] = [/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#999988][I]targetPort[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#999988][I].[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#999988][I]transform[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#999988][I];[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=#3363a4]Transform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetTransform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetPort[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]GetTransform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] ();[/COLOR] [COLOR=#3363a4]Vector3[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetPortOutVector[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#3363a4]Vector3[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetPortRollReferenceVector[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]targetPortOutVector[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetTransform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]forward[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]normalized[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]targetPortRollReferenceVector[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = -[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetTransform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]up[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]normalized[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#999988][I]/*[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=#009695]if[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] ([/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetPort[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]part[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]name[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] == [/COLOR][COLOR=#f57c00]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#f57c00]dockingPortLateral[/COLOR][COLOR=#f57c00]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444])[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444] {[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]targetPortOutVector[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = -[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetTransform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]forward[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]normalized[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]targetPortRollReferenceVector[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = -[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetTransform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]up[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444] }[/COLOR] [COLOR=#009695]else[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444] {[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]targetPortOutVector[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetTransform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]up[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]normalized[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]targetPortRollReferenceVector[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444] = [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]targetTransform[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444].[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]forward[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444];[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444] }[/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444] */[/COLOR] [/FONT]
  2. Ok, it's like this. DREC doesn't affect how Real Chute works at all. Its sole interaction with Real Chute is that it checks to see if any parachutes are deployed and if they are then it treats them as unshielded no matter what other parts might be shielding them and they can burn up. (reflects the chutes themselves being subject to hot reentry gasses). But DREC does not cause any acceleration whatsoever. Real Chute doesn't affect how FAR works nor is it affected by it (except to the extent that the ship itself is affected by FAR). RC works by applying deceleration forces directly and does not interact with either FAR's drag model or even the stock drag model. It independently calculates drag for its parachute parts and applies those forces to the part.
  3. You don't have to change anything for RSS unless you want to tone it down.
  4. not even sure what that's supposed to mean... what sort of 'calibration' do you think would be relevent or required? also keep in mind what you're experiencing is limited. Not even to a handful of people, but right now only one. If this were an issue with DREC or FAR (which doesnt actually interact with Real Chutes) other people would be reporting it enmasse.
  5. Isnt it just a config node? Make a tweak config for it and make sure it uses uses :FINAL And yeah, dat huge monolithic texture file....
  6. Complain to Squad and ask for the ability to rename the GUI for those modules via config.
  7. You don't want to and should not edit another mod's files, even if you could. You can edit its config nodes which is what MM is for in the first place. You would likely want to use the AFTER or FINAL directives to ensure that your changes happen last. AFTER assumes the other mod is making use of MM 2.1.5 ordering
  8. If you mean where it says something like 'unable to load module 5 it only has X modules defined' ignore that. If you search your own logs I guarantee you'll find that too. Everyone has that unless they run unmodded maybe. Those are modules added on the fly for which no config node exists (in cfg or via module manager).
  9. Does Vanguard have pods that let them survive DREC reentry?
  10. Ok, (re-replying) I've done a lot of poking at this (mainly because I helped Porkjet with some of the docking transforms on the FLAT originally) and I've found that yes, it is missing some of its transforms as I said earlier, but that's not why Docking Port Alignment is having problems. The problem is with Docking Port Alignment itself and not the FLAT part or the SP+ docking port. Specifically the problem is that DPA is looking specifically at the part's transform directly, instead of calling GetTransform() on the target. That's a problem for parts with off-axis docking ports, or worse, multiple docking ports. (DPA is hard coded to look for the single stock off-axis port and compensate btw). I'd report this in the DPA thread if anyone is still maintaining it. They can look at the MechJeb code for an example of the correct way to handle parts like this.
  11. That means they heated it up past its max temperature rating. KSO parts' maxTemp ratings are pretty high unless you're using Deadly Reentry. Then their max temp is reduced, and you might be experiencing heating of the hull when it goes supersonic. If that's the case then the sepratrons might be just enough to push it over the edge. Do you think that might be what's happening?
  12. Sounds like an RPM thing with the camera. If it confuses you just ignore it.. Close the GUI and leave it alone. When or if you're ready to do anything with it, it'll be there still.
  13. Which logs? Did you check output_log.txt? (or player.log for Mac/Linux) For convenience: To find your log file: Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log NOT ksp.log file. Especially not ever.
  14. Relocated source to Github: https://github.com/Starwaster/Reflection-Plugin-Continued Use that for reporting issues or even submitting code.
  15. Minor update: support for Tweak Scale and Connected Living Space. For now, this is in the form of Module Manager configs in the mod's folder. No new parts in this update as I'm currently stuck on an old Macbook with no 3D modeling on it and KSP runs lousy on it so it's hard to test things. (planned are new versions of the existing hubs but with 2.5m vertical cores; as soon as I have a PC to work on)
  16. You've been given some. good information as answers but I'd like to expand on RedAV8R's answer just a bit. You cant know what a tank's capacity is by mass alone, you HAVE to know both volume and density for exactly the reasons you cited, especially with mods like Modular Fuels. How can a tank's maximum capacity be described using mass alone when that same tank can be configured for liquid water, liquid (H2, O2, CH4, etc), compressed/non-compressed gaseous (O2, CO2, etc)? And sometimes you have to start with volume because you're looking at some parts pack storage tank and you have to work out its storage by starting with its physical dimensions and you end up with volume. Then let the game code (both stock and modded) worry about mass when and where it needs to. (and in the case of Modular Fuels, both volume and mass are reported to you)
  17. That's kind of iffy and it depends on how steep you're coming in. It's not an ablative shield and it uses the standard 25% reflection value that stock DREC reflection only shields use. Ablative shields that are RSS compatible do so by increasing the peak dissipation cap. I havent seen any any reflector only shields that increase reflection so I did not touch them in that config. However, I have survived RSS reentries with them but that's usually with FAR where you can use lift to stay in the upper regions longer and decellerate more before coming in. If you find that its not enough, increase reflection but not too much. Maybe to 30%-35%
  18. I've found that they actually DO fire but then MJ is shutting the off again before you can see the puff. It seems to happen when undocking so save and restore. Or exit to spaceport then back to ship. Also, you rapidly press the key over and over when translating, it will move even if you dont see the puffs.
  19. Lots wrong here. !HAS is not valid. You're also joining your conditionals wrong. Try :HAS[@CONDITION1[Value1],!CONDITION2[Value2]] Also you can't / should not use CrewCapacity that way It would have to be something like CrewCapacity[1]] which means very literally 'if CrewCapacity == 1' So that means that you have to check for CrewCapacity to be equal to a very specific value. Look for output_log.txt file (or player.log if on Mac or Linux) Not ksp.log as that is useless. Search that log file for the name of the text file containing your config, minus the extension. So if your config file is named 'my_very_long_config.cfg' then search for my_very_long_config and it will say stuff like: Applying node ConnectedLivingSpace/Plugins/CLSPorkworks/@PART[orbitalorb]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleConnectedLivingSpace]] to HabitatPack/Parts/orbitalorb/part/orbitalorb (except it would be my_very_long_config/@PART instead of CLSPorkworks/@PART) To find your log file: Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log NOT ksp.log file. Especially not ever.
  20. Looks good, I'll probably do that, and the TweakScale config too. (unless I already did that... creeping senility...)
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