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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Your tank definition definitely seems odd to me. However I'm not up to date on the very latest version so maybe it's actually legit, but what's got me scratching my head here is you only have ModuleFuelTanks set up for 160 for the resupply module But you're assigning many times that much in actual resources by volume. That's valid for the resources that have utilization of more than 1, but a lot of the resources in the part are not present in the TANK_DEFINITION and I'm wondering how the MFT code actually reacts when it runs into that.... Edit: I see, MFT now differentiates between MFT managed volume and non-managed volume... Resources not managed by MFT are not automatically deleted (note that switching tank types may delete them anyway: UAYOR) I have and I have concerns regarding KSP' 32 bit components. I'm told (essentially) that by using the Unity player 64 bit client that it's not an issue because (they believe) the dlls are not actually 32 bit, which AFAIK is not correct. In any event, I can't test it right now because the only machine I have really is not playing well with KSP to begin with. I hope to change that in the near future
  2. Banned for not knowing how to get the link to that gif.
  3. is it career mode or sandbox? i know diameter is limited by tech. is length also?
  4. Probably consolidating multiple textures onto one sheet.
  5. even if thats correct about ksp.exe there are two dlls that contain KSP code, the game code and modules. they are 32 bit. unless there are 64 bit versions you have access to?
  6. Considering that it involves forcing the 32 bit KSP.exe executable (and two 32 bit dlls) to run with the 64 bit Unity player... which wasn't intended and isn't supported, yeah I'd call that a hack. Don't forget that just because you're using the 64 bit Unity player doesn't mean that the KSP side of things is suddenly 64 bit. That discrepancy hasn't been and probably can't be addressed with the tools available to the modding community. It requires access to the KSP source code and recompilation into 64 bit versions. (to say nothing of any required code edits beforehand)
  7. I doubt it shows any such thing. It shows authors who aren't updating their own threads when changing circumstances affect their mods. It can't have demonstrated any stance towards Curse one way or the other or you wouldn't have been in the dark until now. And I doubt the actual number of authors involved is 'tons'; a fairly nebulous term that means.... nothing. For myself I find that the mods that I use are divided into several categories: Those who used Spaceport to distribute and who switched to Curse either in advance of or after the shutdown of Spaceport Those who used Spaceport and refuse to migrate to Curse. Instead they use an alternate distribution method. Those who used Spaceport and refuse to migrate to Curse. They took their ball and went home. (i.e. their mods are no longer available. PERIOD) Those who used Spaceport to distribute but who abandoned their mods months ago and either are in the dark as to its status or simply no longer care about their mods. Those who never used Spaceport to distribute and for whom the shutdown of Spaceport has affected their distribution channel not at all. (the current status of their mod's availability is not linked to the fall of Spaceport) Most of the mods I use or keep abreast of fall into category 1 or 2. (most into 1) I only know of one confirmed author who falls into category 3. POSSIBLY two, but the second possibly is a category 2 and hasn't decided on a distribution method yet. I don't know how many fall into category 4 but it seems like quite a lot of them. People lose interest in the game as a whole or fell victim to real life considerations that sucked up their time. (finals, graduation, moving, new job, no job, etc) And quite a few are category 5. Maybe their mods were small and not deemed large enough to want to host on something like Spaceport in the first place. Dropbox, Github or Mediafire and the like. A lot of the mods I use fall into this category like DREC or RSS or FAR. Bottom line though is that unless an author has openly stated his stance towards Curse (or the move in general) you really can't infer lack of support based on them not uploading to Curse and updating the download link. Given that you've been clicking on outdated links you would think those 'tons' of authors would have openly stated in their threads why those update links no longer went somewhere useful. And yet here you sit in the dark dependent on us to explain to you why the links no longer work. Sounds to me like 'tons' of authors are just category 4.
  8. Thanks for that! Very useful looking. Be interesting to see how the component shuttle stacks up under FAR
  9. ^^^THIS^^^ Should have already been in the pipeline as soon as you knew you were taking the server down and ready to implement when you pulled the plug.
  10. (reply deleted) Oops scratch that, I got confused about what thread I was viewing. No idea if this is coming back or why it's gone.
  11. And it means your engine thrust is off balance and your plane wants to rotate in that direction.
  12. If I click on a Curse link to a mod on this forum I am taken to the mod's curse page. If I go to the Curse mod listing and click on a link there for a mod I am taken to the mod's curse page. Perhaps in the past you clicked on a kerbalspaceprogram.com link post-shutdown, which used to cause a redirect to curse's Kerbal landing page. That's the only reason why I can think that you would think Curse is that broken. Either that or you're trolling and I don't think you're trolling. Just confused. Let's try a Curse link now:http://kerbal.curseforge.com/parts/220639-gingercorp-stock-alike-station-hubs
  13. I use a B9 S2 wide bodied cargo bay. The B9 pack has two adapters that when combined will bridge the gap between S2 and Mk2 parts. (I'm also working on an adapter that goes direct from S2 to Mk2 but I don't have a texture for it)
  14. I'm not aware that they changed anything like career mode defaults, like whether tech was required for a given MJ unlock but it sounds like that might have happened.
  15. Yes. The IVA files are config nodes just like any other that we've always been manipulating with MM...
  16. that would definitely work in sandbox mode. might not in career mode. that config that Obsessedwithksp posted is careermode compatible
  17. they're designed that way so they will attach side by side in the SPH. They work as intended there. If they were 'fixed they wouldnt attach to each other properly.
  18. 25MB is probably due to non-stop errors in the log. It's high under normal circumstances, yes, but if this is happening when he's trying to opena menu then it's happening continuously.... it'll fill up fast.
  19. You forgot the part about installing a Real Chutes drag chute with automagical deployment on ground contact.
  20. That sounds like either PJ didn't give it its own control transform or he did but didn't assign it in the docking module
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