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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Oh my god NO. Gawddamit It means something related to conductivity is NaN (Not a Number) which as you can imagine really messes math operations up. The analytic stuff; don't worry about that, it's just for debugging what happens during high warp or when you visit your ship after it's been unloaded for a few minutes or weeks or months. But that goddamn NaN. Better reply back with your output_log.txt file and your ModuleManager.ConfigCache file That will tell me everything I need to know about your installation
  2. This is how it should work given that stock Kerbin has a typical reentry speed 3x lower than real life reentry speeds. So the equations have a lot of scalars and factors that are several times higher than they would be when simulating a planet the size of Earth. In some respects, RSS has easier thermodynamics.... IMO. Certainly easier ascents. And, yes, the upgrade is the hypersonic one. As long as that node is available in your modded tree then you'll be able to access it.
  3. The Mk1 Cockpit, not the Mk1 Pod? That is definitely a problem because early on the cockpit is NOT space rated. It needs to be upgraded through research to improve its thermal shielding. Is this the stock tech tree or a modded one? If it's a modded tech tree then is the necessary upgrade even available to you? I don't know the answer to that myself. Stock planetary scaling right? Not RSS or some scaled up star system? Because keep in mind that supersonic/hypersonic thermodynamics are harsher for stock Kerbin; about 7x harsher to compensate for the small scale planet with its slower speeds. And you're doing about Mach 3.7 - which, coincidentally is the upper limits for the SR71 Blackbird..... so you're REALLY pushing the limits for our physics let alone Kerbin scaled up physics. So, you REALLY need that upgrade that I mentioned in 1.
  4. Think of it as not having been certified for RO regardless of whether the values are realistic or not.
  5. All releases are here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/releases
  6. Minor update Real Chute This update is to fix a bug where the advanced cross sectional filter of the inventory list stops updating inventory if a part is missing a field. https://github.com/StupidChris/RealChute/tree/v1.4.7.3 The plugin itself has not changed at all, only four config files. If you know how and you prefer to, you can just download those four cfg files from the repository. (If you don't already know how to download individual files then please just download the update instead) https://github.com/StupidChris/RealChute/tree/master/Output/GameData/RealChute/Parts
  7. Again though, it's not the only mod. I'm having that problem myself right now and the RC parts on my installation are fixed. Currently my 1.6.1 install has 505 parts and ten of those are missing that field. (not sure which ones yet) It was a couple of Mechjeb parts...
  8. @JimTheDog probably a part in your inventory is missing a field that KSP is throwing exceptions on. Do you also have Real Chute? That will cause it as those parts are missing the bulkheadProfiles field. (It wasn’t around when those parts were created) Edit: Other mods are coming to light as causing this; not just Real Chute. That's just the one that I know of as I am the maintainer for it. (it's very next on my list of things to do)
  9. The "new" parts predate KSP stock heat shields. They are legacy parts that will be remaining in the mod forever but you are free to remove them. Yes, in theory they can't take as much heat but the stock parts are probably overpowered and may have their max temp reduced at any time. In practice it doesn't matter because when they run out of ablative material all of them have their max temp reduced to the same temperature. The thermal model is the same; stock handles all thermodynamics now. Deadly Reentry overrides the stock heat shield code to change how they behave. (less useful when they run out of ablator). Rule of thumb is that for the same temperature and the same amount of starting ablative material you will burn off the same amount. (i.e. if two shields have the same max amount of ablator then they will burn at the same rate for a given temperature) The main thing Deadly Reentry does is reduce max temp of parts to sane levels instead of treating everything like it’s made of tungsten. Resource AblativeShielding is the original DR resource and remains for compatibility purposes. It is intended to be functionally identical to the stock resource except that Squad periodically changes its specific heat capacity and I am only just now noticing that they bumped it up again. (thanks Squad)
  10. Update for KSP 1.5.1 Change Log Compiled for KSP 1.5.1 Compatibility restrictions removed. DR will no longer disable itself if invalid version detected. This does NOT guarantee compatibility. DR will try to work with invalid versions but you will still be warned of compatibility issues so you are warned. Changed how depleted conductivity is handled. Uses prefab.heatConductivity when ablator depleted. Making History configs added for Mk2Pod and round pods. Support added for new part config of old Mk1Pod. (Mk1Pod_v2) Updated KerbalEVA config to catch any PART with MODULE KerbalEVA (new kerbal PART's were added so I changed how this was being detected to guard against future additions) Note second item about compatibility restrictions. This means DR still will perform version comparisons and you will be warned of possible compatibility issues if there is a version mismatch. However, Deadly Reentry will not disable itself if there is a version mismatch. It may run or it may not (it probably will unless something drastic changed between KSP versions). Compatibility won't be guaranteed in that case. (this means that this version will also run on KSP 1.6.1 and I have been using it in that environment for several days without issue. A new compilation will follow later) https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/tree/v7.7.1
  11. When I first got my introduction to raytracing, we sat there watching my friend's monitor waiting minutes at a time for it to finish a single line. (15 minutes IIRC)
  12. Real Fuels will patch almost any resource carrying part out there that there is. Stock tanks will NOT be the problem.
  13. It absolutely uses LH2+LOX. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/Squad/RO_Squad_Engines.cfg#L2655-L2665 Your problem lies somewhere else but it's going to be hard to tell you what the problem is because you provided no information that could assist in troubleshooting. Better description of the problem, Logs, ModuleManager.ConfigCache, and optionally the craft file for the craft giving you problems (with stock + RO dependency parts only) and even more optionally screenshots of the offending craft.
  14. Right now I am going over Making History parts to see if they need any attention, currently focusing on the round pods (Onion, Pea and Pomegranate). There was some questions about those pods some time back but no specific issue or complaint raised about them. Personally I find their heat shielding a bit sparse but adequate for sub-orbital and LKO. (RO users will probably have to wait for RO support on them though I might do something to buff them in the absence of RO flags on the part config). I also find their masses a bit odd though modifying part masses is generally outside the scope of DR part balancing other than a few parts such as the inflatable shield. So I probably won't touch their part masses but I am open to input on the subject. So, if anyone has any specific issue about the round pods, NOW is the time.
  15. @Pipcard https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/GameData/RealSolarSystem/LaunchSites.cfg#L396-L420 Terrain around the space center is modified. Raised and lowered where necessary and flattened out. That can't currently be done with a precision where exact contours of known terrestrial features can be preserved.
  16. It's likely a certain known issue with KSP 1.6.0 so update to KSP 1.6.1
  17. Nope. I once cherry picked just the parts I wanted and was somewhat successful in that endeavor. But I didn't really save by doing so and eventually just went with a full install. It IS possible to do but you're going to buy yourself a whole lot of hassle and aggravation and I just can't say it's really worth it. (there's some texture and model sharing happening and if you delete the wrong thing, a lot of parts are affected)
  18. I doubt that is true but we’re still not integrating it in RF... unless there is a tank specific section but RF automagically handles tank parts anyway. you should make a pull request for the RF stockalike mod on its github site and ask raptor to merge it. And then he decides if he wants to use it. Or not.
  19. @Iso-Polaris no... that doesn’t belong here
  20. Real Fuels for KSP 1.6.1 is in pre-release It won't be released for CKAN indexing as Community Resource Pack hasn't been updated and I still want to use this opportunity to clear some of the outstanding issues that have been sitting around for a couple of years. https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/releases/tag/rf-v12.7.4
  21. Edited the config a bit; needed outputMult to produce the appropriate amount of methane gas (note that if there is no provision made to capture the gas then it just gets 'vented')
  22. Not hard at all to make ModuleAblator use propellant. What you really want to know is how much energy it should dissipate. Here's a basic config that is somewhat accurate, within reason. It needs a bit more thought put into it. lossExp and lossConst might need adjusting. pyrolysisLossFactor is just the multiplier needed to convert liquid methane's specific heat into a value equal to its heat of vaporization. ablationTempThresh here is the stock value and should be entirely arbitrary; set it to whatever value you think active cooling should kick in at. MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = LqdMethane outputResource = Methane lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 147.878 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 outputMult = 593.5983263598326 // round it if you want } If you want that to use the stock resource then pyrolysisLossFactor should be something like 1275 and probably there's no appropriate resource to convert it to so omit outputResource
  23. That would be why. If the reference transform (its control transform) and its docking node transform are not aligned then MJ can't use it to dock with. Though.... it might be able to dock TO it from another ship with a properly modeled port.
  24. Then a bare steel skin starts to make more sense. But it also makes a 2020 maiden Starship flight less likely Edit: BTW, there's no reason at all the heat shield module can't be configured to use LqdMethane
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