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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. @Kroslev Kerman Send me the craft file... as long as it is all stock parts. And I don't have the DLC (can't afford it right now) so if there are any spaceplane parts in that then that's a problem and I would need to know the part names so I could include them in the mod.
  2. Sounds like you might be coming in too steep. Don't fly the same reentry that you would with a capsule with ablative shielding. Keep it shallow and do as much braking as you can in the upper atmosphere.
  3. That is not nearly enough information. I need to know what parts they are. Are they spaceplane parts? If so are they from a mod? If so what mod? It might not be supported. It might need me to write up configs for it. Or it could be user error on your part. But I have no idea what the answer is. Because you didn't give me any informationz. And you made my cats cry. Because they want information. True story. P.S. If you don't give me information I will post in Comic Sans and everyone will be unhappy
  4. If it's in flight mode then you need to extend them so that they become active. I'm not sure if it's intended behavior for deploy to do anything if they aren't extended; deploy is the standard behavior for control surfaces configured to act like flaps. In the VAB action editor, I forget what you need to bind to extend them.... there's an option in the editor for extend but I think it actually is just deploy.... (I used to know; it was something confusing....)
  5. It only affects suspension where wheelType = LEG in ModuleWheelBase This is the set of configs I'm experimenting with when LEGS_ADVANCED_SUSPENSIONDAMPER =False @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWheelSuspension],@MODULE[ModuleWheelBase]:HAS[#wheelType[LEG]]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleWheelSuspension] { %useAutoBoost = false %boostRatio = 0 %autoSpringDamper = false @springRatio *= 5 // only use this when turning OFF LEGS_ADVANCED_SUSPENSIONDAMPER @damperRatio = #$springRatio$ @damperRatio *= 0.05 // only use this when turning OFF LEGS_ADVANCED_SUSPENSIONDAMPER //%targetPosition = 0.5 } } // This bit here was an attempt to stop the jitteryness where it was sliding around on the ground. Not sure it really did anything for me. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWheelBase]] { @MODULE[ModuleWheelBase] { %frictionSharpness = 1 } } The bad thing about this solution is that it requires editing on the part of the player to turn that setting off. It's not exposed to the GUI anywhere that I can find. So it's not modder-friendly IMO what spring/damper values were you using? It's definitely possible to completely eliminate bounce this way but it seems to require such high values that it also makes them too stiff. Trying to find some kind of middle ground here. (FYI the actual default Unity ratings for the WheelCollider are 30000 and 1500 ...)
  6. @infinite_monkey @webkilla locate your settings.cfg file in the root KSP folder and edit it. locate LEGS_ADVANCED_SUSPENSIONDAMPER and set it to False LEGS_ADVANCED_SUSPENSIONDAMPER = False Run the game again and test with some craft with landing legs. Your legs will probably bottom out at this point... but they probably aren't bouncing. At this point most or all of the leg springRatio and damperRatio settings are invalid but they haven't really been working right to begin with so you'll need to find new settings. They probably all need to be increased by some unknown factor. Maybe 100? 1000? (totally guessing here)
  7. Questionable... I'm actually testing in 1.5.1 right now... maybe in some ways it's better but that might be my imagination. As to your statement about springs increasing energy - I hope I'm wrong about this but I think it's even worse than that... it really feels like increasing vehicle mass increases spring energy. I was testing some ways to make suspension behave itself (see above re: boostRatio and useAutoBoost) and it seemed like everything was working ok and then I tried with a LARGER ship because I was worried some of my changes might make the suspension bottom out too hard... and the rocket started jumping and dancing on the pad in a way it had not been before. That just doesn't make sense. So... things SEEMED like they were ok until my rocket got too massive... the sort of massive that most of our rockets are when using these parts.
  8. Mod plugin has been recompiled for KSP 1.5.x A word about the mod and KSP updates: The code should be fairly resilient in the face of KSP updates but that is dependent on the underlying stock code (base) that the mod depends on. Stock decouplers haven't changed a lot over the years and the changes that have occurred didn't affect what I'm doing so the plugin for KSP 1.4.5 does work for 1.5.1 but recompiling is still sensible thing to do.
  9. I see that you've struggled with this in general for quite awhile so I'm not sure what tweaks I could suggest that you haven't already tried.... the stock leg modules (really just using the wheel module) are just bouncy and unrealistic as hell The only thing I've tried that gave much relief was high damper ratios and low spring ratios but that doesn't always work especially with massive vehicles.... right now I'm experimenting with the following: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWheelSuspension]] { @MODULE[ModuleWheelSuspension] { %useAutoBoost = false %boostRatio = 0 } } Also.... spring ratings higher than 7 might be a problem... One other thing you may or may not be aware of is that the tweakables for spring and damper scale whatever is in the config; they are not themselves absolute values for spring and damper.
  10. Yes, on its GitHub repository: https://github.com/Starwaster/AnimatedDecouplers However I'll say it here too. It's configured just like any other stock decoupler except that it supports extra fields: animationName = SDHI_Umbilical // The name of the animation to play waitForAnimation = false // (If true, then delay decoupling until animation has finished playing) layer = 1 // Animation's layer will be set to this. Helps prevent multiple animations on one part interfering with each other if each animation (or groups of animations) gets its own layer. Animated Decouplers has the added bonus of working with ModuleCargoBay so it can be used with non-procedural fairings and boost protective covers. If the part in question doesn't have an animation then don't specify one so it doesn't look for one to play. (SDHI does this with its BPC and service module fairings - it doesn't animate those and it works with the cargo bay module by informing it that the part is no longer protecting anything)
  11. They could enter into the cores but the cores are liable to have folded framework and not really be suitable for actual habitation... (so... yeah, best to have crew = 0 until they are set up)
  12. @Nessus_ where did you get the dry masses for the RO configs from? There's not a lot of reliable data..... not that I've found anyway. I'm constantly looking for any data on it that I can find...
  13. And you don't think crashing into the ground at 150 feet per second (100 mph) is a little too fast to be expecting both ship AND crew to survive? Just because the stock game sets capsule survivability that high doesn't mean it SHOULD be that high.
  14. I think I tried using categoryName and that it didn't work.... Edit: And just to clarify when I posted earlier comparing my compiled plugin vs the one currently available for download, I mean when switching languages. In both cases I do get a parachute category when using english language. Only when switching to another language does the button not appear when using the downloaded version. (not sure that was clear from my previous post)
  15. Yeah it'd be nice if one of them just happened to be in this forum who also happened to be a Real Fuels developer
  16. Are you aware that your postings there were used as reference material for the original NTR engine configurations for Real Fuels? (although some of the isp/thrust ratings get munged a bit during tech level upgrades; I'm not sure they would survive proper vetting and I never got around to fixing them)
  17. @AeroGav As much as I like ProjectRho I would take it with a grain of salt; although I have used it for reference in the past, some of its material is a little too optimistic for current technology or assumes higher levels of technology. Re: exhaust: Mostly not radioactive though core erosion is a thing. More so in the early prototypes of Project Rover than in the final engines before the project was shut down though I don't know if it ever would have been solved 100% (100% meaning NO fuel ending up in the exhaust) but having said that, as you said it's for a game. People arguing against you doing this on those grounds ... just ignore them. It's your game and you can play it as sci-fi as you want. Who even knows if Kerbals are susceptible to radiation in the first place?
  18. Even CKAN downloads a zip file to install from, it's somewhere in the CKAN folder. If you can't find it then download the mod from one of the three download sites listed in the first post. It will be a zip file and inside there will be an Extras folder and a GameData folder.
  19. No, those are optional configs that you can choose to use or not, as needed. Look in the original zip file that you downloaded with KA.
  20. I'll take a look at that and see if I figure out what values would be appropriate. I can tell you though that the main reason why the LH2+LOX LANTR gained such an increase is primarily the increased mass flow. It depends of course on the exact mixture ratio but for a 3-1 mix, you're quadrupling the original mass flow of the hydrogen only mode because LOX is much denser than LH2, almost fifteen times denser. HTP is denser than liquid ammonia but only by about 2x. In order for the in-game engine module to fulfill the thrust request (and it is realistically accurate assuming the numbers provided to it are accurate) it is having to increase ammonia mass flow from 39.22 kg/sec to 77.09 kg/sec. Ideally you want your thrust level and resource ratios to be such that the primary propellant's mass flow does not increase or decrease. (this was something that I had a hard time achieving when I created the original LANTR config for the trimodal back when the engine config was actually part of Real Fuels before engine configs were removed from the mod entirely)
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