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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. In the real world the submarine is almost fully hollow and air filled. In KSP it is not.
  2. It isn't. I have almost the same bug and do not have real fuels in my game. Also mine shows a second exhaust animation.
  3. It floats fine without the ballasts because without them they follow stock float code. Also they 'flood' the other parts because normal fuel tanks do not float.
  4. Ok seriously, can anybody explain why it is that after I updated this mod I am getting two exhaust animations from the smallest MPD Thruster and they NEVER turn off?
  5. Actually all parts do. However all non crew parts are treated as being filled with water.
  6. Ok so the sub parts act a little different. The parts work to cancel out your mass so you may just need to add a few more ballast tanks.
  7. Found a bug with at least the 0.625m MPD Thruster. It has two exaust trails, one at a 90 degree bend to where it should be at, and they are both running at all times after launch even if the engine is shutdown.
  8. Found an error. The small plasma thruster has two exaust animations and they are always going. The thrust vector is correct though.
  9. I have an issue. The landing pad 2 says it is unmanned and yet every time it steals two of my kerbals away from me. Is this normal and how do I get them back out?
  10. That is an eventual plan once i can alter the plugin to allow for multiple lift points to be defined in unity when making the part.
  11. Unlikely as these lift settings are cloned right from the cirrus envelopes.
  12. Are you using the nose or the body as the root part?
  13. Ah ok then I know what is going on there. That FSCoolant is not my mod per se. It's from Firespitter and it is required because you can't make an engine run off JUST electricity.
  14. Agreed. I have that same thing on mine but with no errors
  15. Ok so I am going to go on and put this part out there. I will warn you that it is not finished, needs texturing, and may have some issues but I want to know what people think of it. I have rescaled it to fit onto 1.25m parts (I hope). https://www.dropbox.com/s/3gzjx9xzo9neslp/HL%20Prototype%20Testing%20V1.2.zip Again this is still a prototype and needs testing!
  16. Part blueprint as been sent to your KSC's manufacturing plant for production.
  17. LOL 1920x1080 would be best for the website.
  18. Alright. I mostly need help setting the node and then getting the lift set right. I'll PM you a link to the part once I have that done.
  19. Well would you be willing to help me test it?
  20. Not yet. This is a test case at the moment and once I can get it to work it will be replacing the Una and Ray parts.
  21. A nose cone shaped Air Envelope for use with FAR!
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