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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. I will certainly have ro take a shot at that and see if i can't pull it off.
  2. That is matter of opinion. I was simply pointing out the fact that this type of tank already exists. Now if this is made into a procedural version that is different.
  3. I'm needing somebody that can teach me some C# as well as upkeep the plugins for Hooligan Labs mods until such time as I can do it myself. That said I am wondering how hard it would be, or if it is even possible, to code a plugin to 'fake' a single part to have two lift sources.
  4. That actually is a really good one. Perhaps I will look into that being the addition for Subs or Airships winning at the poll.
  5. Actually I had a very similar idea just yesterday. The only issue is that it would still count as just a single lift source so it won't balance itself out unless i do some coding in the plugin.
  6. That should be doable though I will need somebody else to do the IVA for it. I can do some basic external textures but IVA views are WAY outside of my skill set.
  7. Sure. I plan to make some more modern airships in the near future as well as a few more mega lifters like the 'Death Star'
  8. If I can get the chance I will see what I can do for you about making a few model ideas.
  9. This certainly seems interesting and i know i am interested to see where you take it. I know that once i learn C# i plan to start requiring the use of electricty to inflate the airships from HL.
  10. All credit for the original mod goes to Hooligan Labs but I am glad you like it.
  11. Not really sure what you mean by this.
  12. Well so far it is rather clear that folks want some new airship parts with it having 20 votes currently. Close behind it is flight options with 14 votes. So I would like your feedback on what are some new parts that you would like to see added to the mod. Are you looking for more lift options or are you wanting some new structural parts to match the new Death Star class lifter? Or perhaps you have a different request. Whatever it is please let me know and I will get back to you all about how doable it will be.
  13. So what would folks like to see as a better form for the launch pad to take?
  14. Yes it does make for a nice landing site. That is why i am hoping to be able to remake it in a nicer package.
  15. Giving this a nudge and seeing if i can get some help here on how to make a deployable part for the airship side of the mod. Something that would deploy like the inline docking port.
  16. a 1.25m or 2.5m in line deployable air envelope for HL labs.
  17. How does one go about making a deployable part for ksp?
  18. I had been thinking about doing that. Would give me somewhat of a jumpstart.
  19. Yea... I may start looking into that being the next feature. Of course I would have to write my own plugin for it.
  20. Found the error. The scale setting is no longer supported. Instead you have to use rescaleFactor.
  21. Give me a minute and i will check it.
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