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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. That may be possible but it would require a rewrite of the code base and that is FAR beyond my level. So I will keep that idea in mind but for now code changes are not going to be done.
  2. That is really cool. Love the part about hitting the brick wall. If you don't mind I am going to add this on the wiki in a new page just for full missions like this one.
  3. Sadly the textures are set in Unity so I would have to remake the parts to have them accept .pngs (I think. You can try though)
  4. Once I can get the hang of animating parts I will start trying to make new airship parts that will fit better with both stock and KW sized parts. As for the reskin I would prefer that you not share it until I can get a look but there is nothing in the license that would stop you.
  5. I know how to do the config. My issue is getting unity to export any kind of animations. Every animated part I have seen has a .mbm file with it.
  6. Well once I get it working it will replace the current HL pad
  7. Speaking of the HooliganLabs Launchpad~ I am trying to make a new one that will be FAR more compact but am having some trouble getting it to animate correctly. Perhaps you can help me figure out where I am going wrong.
  8. What settings do you use for the .fbx export? I can't get mine to show up in unity.
  9. I am trying to make a very simple animated part and it isn't taking the animation with it from Blender to Unity. What am I doing wrong?
  10. I wanted to post this here as it pertains to this mod but I am working on making an updated version of the HL landing pad. Not sure how it will turn out as it is to be my first try at making an animated part but we will see how it goes!
  11. The airship envelope on top is the only part in this mod. the rest appear to be B9 and Romfarer parts.
  12. I spotted my "Death Star" airship parts in one image!!
  13. I will look into that though It may take some time to figure out.
  14. What I want is a set of RT cores without losing my stock ones. Sometimes I don't want to use RT but don't want to remove it.
  15. Two or three parts, a core in each size, will not crash a system.
  16. Actually the Sub parts/plugin allow you to make a very nice Sub~
  17. I just don't like using something that is going to alter the core parts.
  18. Is there a version of this that doesn't need Module Manager? Please?
  19. I second this with a request to also get the cone for sat dishes.
  20. I know that. However I also know it will be added back in eventually. I am wanting one that doesn't need RT2 to work because I like the looks of it.
  21. Is there a chance of getting a version of the AeroProbe without RT2? I love the looks but don't care so much for the RT part.
  22. Hooligan actually did most of the work. The plugin is all his. I have just been adding parts for now. The next update is going to be a parts update but after that I am going to get myself a book on C# and start looking into the plugin. I have a few ideas there I want to try and work out.
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