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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. I wanted to give you all an update on the mod and it's progress. I've got the basic model for the Drone Blimp finished. Still trying to work out how to allow it to be the first part but the lift function works and it is stable. I have given it a small internal power generator as well so it will not have to rely on solar power. Here is a shot of it in game. Please note this is NOT the final item or texture.
  2. Added new album to OP to show progress on the Drone Blimp idea.
  3. Once I can learn how to animate things in Unity I hope to make one that will deploy out of an inline 1.25m unit. Something that would look about like the inline docking port.
  4. How is that looking? I had to give it a basic texture just to make sure that the lighting wouldn't kill the detail.
  5. See I was looking at doing three piece and just making it so it is balanced by default. However I can see the advantage of making it all one piece. I'll likely model it as three pieces so that I can avoid any collision mesh issues. Here is a look at it so far though! And this is just the image as rendered in blender with no texture yet.
  6. Still working on it. Trying to decide if I should make it all one piece with motors included or if it should be three parts; A main float body, a science/coms nose, and a propulsion tail section.
  7. Check the free spinning docking washers. They do what you want.
  8. That is possible. I would have to talk with Greys about it. However it is possible that i may get Grays help with making the weather balloon part as well.
  9. My plan is that the probes will be able to fly at about 500m above the peaks of Duna.
  10. Actually that sounds like a good name for the drone blimp.
  11. Ok try again now I also updated the Spaceport link. I boosted the Ludo up to 480 which is about double what the Octo is set at so it SHOULD be enough.
  12. LOL~ Don't worry I have no plans to mess up my favorite mod ever!
  13. As I understand it, though I will need to look into the code base (and learn to speak C#) to be sure, but I believe the 'deployed drag' value is for any non-zero setting for the balloon. Also the sub part integration won't take but a few minutes to do though I could do with some opinions on where to place the parts.
  14. Happy to do so. Tomorrow is my last day at work this week so I SHOULD be able to get some work done on the mod. Also having a bit of trouble uploading the fix to the Ludo balloon onto spaceport but I have the dropbox link working and updated. Tomorrow night I will try to get Subs and EL Pads into the tree for you all and start learning how to animate a part in Unity.
  15. Ok i looked and there is a second drag setting for it deployed. But it only changes at full deploy.
  16. Huh. In that case I will have to take a look at that and see.
  17. The OP asked me to show what mod I was saying was similar because he didn't find any. So i did.
  18. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43901-0-21-Docking-Port-Alignment-Indicator-%28Version-2-1-Updated-8-17-13%29%29?highlight=navyfish
  19. I started a new thread since I am now doing the upkeep for it which is located here. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53961-0-22-Hooligan-Labs-%28now-under-new-managment%29-Featuring-Airships-Subs-and-more! Also has the spaceport links for the airship and squid mods.
  20. Adding to what wasmic said it would also require changes to the plugin that at the moment I am not skilled enough to do. However the balloons have a lift speed control built into them. If you turn on the altitude control you can set an exact speed for it to ascend at.
  21. I have never seen this issue before. Also as far as I know there are no issues with FAR and HL Airships.
  22. Hooligan has chosen to take a break from modding and has allowed me to take up the torch and keep his mods going.
  23. Finally uploaded the Airship and SQUID Mods onto SpacePort. Squid landing gear are in the Adv Landing with the Ray class Inflatable parachute while the Squid structural panels are in with the normal ones. Next mod to get the Tech Tree treatment will be the Subs!
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