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Everything posted by WooDzor

  1. JEEEEB NOOO! DO NOT PRESS THE SPACE BAR!!! X-) Haven't tried it yet though.. should be fun:-# Anyway I think these fairings nicely tie the station together, normally my MIR looked a bit like it was found on a junk yard (like the original).. it still does, but at least it had a nice paint job :-)
  2. My latest space station in 1.02, still needs the antenna on the Kvant, but I think I am happy with it :-)
  3. I generally play in window mode and use AutoHotKey to stretch it stops KSP from minimizing when clicking outside the primary monitor. It's also possible to stretch it along 2 or more screens
  4. Gemini is by far my favourite space craft, that thing is just beyond awesome. And since I updated my Gemini the other week I need a lander now :-D Didn't you start a gemini challenge once? Lots of fun. edit : yes you did!
  5. Stay away from the Gemini Lander.. IT MIIIINE!! MIIINE I TELL YOU!!
  6. Thanks! I will add Skylab later, but it still needs a little work, there's a little problem with the decoupler and then we have the first few years covered :') I am afraid you missed a couple
  7. DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD As promised, though a bit later :-)
  8. Never been this close.. a 3 km walk and quite a climb. (pressing F and pushing forward) Rep for the one who knows where Rumple Kerman went :-) BTW is there a reason why the camera starts spinning at this point, even when you're not moving?
  9. Just click space? It's all pretty well set up except for the engine and the sepatron on the LEM. I'll check it later today when I have half an hour or so work work work
  10. Why didn't you put the telescope mount and solar-panels on top of the 'Starlab', like its real world counterpart? Get it into orbit and dock the thing on the side. it will make your craft a lot more stable as well since it's nicely symmetric during launch.
  11. Give me some time I'll write something up when I am back home at the end of this week.
  12. Does look a lot better with floaters though.. Also we don't get the newest ones here in Africa :-D
  13. So the Caravan was the prettiest plane you could find to make a replica off? ;-) My god I was captivated by the ugliness of that machine last month, it really looks like somebody at cessna thought.. so caravans.. everybody kinda likes them, but we could improve it by eh.. making them (only slightly) quicker and maybe add some wings.. whaddaye think guys? And everybody agreed. :-D
  14. Updated the Gemini and The Saturn V more pictures and downloads more pictures and downloads
  15. Launch! Press space to start the engines, and when the rocket starts bounching up again press space again to release the launch clamps Gravity turn 7500m - 70 degrees, 15000 - 45 degrees. First stage should be enough to get into space Release of Stage I Release of the interstage fairing and the start of the 2 minute burn into orbit with Stage II Stage III is used to fly to the Mun. Make sure Stage III aims below the surface of the Mun, the command module will get that everything back into a 20x20 orbit around the Mun later Getting the MEM out To the Mun! And on our way down.. be careful unlike the rest of the rocket the MEM is extremely tight on fuel. DOWNLOAD (rmb save as)
  16. Don't press space while in an airlock though :-D
  17. Downloadlink for the gemini updated :-) perfect is a big word, but this rocket gets pretty close.. DOWNLOAD
  18. It really pisses me off that you make these MK3 shuttles look so easy. Mine flip out, break up during descent, after finally making it to space. Maybe I'll give it another go coming weekend, but until then I'll just stick to my Saturn Vs and IBs.. I'd be great if you would be willing to throw a little tutorial together one day
  19. or build one yourself with stock parts :-), though I used 8 mk1 command pods for this one :-$
  20. HA! Fixed the Titan II, i knew I was supposed to have enough fuel, turns out a couple of fuel lines went wrong :-) I'll upload it tomorrow, that thing is a dream to fly :-o
  21. What SGT said, and throw in an extra 250 to be on the safe side
  22. DOWNLOAD Don't go above an apoapsis of 80, or you will burn up, since no heat shield and form over function! DOWNLOAD The Atlas is automatically tilting into the right direction. Just make sure it doesn't get too silly. Oh and drop the extra engines around 25.000 - 30.000 or things will explode DOWNLOAD A dream to fly and very easy to get into a 90x90 orbit DOWNLOAD I might update the second stage this weekend so it has the same 3rd stage as the Saturn V DOWNLOAD Unfortunately no Alsep yet, since the LM needs a bit more dV
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