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Everything posted by WooDzor

  1. Spacelab II This time with fairings and a docking port for the micro meteorite shield in case I mess up like NASA did. I suddenly noticed that I had forgotten the extra docking port at the top, but i added that one for a later launch. Saturn Ib for the crew transfers And the Skylab itself RMB to download
  2. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCME4g9QliCw5KVDdW9w0GJw This guy does some awesome stuff though and pretty well montaged. I am nowhere near there I tried a couple of times though and I enjoyed it
  3. I am pretty sure I've seen some RSS stuff from Felbourn/Bob as well; A Zarya launch and a Spaceshuttle if I remember correctly.
  4. I don't mind having KER installed, I just don't want non-stock parts, I have module manager already, but I am not quite sure where to put the CFG (?) and is it a CFG? Please enlighten me
  5. Alarmclock, EVE, Planet shine, chatterer, remote tech (made it stock), ambient light shifter, trajectories, RCS sounds, select root, something like engineering redux without the 3 extra parts and maybe some simple life support like Snacks! That's how I am playing at the moment. Trying to keep it as stock as possible. Does anybody know of a mod that can give me all the construction and flight information without these 3 extra parts?
  6. What Seb said^ Though I would be just as happy with the normal Kerbol system. I am not sure if I would enjoy watching V2s an some inter-ballistic missiles for the first 10 episodes, on the other hand i never thought I would enjoy watching somebody playing 'a space sym'.
  7. Do you play on your nokia 3310? damn these pics are tiny Well done though!
  8. I think I did it but this is just in the Kerbin SOI let's see how it goes outside tomorrow
  9. The useless stuff you find online http://www.metric-conversions.org/temperature/fahrenheit-to-farenheit.htm
  10. So were we ;-) I like the ferry, have you tried making a vehicle version too?
  11. I heard they claim the moon as theirs now as well.. While they do see themselves as being a lot better than most of humanity, they are, unfortunately for them, not a separate race
  12. first try at building the lander and the Lab/Habitat module. Nicely fits on top of the first two stages of the Saturn V and with a bit of squinting it actually looks quite alright.
  13. It wasn't pretty I want the ascend stage to be my standard Command & Service module from my Apollo missions, so it's a bit of a puzzle to get it right and looking good at the same time. I might start tonight after one or two cold cats in the bar next door:)
  14. Only the scribble. It works with pen and paper, but let's see how it works out in the VAB. I've tried a similar lander before but it didn't work out too well
  15. Von Braun's Mission to Mars Except for the interplanetary stage this project is still very much in development phase but I thought it'd be fun, to work on it and show all my failures and some scribbles I make while I am distracted at work. My latest Saturn V has a lifting capability of 85.000 Tons to a 100x100 orbit. This will be my limit for all modules. Though I would allow me to use 2 boosters on either side of the rocket if necessary, though i prefer not to. Launch of the second part of the interplanetary stage. Unfortunately I had to launch at night to reach the first first part without faffing about in orbit too long. Since I have to fly by Eve on the way back to Kerbin, I'll probably need all the fuel I have stashed in there. The 3rd part of the interplanetary reaches the other 2. No fuel was used from this stage. The second stage (S-II) second stage of the Saturn, on which the interplanetary stages are stacked upside down, has just enough fuel left to de-orbit. One of the many scribbles showing the lander and the living space/science lab with just like the real mission room for 6 Kerbals. All of which will be packed in structural parts to make it look pretty. I am not quite sure yet whether I want to double up the mission like Von Braun proposed especially since I won't be able to fly them tandem. I know i could use burn together but, that would be a mod:( The Saturn Ib that will take the Kerbals to the waiting Von Braun Duna craft. One of the reasons I probably won't be doubling up the mission. Just for a single mission i have to launch 4 Saturn Vs and 2 Saturn 1bs. What do you guys think?
  16. I love the nose, but.. Does it even lift? You seem to be pointing well above your direction vector.. It might actually be the engines being below the COG, clipping them through the top of the wing might sort that out
  17. Loved it! Sorry about all the stuff you lost, but i think most of your designs actually improved, so I can't say I am complaining
  18. I would like to give remote tech a go because I like the additional depth it gives to the game, but I am wondering whether it is possible to do this without the additional parts (IE just the 3 stock antennas). I am also wondering whether it's possible to remove remote tech and still continue playing with the same save file. Thanks a bunch!
  19. I had a Saturn V day. I tried to build Mulbin's fairings for my Saturn Apollo missions a few weeks ago, but I couldn't get the space craft to the Mun because too much weight. I tried cutting down weight on everything but failed to get it right. This resulted in me having to build a Saturn V from scratch with a lot more dV. And what do you do with more dV launch bigger things Getting rid of the first stage. Yay fairings! I Present thee .. the Mun! Also started to build an interplanetary drive for a Von Braun type Duna mission. The drive is more or less complete but I still need to design the CTV and the lander And a new Saturn demands a bigger Skylab. The new Saturn V easily launches 90tons into a 500x500 orbit. I need a few reaction wheels though, I struggled with keeping it straight. And I build a Duna science drone with the new wings. Busy day
  20. This is what i managed to throw together.. still practising though to get things right
  21. Did you say nose? I would probably tilt down the cockpit with one or two tabs and start the nose early, just after the windows.. But since I am not allowed to KSP during working hours, I can't test this idea atm :'(
  22. We're not dismissing the new parts, we will find beautiful and surprising applications for those soon enough. We are arguing against the removal of the old parts.
  23. Aaaand you just proved my point about haphazardly slapping parts together :'D Anyway; what's the big deal about keeping these two parts stock? Just keep 'm in and if you don't like them don't use them. Everybody happy.
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