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Everything posted by marach

  1. Windows is moving KSP around to load balance your cores (potenially thousands of times a second) keeping usage down overall
  2. By throwing in worse parts.Alienwares for example aren't exactly great machines. As for why the port and the rework at the same time? It allows the porting company to actually aid in the rework theres a good chance that flyingtiger is actually resposible for redoing the controler code etc.
  3. Win10 doesn't care btw you just tell the media creation tool you want 64bit and away it goes doesn't care about 32 or 64 bit starting os (did it yesterday for a family member)
  4. Or you could just grab the media creation tool and get win10 64 bit for free... if you don't mind win10 anyway...
  5. Thing is there's no point in working on those bug fixes right now, with the shift to U5 their resources are better spent on that since any bug fixes they make to the U4 version of KSP are, to be perfectly honest, pointless. From the rate at which we're getting info on the U5 update I'd date it at 12-16 weeks out (at a guess) with many of the modules apparently getting major rewrites to work with the new U5 implementations. Many of these will likely include bug fixes which will also be assisted by the team working on the PS4 version (again working on the U5 version). So in all honesty them focusing on U5 is the better option, why spend time and money on bug fixes that will only be good for a few months and need to be redone in 1.1?
  6. right here. Scroll down to performance (near the bottom). Also personal experience ofc... Of the examples out there the video below is the same code in U4 and U5 apparently the models are 11 capsule colliders and 4 sphere colliders each so... ~40x15=600 colliders on screen... ::edit to add:: The unchanged code btw is the reason the guys seem to slide around oddly in U5 some code does need to be fixed manually after the automatic pass U5 does.
  7. The move up a version of PhysX does indeed allow multithreaded physics. However I expect the first U5 release of KSP to be a straight port with a minimal performance increase till the physics part of KSP is threaded.
  8. Yeah 64bit will still take time but it /should/ be possible though clunky at first. The physics change is perhaps the thing I like best in U5 threadsafe physics makes many things much nicer to use. The other reason I would have liked bullet is it's hardbody interactions are quite nice and would likely have meant opencl being integrated with U5 which would as you said earlier have been great for things like the voxel code here. Tbh though Ferrams maths code is some of the nicest I've seen in years kinda wish squad had taken him up on his offers to fully integrate
  9. Umm you know U5 released in like January right? U5's physics handling is in fact as I said threadsafe now. The main problem for 64bit in U4 was that the debugger could only handle 32bit software (yeah it's f'd up but that's what happened) the new debugger is 64bit friendly and you know works which is a big plus!
  10. On a pleasant note Unity 5 IS thread safe so the move over when it comes will make things a little more enjoyable for FAR with regard to multithreading. I do wish Unity had gone through with the switch to Bullet that they hinted at before the U5 announcement though since it would have meant a platform agnostic acceleratable physics base...
  11. I suppose one way would be to poke the ships average temp and see if it's rising or stable/falling (though it would of course be rather hackish). It is a tricky problem isn't it In such cases I've known certain people to just disconnect it and wait for the complaint call to hit of course nobody here would sink that low...
  12. You're seeing the effect of the changed isp system. Remember fuel rate is now constant and different engine are more effective at different altitudes. You'll need to keep an eye on atmospheric dv now since iirc mainsails are designed for launch, skippers are sustainers and the poodle should be vacuum... Also starwhip you should be aiming for gravity turns, so smooth turns with no notches following the prograde marker for best efficiency
  13. Nvidia once offered AMD physx working on AMD cards... their requirement for this? Complete technical specs (including the wafer fab masks!) of AMD chips! For some reason AMD declined...
  14. A long long time ago I was working on a mod where the nacelles produced bypass-air and exhaust-air the existing jets then used the exhaust air to convert to thrust with a reheat capability available as an extra version of each that relied on the bypass-air for an additional amount of thrust... unfortunately it never got passed initial tests since AJE launched... I also had it set to only allow inline designs but had a flag to allow things like the Pegasus to be possible.
  15. Also consider whack made a world cup challenge so large that most teams failed to even complete the first step of construction let alone the actual challenge
  16. oh yeah I reaaaaaaaallly doubt 1.0 for unity5, though Squad could always surprise us with an announcement along the lines of "1.0 is officially being delayed here instead is 0.91" more likely 1.1/2 will be announced as the change over with a "this update will be much delayed compared to our normal patch rate" and we'll see it in 6-8 months after 1.0
  17. The devs of republique were contacted last summer by unity themselves about making a move to U5, the reason being Republique actually shows off pretty much every change they made to the engine from lighting to physics changes and things like scripting of NPC's. KSP well doesn't... However U5 is now out so I expect to see a comment in a future dev notes about them looking at Unity 5.
  18. Yeah the bare minimum is 40mph for an hour(ish) which gives a very slow reaction and is the recommended way if you manage to go long enough to hit the warning light since runaway reactions with higher particulate counts are a risk (resulting in needing a new filter when the old one melts )
  19. The filtration systems are mostly catalytic in modern diesels, my new car for example needs 20 minutes at motorway speeds(60-70mph) once a month or I'm facing a £300 replacement (particulate filter) after a year. The urea injectors usually hold enough for ~18 months/35k miles and are refilled as part of the standard yearly/25k mile service.
  20. I've built a copy and it handles pretty well in FAR, heck stick a couple of Rapiers on it and instant SSTO (though I recommend thrust limiting one of the engines if you want it to fly level with both on)
  21. I wouldn't call it "'crutching' a poor design" more having to work with a broken mechanic. One thing KSP really needs for Spaceplanes is the ability to select the fuel pump location. I should be able to select how fuel flows in the tanks be it front/top to back/bottom, vice versa or balanced (though I must admit bottom to top would be unrealistic). Even if these options were only available in the SP hanger it would be a huge QoL improvement.
  22. Yup a flat tailplane he also did one with a V shape but decided it didn't fit.
  23. Having just looked at both final entries I kinda find myself wondering how reddit won
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