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Everything posted by marach

  1. This is a skip reentry just blitzing through the atmosphere and out the other side is aerobraking.
  2. This actually happens in stock KSP occasionally aswell I've bounced a few landers at upto 600m/s in the past (and it's a perfect bounce as they were travelling at 600 straight up after)
  3. There's not much to say atm tbh most of the features listed make certain things easier to do and other things a little slicker.
  4. Not really all you'd need is a translation layer moving physx calls to their equivalent bullet calls (not as hard as it sounds infact many indies using Unity have infact done so in) you might experience some slowdown on certain calls but that would be mitigated by the speedups on practically everything else... As for full OpenCL PhysX? Already done on consoles, has been since around the time of the recent console launches (well technically about a year before that you know lead time on launch games kinda requires that). When will we see it on PC? Maybe in 3-4 years if NV market share drops enough. By that I mean NV had to convert it for the consoles since if they wanted devs to use it in games it HAD to be cross platform and reliable, on PC however NV has... shut down 2 projects that created CUDA-APP translation wrappers (allowing physx to run on AMD), and added software blocks to stop you being able to use an NV card in an AMD system for Physx acceleration (officially because they can't "guarantee a certain level of performance" which they don't seem to worry about on their own cards...).
  5. Or you know they could have moved over to a Bullet based system which you know accelerates on all GPU's...
  6. I just prefer my physics engines open and you know able to work on any GPU for acceleration.
  7. oh god PhysX still? *head desk* Other than that looks like they've fixed a fair amount of dev complaints and requests...
  8. There you go it's that simple. Since the demo we've had what 5/6 updates with numerous parts etc added?
  9. Bullet (the most requested physics change) uses opencl and is platform agnostic, unlike physX and CUDA which are a pile of steaming^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H proprietary horribleness... Tbh I hope Nvidia dies for all it's anticompetitive moves. They aren't even subtle about it! When they offered AMD physX compatibility one of the requirements was complete disclosure of hardware designs "to better optimize it"...
  10. Nope nothing is run on the gpu except graphics, single core CPU speed is one of the major bottlenecks right now though...
  11. A lot of indie devs have rolled their own bullet integration but iirc nobody has actually released a fully working implementation to the public... I know the Rawbots implementation uses the same calls, variables, etc, as the unity standard so much of their change over was actually a case of re-tweaking parts to be weaker than they were.
  12. FAR =~5k lines of code KSP = probably a couple of orders of magnitude more (thats 500k lines to you)... Finding bugs in FAR still takes hours now think how long just adding the energy pool fix took? How about adding the code for the Science library? The Rapier? The redone particle effects? How about the tweakables? Or the redone part interface? Now consider testing all the edge cases... etc..
  13. Average AAA dev time is now 4-6 years (consider HL3 is supposedly still in active development HL2 is over 9 years old at this point...) Alpha lasts almost all of those years, Beta is actually a pretty short period usually less than 9 months
  14. You make them yourself 1.Find the procedural wing stub, 2.attach to plane, 3.expand to size (combination of mouse moves and key presses) 4.Enojoy!
  15. no new page in like 30 seconds... Has.. has everyone else in the world died?!?
  16. ACK no! Anything but a new version of PhysX, Bullet would be the better option it's open and uses ANY GPU for acceleration (plus people have already done this and it works really well)
  17. I've found my early ships seem to have regained landing legs on the front just incase I need to send up a rescue tug...
  18. Ladder climb animations are generally universal btw it's why you'll somtimes see hovering feet Actually nowadays they tend to build a single animated skeleton (or if being fancy mocap one) and just scale the bones. You can spot it in say Mass Effect where the male and female shepard had the same animations leading to femshep come across as a drag queen...
  19. single precision 32bit: 10101010101010101010101010101010 single precision 64bit: 1010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 so yeah. What was a double for 32bit is a single for 64bit which can lead to a speed up in code.
  20. I think it came down to something to do with the part as iirc certain versions still work fine while the current version will flip no matter what.
  21. From whats been mentioned on the FAR thread it seems the inside of the shield is generating more lift than the outside for some unknown reason
  22. Actually according to an MS engineer it wasn't time limited, if they were on your account they had full access, as a bonus if they were part of your 9 "family" members they could access the game on their own account (with a 1 person at a time restriction). If they weren't in the "family" when you left they got a demo version of it to play and an option to buy the full game. Seriously it sounded pretty good...
  23. There's a mod for this It's still very much in development though. As for how you shut down an SRB you blow out the choke and the top killing the pressure, it still burns but there's no real thrust.
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