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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Typing "Kerbals at Mach 6" with nose. i3e4rgvqaolws aq t mach b6
  2. Typing "Adding moar boosters while Jeb eats a few hundred burritos at the local gas station in the Munbase near the rover which was from a previous mun mission in which Bill accidentally exploded due to lack of piloting skills so he was banished from potatoes." while holding my breath and closing my eyes. Attempt 1:Adding moar boosters while Heb eats a few hundred burriots at the locaol gas station in the Munbase near the rover whichg was from a perevious mun mission in which Bill accidentally exploded due to lack of piloting (takes breath) Attempt 2:Addubg nmiar biisteres whguke Heb eats a few hundred butrriotos at the lkical gas stioation a=in the Munbase near the rovcer which was from a prefvious min missuin iun which BIll accidentally exploded due to lack of piloting.
  3. Your wheels need to have the top facing upward, and the wheels being the bottommost part of the rotated wheel. You can't have the suspension (top part) at a 90 degree angle.
  4. 68. Use RAPIER engines to make a Mun lander SSTO that looks like a Mun lander. 69. Do your homework while thinking that you could be doing #68 right now.
  5. Floor 664: The air feels a bit warmer as you see a completely empty office with no living thing in sight. (Look where this is going )
  6. It doesn't seem like Rover ASAS works anymore. Anyone else know otherwise?
  7. There's a forum for that. I can tell you my brother's though, if you want me to PM you it.
  8. My rockets are crushed by the chutes for me. In flight, the map screen also tells me a single chute weighs 614 tons (See my post)
  9. So it seems all the stack chutes and chutes with both drogue and main all steadily increase in mass. It seems the nose cone and radial chutes still work, but not the drogue and main one.
  10. Same as me. The mass keeps increasing. A single chute weighs in at 614 tons, and crushed the rocket underneath. This only effects the dual chute. Also, those screenshots were taken on a completely unmodded game, just Realchute
  11. Is it only me or does the new RAPIER engine not give dV stats in the window?
  12. There's one thing though: Pressing ALT + F2 shows a ton of red spam about GUI.lock stuff or something similar. Looking in the output_log.txt, it says it's from this mod.
  13. Is there any chance of an update to work with .23, either by SodiumEyes or anyone else? (The GUI does not appear ingame.)
  14. 9/10 Creative and funny quote, but o_Oish
  15. I remember that I had a dream that we had a field trip at school to a space station orbiting the Mun Moon. It was the best EVERrr
  16. This image: It's an error that I got that I can't fix, along with a ton of other things I feel like a panicking Kerbal right now. I copied it to post a question to the Microsoft support forums
  17. Let me timewarp... wait where's the > button? Oh wait... I have a massive school assignment due on the same day, so it will be a nice break too. Of course, if I finish the brochure that's due the day after and don't procrastinate o_O
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