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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Shiny trees are really good at trashing erasers. ocxiubz
  2. Banned for working for virtual companies that make virtual products in a virtual game.
  3. Locking gimbal does help, but I'm pretty sure that wobbly joints are a unity issue and can't be fixed. :^) Just kidding, Ferram made a mod to make joints stiffer and stronger if you're okay with installing mods.
  4. Banned because the train was made with stock parts and it's smaller than the actual locomotive.
  5. I saw one on a cold clear night while walking on the beach. It was a single red light moving in a straight line across the sky, making no noise at all. A white one slowly appeared behind it, and the red one disappeared (pretty sure the object was long and circular and the red light was at the front and the white one was at the back and became visible as it "flew" over). It continued on until it was out of sight. I've seen the ISS before, and it wasn't that . I don't remember any others.
  6. I went to the Mun with no patched conics for the first time. No screenshots, sorry.
  7. I refuse to take part in your witchcraft. My hill.
  8. Green octagonal ocelots grieve lost eggs. jajahhg
  9. What did I just watch, oh dear... I blast at your hill and it causes you to simultaneously be wowed at the music's splendor, to reflect on its meaning, and think of past and future moments of your life that remind you of it. This causes you to become immobilized from such deep thought, and I take your hill silently.My hill.
  10. Nope. It's It never stops.Is it possible to pour lemonade into a Philip Glass?
  11. Astrofox Astrofo Astrof Astro Astr Ast As A I Il Ill Illu Illum Illumi Illumin Illumina Illuminat Illuminati Illuminati c Illuminati co Illuminati con Illuminati conf Illuminati confi Illuminati confir Illuminati confirm Illuminati confirme Illuminati confirmed
  12. I invade your hill to the tune of Ride of the Valkyries by Richard Wagner. The song itself is so overwhelming and magnificent that it causes you to flee before I fire any artillery. My hill.
  13. I don't know either. It wasn't funny at all and instead was confusing.
  14. Because the tier one and tier two buildings have matching textures but the tier two and tier three buildings have different textures. It has no consistency, kinda like the tier one and tier two building textures themselves. And sure, they serve their purpose, but I and many others think they look bad.
  15. I'm tempted to make this my signature because I laughed at it for minutes on end when I saw it: It's because the tier one buildings look like a pile of buffalo excrement compared to the godly tier 3 buildings B9 gave us. Seriously, they're SO BAD. Their color schemes don't even match or don't even progress properly, which ruins the sense of "upgrading". I understand that they're supposed to look primitive, but that doesn't mean that they should be terrible compared to the other buildings or that they need pieces of sheet metal duct taped to the sides of things. How come the crafts the Kerbals make are so good yet their buildings suck eggs? Their destroyed buildings look even worse. There's visible texture tiling on all of the destroyed buildings, and the models themselves are pretty bad. Agreed. Though the textures were bad and the barn itself was pretty poorly modeled and didn't look like a barn at all, it was much better than the dark-green mess we have now. I'm inclined on making a spin-off of with the tier 1 and tier 2 buildings.EDIT: Sorry if this post is a bit heated. I went into angry rant mode.
  16. Trouble others not keeping alligators. mzxntf
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