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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Questions that are stupid. Is it possible to eat a stapler?
  2. -41 (-) *stops 1812 Overture and plays Sacred War instead*
  3. In cool Nebraska Wally relays texts to Oswald. kjdfgd
  4. This is me basically me. Recently, however, I've tried to stop reverting and now I've lost 40,000 funds on my Mun program due to my rocket breaking apart from flipping (I use FAR btw). I find it more challenging, and FUN.
  5. Banned for #$../REASON[bAN]/USERABOVE$.
  6. For me, it's more like this: And here's one I made a while ago It's just you.
  7. They work, but at sea level they barely show up because the ion engine's thrust ASL is terrible because of the new ISP changes. The way to fix it is to go inside your MP_Nazari folder, open squad_hotrockets.cfg, scroll all the way down, and change the ion engine's emission curve to something like this: emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.01 0.2 emission = 0.15 0.45 emission = 1.0 0.75
  8. I'm at 3408 patches right now . IIRC my record was six thousand or so. Magic. But seriously, check the thread:
  9. You can say this as many times as you want, but the noobs will still refuse to call them their proper names.
  10. For those of you using HotRockets but are annoyed at how the nuclear engine produces a yellow light even though its exhaust is purple, add this to your patches.cfg: @PART[nuclearEngine]:FOR[EngineLight] { @MODULE[tjs_EngineLight] { @lightGreen = 0.55 @lightBlue = 0.93 @jitterMultiplier = 15.3 } } It makes the engine emit a purple light that matches with its exhaust.
  11. This: Click here to view the full album with bigger screenshots This has to be the most eccentric bug I've ever run into.
  12. I know you didn't explicitly state that it was your own picture, but even then it's always better to give credit to the original. Oh, and since I don't want to derail the thread... It actually didn't fly that much like a brick, and the funny thing is I made it with FAR.
  13. Oh, I understand. But it would still be cool to have landing legs, cargo bays, and other parts consume electricity on deployment and retraction.
  14. And right now I'm imagining landing legs and misc parts requiring electricity to deploy. This is a great idea!
  15. Sorry to bump the thread, but is this limited to landing gear or does it apply to rover wheels too? If it doesn't, then it'd be really great to have rover wheels kick up dust too.
  16. Reminds me of when I used to have a telescope. Just that ability to see the night side of the planet makes it ever more awe-inspiring.
  17. I discovered this by accident and it surprised me and it probably surprises anyone who finds out about it. Why isn't this documented better or made more accessible in the UI? For some reason what I wrote above makes no sense to me so I'm sorry if you can't understand it. And no, English is my first language, but I'm terrible at writing outside of academic assignments.
  18. This isn't really accurate as a few of the people on that list aren't really appreciated (I would say but I don't want to name names ). You should change it as that'll be misleading newbies to only base their appreciation for members by their amount of rep, and to not base their praise on the member's actual contributions to the community. Also, something that actually contributes to the thread: MOARdV only maintains RPM, but Mihara created it.
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