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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. *Places bet that Spongebob is actually a jellyfish in a pencil sharpener flavored refrigerator.*
  2. 10^10/10 You are literally everywhere
  3. I add a music player that plays music, including Interstellar's soundtrack and Wagner's music (example: , but that doesn't really count since it's another dimension, not music, which is like most of Wagner's [insert nonexistent word worthy of describing Wagner's music here] works), to keep morale up.
  4. Literally look 5 posts above yours. Other than that, it works completely fine, but there seems to be another bug for me where stopping timewarp in Kerbin's SOI causes the game to freeze for a few seconds or so.
  5. A "non-heritage heritage" unit comes in and steals the show. Finally someone else on these forums that's train crazy.
  6. I replace KoS with HAL 9000, because it seems to be the best computer out there.
  7. I usually name my crafts by smashing the keyboard until something interesting comes up, which I modify to make it even more interesting and fitting. Ex: *SMASH* dflkjh nope *SMASH* jklsaf nope *SMASH* daoha ooh *30 seconds later* The Daoha I is ready for launch!
  8. 6/10 Looks fairly realistic but not that interesting This is an OOLLDD screenshot I found inside a 0.22 KSP install buried in one of my old flash drives. It was my first manned Duna mission.
  9. Thanks for the summary. Overall I'm quite happy with what Max has said and shown, and the fairings do look pretty cool . Except one thing... No way. Absolutely no way. This is why we can't go straight to 1.0. IMO it fits in with the game's art style but is unrealistic.
  10. Or you can screw around with the Endurance mod
  11. 9/10 Neat but the random horizontal scroll bar messes it up a bit.
  12. A buried pi-AHH *squlgsch* The object in your left hand is now the only thing you have to help you survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
  13. I make another hill. My hill and megatiger78's hill with space marines.
  14. Granted. You get 14 years of free time, but you're now on a space station that orbits tightly around a large black hole. As a result, you use up all your time within 4 hours. I wish for a street-legal car that's a scaled-down Ranger from Interstellar.
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