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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Ich am a German student. What bist du?
  2. Turns out reentering at 12 km/s with FAR's aero failures makes for a pretty lightshow. (I could've gotten a better shot but the capsule was spinning at like 98482908566284^48 RPM so the camera was freaking out. Actual pretty image tax:
  3. Banned for saying a shuttle is not a replica but being correct and saying it's based off of it.
  4. to REMOVE SNAIL FROM THE PREMISES. SNAIL SMELL. WOW I CAN SMELL IT. :mad: GO BACK TO SHELL. FILTHY SNAIL. snail of irrelevant. snail of disgusting filth. i spit in shell of snail. REMOVE SNAIL
  5. Granted. You get a vacuum, which causes you to asphyxiate. I wish for Squadcast to not be canceled today.
  6. Same with tweakable SRB thrust curves. I haven't seen anyone not want them yet.
  7. 1152: There seems to be some type of energy in the air, but you can't seem to describe it.
  8. Neil Armstrong ain't need no revert flight
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