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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Oh yeah, sorry. I was going to compare liters first but then changed my mind, and it looks like I forgot to change the units for that.
  2. I got a quick estimate of the relationship between funds and dollars by comparing oxidizer costs. According to the KSP Wiki, Oxidizer costs √0.04 a kilogram (√ meaning "funds"). NASA, as stated in this site, pays $0.16 for every kg of liquid oxygen. Based on this, the ratio would be √0.04/$0.16, or 1 fund for every 4 dollars. So, based on this, √50,000 would equal to $200,000. It would be better to have a more accurate estimate than this, however. EDIT: Looks like I got ninja'd by you, but it's cool how close our estimates of the fund-to-dollar exchange rate are. Also, some more stuff. NASA paid $0.16 for every kg of LOX in 2001, so $0.16 in today's money would be $0.21, so adjusting for inflation the ratio would be √1:$5.25. So 50,000 funds would be $262,500 dollars.
  3. '76 'M U R I C A! murica stronk. remove commie.
  4. I hire Serbia to REMOVE LAVA remove lava. you are worst lava. you are the lava idiot you are the lava smell. return to mantle. to our mantle cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the volccano….ahahahaha ,lava we will never forgeve you. melted rascal lava stink lava popere popare..lava genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead lava..ahahahahahLAVA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget pompei .magma we kill the king , magma return to your precious mantle….hahahahaha idiot lava and lava smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE LAVA FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+serbia+slovak=kill lava…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink lava… you live in a island hahahaha, you live in a planet My pit. EDIT: Ninja'd... I capture an asteroid and claim it as mine. Souper's newly formed asteroid belt around the Sun and my asteroid.
  5. The moon disintegrates into rainbows after being struck by a high power laser originating from the home of someone named Randall Munroe.
  6. Dear George: Fudge retaliating judiciously; slap Arnold! biluel
  7. I remember there was a mod that made Free cam the default camera mode, but I don't remember its name. EDIT: This post seems to show a way how you can make this mod disable auto cam entirely.
  8. I usually write what the objective, significance, or highlight of the mission was. Ex: "Did an aerial survey." or "First Mun Landing!" or "Will we have enough fuel to return?". Sometimes I'm just lazy and write whatever comes to my mind, such as "Filing cabinets can't melt anime refrigerators."
  9. 8/10 Like the signature layout, but the Modular Booster System banner is cut off, which doesn't really look good.
  10. Describes it perfectly. It doesn't seem right when you drive a rover onto the launchpad at 2 m/s and then have it explode but smash a missile into it at Mach 3 and have it remain intact. I would definitely like it to see this annoying bug get fixed by making building destruction dependent on speed as well as weight.
  11. From the insane sound and light from that, you'd expect it to melt the sand behind it. Oh well, guess APCP fuel can't melt sand dunes.
  12. Magnificent. Would be great as end-game music. Uh...not to be mean, but I think you're being a bit too full of yourself by bragging about your works like that and implying that his work is unoriginal.
  13. The wrong idea that Jebediah has had is going very awkwardly because of control loss to bananas and sheep. That has pickles between the onion and the boosters during Kraken holidays murder, It causes weird's elbow to protrude none of those new SRBs after sleeping through death wishes. Invariably, control surfaces break windows made of
  14. 127: Something will always go wrong. Always.
  15. Poland's flag is upside down! Also, please learn proper English. Oh, and тôlúiøg liúõ тýis üôúõs уþцlþþú ÑÂцssiôø and it totally isn't hard to read for people that know the Cyrillic alphabet.
  16. 1148: The building starts swaying violently. Furniture on this floor moves around and one of the pieces hits you, sending you to the other wall. You try to stand up, but are unable to do so due to the motion of the floor. You crawl out of the floor, when suddenly the shaking stops.
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