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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Trying new things. I swear, docking, life support, planes (FAR), rovers, massive lifters, etc. are easy, but it's been a year since I've got this game and I've only sent Kerbals to Duna (other than Minmus and the Mun, obviously). It might be because of the fact that I usually spend my time doing stupid stuff like this instead: and this:
  2. CPU: i5 2400 @ 3.1 GHz RAM: 8 GB DDR3 at something-something mhz GPU: Intel 2000 HD Graphics HDD: 1 TB Whatever-comes-with-a-generic-prebuilt-HP-desktop OS: Windows 7 64 bit Yeah, I have this prebuilt thing . It generally runs KSP terribly due to it not having a graphics card at all (only integrated graphics), albeit the CPU power deals quite well with part count. I really want to get a new rig soon, but that's a want, not a need.
  3. Seems like the user above me doesn't know how to count, so I'll fill in the gap. 1118: It's pitch black and dead silent. You're terrified and dash to the next floor. 1119: You see a huge model train set and look at it for a while as several model railroaders run their consists around the room.
  4. Granted. Wait, wrong thread. Oh, there's pie? Uh, sir, that's the math soup. Waiter! There's an orange in my refrigerator in my cupboard in my soup!
  5. I don't use stock aero at all, but in FAR I pitch over 5 degrees or so a 10-15 seconds after launch then continue to follow the prograde marker as closely as possible until I reach orbit. I also try to maintain at least 40 seconds to apoapsis during the later parts of ascent.
  6. REMOVE PIRATE remove pirate you are worst pirate. you are the pirate idiot you are the pirate smell. return to caribbean. to our free cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,captn we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal screw pirate stink pirate sqhipere shqipare..pirate genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead pirate..ahahahahahPIRATE WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .caribbean we kill the king , caribbean return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot pirate smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE PIRATE FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill …you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink priate… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….poop the pirate ,..SCREWw poop pirate no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the pirate farm aminal with rap magic
  7. Granted. You can only speak pig Latin. I wish for a hamburger
  8. 1117: You hear ominous music and what sounds like "Koy on is quad ski"
  9. Uh..that's because it's his soup, sir. Waiter! There's a dictionary in my soup!
  10. David vomited on Rick's apartment knobs. o_O sfdgj
  11. Thirty three Because 8th grade math is so unbelievably hard. I guess I'll have to explain myself... Here's the mind-boggling quadratic thermodynamic inverted-square geometric proof I posted: √(4^2)-x 3x^2=12x Let's start with the first part, √(4^2)-x. 4^2 is 16, and the square root of that is 4. So, now we know that the answer I posted was 4-x. But we have absolutely no idea what x is. Enter the second equation: 3x^2=12x The first thing I'll do is to isolate the variable by dividing both sides by x, where we get: 3x=12 This leaves us with a relatively simple problem. The way we simplify it further is by dividing both sides by 3: x=4 So, x equals 4. If we input it into the first expression (4-x), we get 4-4, which is 0. If you're not convinced yet, we can substitute x with 4 in the formula: 3x^2=12x 3(4)^2=12(4) 3(16)=12(4) 48=48 ...and indeed it does work out. However, I made a slight mistake in the original problem. In this equation, x can also equal 0, so I should've also stated that x≠0
  12. around Unrelated: what the heck is "#freefleet"?
  13. Granted. I interpret your wish as a friend you have inside a jail cell. You thus spend the rest of your life with this cell friend. I wish people would stop calling craft that are based off of real craft "replicas" of real craft.
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