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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Im not trying to hark on rocketdyne or anything but I do feel an obligation to point out things that appear to be issues. at least with the hope that they receive a second look.
  2. Your pics are too small kiddo EDIT: It's not that they're too small, it's just that you used the Imgur link for "Small square" instead of the normal one.
  3. Actually, the way emissives work in 1.0.5 is completely independent on the part's heat, and is instead dependent on throttle, as the module controlling the animation was changed from ModuleAnimateHeat to FXModuleAnimateThrottle (which, funnily enough, is exactly what my BetterEmissives mod did). If you want the glow to increase faster, find this in the config file: MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = SSME_Heat responseSpeed = 0.00025 dependOnEngineState = True dependOnThrottle = True } and increase responseSpeed to your liking. In addition, if you want the inside of the engine to glow, then find SSME_GLOW.dds and SSME.dds in the Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineSSME folder and find the sub-texture used for the inside of the bell in SSME.dds and find the corresponding sub-texture in SSME_GLOW.dds and make it white or bright blue.
  4. Saw it too. I was hiking and saw an orange light, and thought it was a plane at first. Then, I realized that it was going much too fast to be a plane, and after it started making a long orange flame, I realized that it was a rocket launch and started freaking out. I watched as it got higher and higher, and saw a bright flash and a piece fall off when it presumably staged. I kept watching as it got high enough for the exhaust to be lit by the sun, when it made a massive white plume that took up the entire sky. It then made a shockwave as the second stage possibly separated and the third stage ignited and continued on, still making the plume. I took a (bad) picture of it: I'd never even anticipated seeing anything like this at all, ever. Even the launches I've seen from Vandenberg came nothing close to this one, even though those were ones I knew about beforehand, and not a complete surprise like this one. It was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life.
  5. This is RLA Stockalike, not RLA Ven'salike. If you want monoprop tanks that look like Ven's, then try KW Rocketry or something else that fits its style better, not something that's explicitly stated as following the stock parts' appearance as closely as possible. Besides, cleaning up the textures to fit your liking is a relatively trivial task anyway, so you should do it yourself if you really want them that much, even more so as you seem to be the only one wanting them.
  6. Bravo I just broke 5000 posts on my spambot too
  7. New update from Spaceflight Now: "The U.S. Air Force just released the following statement to Spaceflight Now: "The ORS-4 mission on an experimental Super Strypi launch vehicle failed in mid-flight shortly after liftoff at 5:45 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time (7:45 p.m. PST; 10:45 p.m. EST) today from the Pacific Missile Range Facility off Barking Sands, Kauai, Hawaii. Additional information will be released as it becomes available.""
  8. Video replay of the stream. Looks like the time after launch at which the breakup occurs in Motokid's video matches up with when the tumbling started, and also with when it seems to have started wobbling. RIP Super Strypi
  9. It's some unused audio, as with everything else in the Squad/Sounds folder. You can actually delete everything in there (except sound_decoupler_fire I think) to free up some memory (about 20mb or s with absolutely no repercussions ingame. This is because the sounds are already stored in KSP_Data in the .assets files, making those in the sounds folder completely redundant.
  10. Just a friendly reminder that rep is completely useless and often has no correlation with one's actual charisma and contribution to the community, and that it's meaningless to obsess over it.
  11. It's like you actually expected stock aerodynamics to make sense. Wow.
  12. What? Er...yeah, KJR does fix the issues...erm...KJR fixes. I think you misread my post.
  13. You can. From the OP: Basically, there's a config.xml in the KerbalJointReinforcement/Plugin/PluginData/KerbalJointReinforcement folder with a bunch of values to adjust to your liking.
  14. This seems to have what you're looking for:
  15. It's a known bug with Distant Object Enhancement where the planet flare texture can sometimes "wander" around and come close to your vessel. Make sure you have the latest version too as this bug is more common in the older ones. Here:
  16. Unmatched reliability, with over 50 successful launches, which really isn't surprising for a company that places results over rhetoric and is the supreme launch provider of the world.
  17. Since the rules permit it, I changed the decoupling force of a separator to a few million and got to several times the speed of light within a fraction of a second. Pics:
  18. A while ago, we were having a discussion on the discovery of the atom, and our chemistry teacher described how early scientists believed that the atom couldn't be split, giving rise to the name "atom". Obviously, and as most everyone in the class knew as this was an Honors Chemistry class and it was previously explained, it could really be split in the process of fission. Unfortunately, one very conceited and arrogant individual thought that nobody knew this, and while pecking away at his fingernails in the most egoistical manner, he said, stuttering, "Well, technically, you can split it". The entire class looked at him and facepalmed. The worst part is that he does this stuff much too often, and he never learns. Are you sure he wasn't being sarcastic? In any case, that's simple ignorance, and I'd educate him about his error in the most modest way possible.
  19. Wasn't this game a thing like in, what, 2013? Congratulations! You deserve a golden star for all that hard and backbreaking effort you put into clicking a button endlessly.
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