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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Banned for letting Mitt Romney quickscope your Mountain Dew on sparknotes.com
  2. Lucky scrub... Here's mine: I hate Time Warner Cable. We're paying for 200 mb/s, mind you.
  3. Granted. You hack in reputation which gets you banned. I wish for Irish fish on a dish.
  4. Banned for being on KLF while I'm not on.
  5. Is that a B-29 style cockpit? Awesome!!! I've been wanting one for so long! (I don't mean to rush you; take your time).
  6. This awesome screenshot is simply this screenshot but with different contrast, brightness, etc.
  7. Granted. You go back in time and never gain an interest in mud, but then you wouldn't have gone back in the first place because the motive that originally made you go back no longer exists. This paradox you created ends the universe and everyone explodes. The end. I wish that I had a geometric plane.
  8. Nah, I just posted in it . The user below me is Illuminati.
  9. Granted. The waffles are Luftwaffes and they bomb you. I wish for a fish that had a dish of "mish".
  10. Nice work! Can you just erm beautify these pictures of mine? Thanks
  11. Granted. You accidentally listen to it and your ears explode in a tremendous fireball, vaporizing your entire neighborhood. I wish that I could into space.
  12. Not really. The person below me has eaten lunch today.
  13. Why not switch to cable for only $39.99 a month?
  14. ♫Let me goooooo Let me gooooooo♫
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