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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Of helloings! Ich will make sure that yuo will of into enjoyings of my krafts.
  2. Really deep mud wearing no shoes or boots. Richard Wagner or Coldplay?
  3. What did the banana say to the hippo? How the heck should I know; why are you asking me? I'll just post this here:
  4. Introducing the new Probe merchandise! Now you can hail the Probe anywhere! HAIL PROBE!
  5. That's bad for you? Here (Kouthern Kalifornia), it barely even rains.
  6. The friend's friend (1) who hears the friend say "I want an atom" which the friend (1) hears as "I want an atomic bomb" and responds by bringing him an atomic bomb which accidentally detonates, killing the friend and friend (1).
  7. 4/10 Doesn't really make any sense.
  8. 7/10 Nice Now for Thomas988's username. This took an embarrassingly long time.
  9. The previous picture does not comply with Rule 4 so I'll ignore it. 3 wild Daleks appear!
  10. I have an overclocked 3DS that can connect to a 3D TV. You jelly?
  11. 8/10 Nice. "All's well until I see a plane or a spacecraft that I don't know about. Then I get nerd-sniped."
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