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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Granted. Now, some people don't care about what they do because they no longer believe in judgement and the afterlife and some of them destroy everything they see, including you. I wish I had more green bars.
  2. That's still an alien m9 ( á° Üʖ á°)
  3. Yuo of askings Kazakhstan how to. How to out of space?
  4. Yep, I have blue The user below me played KSP today.
  5. Someone who used to love mud a lot but now doesn't like it as much.
  6. 300.002778: Mackz Kerman is found dead at the bottom of a well. Kroman Kerman admits he killed him and is punished with a lack of snacks for 1 month. 300.086111: After one month, Mackz Kerman goes insane from the lack of snacks.
  7. 0001.2: Someone finds out that the easy fitting stuff in the blue big areas sticks to stuff and gets into their clothes and hair and is hard to get out but goes away after a while. 0001.21: Someone else finds out that the easy fitting stuff in the huge blue areas makes the tongue weird but not as much in the smaller blue areas. Kerbals have no idea what this stuff is.
  8. 0001: Someone discovers that if you get dry brush and you light it on fire, you get a fire.
  9. Fiiiine...I'll fill it with cement. If the next person posts something not from MythBusters I'll kill them.
  10. Nope. I don't even have steam. The user below me likes steam locomotives.
  11. A person who is an activist for the Society Against Eyelid Cruelty.
  12. 5100: Lisa Kerman finds out a way to destroy all the clones of Jebediah Kerman by luring them into a canyon with boosters suspended from helicopters while playing "Ride of the Valkyries". 5100.01: Marge Kerman realizes that he accidentally also killed the actual Jebediah Kerman and he was the first one to jump off the cliff. 5100.02: Jebediah Kerman somehow reappears and kills the clone mistaken for him.
  13. Yuo of joins Book of Faceings. How to of travelings to Japan?
  14. I don't really get that cool kerbal names, but I remember getting "Billy-Bobry". It's just such a funny name. I can imagine Seegas Kerman working for an oil company.
  15. Granted. You accidentally break it and the radioactive material falls on the ground, somehow turning supercritical and causing you to die of radiation poisoning. I wish for a fish that could squish a dish.
  16. 10/10 Never fails to make me laugh
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