muddy boots are okay.maybe. Maybe.10characterssometimes i ask why do you post thatmegaquote ftw caps i know :d megaquote: Continue! it never stops anyone???????still never ends...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatrolololololololololololol lololololol!abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz i'm insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ludicrous quote! Go! omg this is insane, just look at this fat dog @parameciumkid, the trick I use to copy the quote pyramid is by "blogging" the post, opening an editor, in which is the code containing all the quotes, which I can then include in my post. Where did you get that image? Google image, it's a macro (A.K.A. reaction image if you like) picturing Mr. Bones and his Wild Ride. HOLY BAJAYZUS, dat sum nesting right there. If this were any other subforum I'd stomp on this thread so hard it makes a crater. Ya know what though? Keep it in this little sandbox, and have fun. Insanity level: ​OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pee-rfect. That is the most funny image i have seen in my entire life I'm dying of laughter here