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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. Lol Xacktar. You're so funny Anyways, I would probably be a level two or thereabouts. I always try landing my capsules back at KSC, but only sigh if I miss.
  2. I talked to my crush Welcome to Deutschland, how tough are you?
  3. [POOP]! Welcome to die Keller, how tough are you?
  4. Wow! So cool to see someone from JPL play KSP AND be on the forums.
  5. This will wash away that pesky mud. "NIAGARA FALLS! Slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch..."
  6. I've ran into this bug and it seems to be an interaction between TweakScale and ModuleManager, as shown in this post on the thread. Even though I know that the modder is not obliged to fix this bug, I still hope that it'll get fixed soon.
  7. Yeah, normal mode seemed wayyy too easy for me. Can't wait to play with hard mode as I don't have any time right now .
  8. General Rarity was ambushed by bushes.
  9. Banned for being a well-respected engineer.
  10. Granted. You get five Saturn cars. I wish that I had a fast car.
  11. I find out where alemagno12 lives and kill him slowly with a knife.
  12. Alemango12 got banned for spamming
  13. Wait, why'd you call me over if you have nothing to say? Waiter! There's a garage door opener in my soup!
  14. *SCREECH* *BANG* "It's a good thing you were wearing that helmet."
  15. A video about a walrus pumpin his guns. spooky werning: dis vidyo iz 3000000spooky50000000u
  16. You think that's bad? Everyone in my class calls any rocket they see a space shuttle.
  17. This is a great idea and even if this isn't the video made I'm 99% sure Squad will make the video like this for the introduction of female kerbals.
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