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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. 10/10 ı sÇÂÇ ÊŽon ɠןoʇ˙
  2. Dude, you have to post something that COUNTERS the previous post, not something that you simply wanted to post. Read the rules. Anyways... Who needs cannons when you have rockets?
  3. The cheese scissored picture frames, then greened to the snake.
  4. You think you're having a bad day? My mom's computer's audio decided to poop out for no reason so I don't even want eggs!
  5. False. The user below me is a cat
  6. True. The user below me has looked at my user profile.
  7. Granted. By using this, you make so much money that nobody else has any money. I wish it wasn't so hot that I can't even think properly.
  8. Woah, it's decimating the soup! I think this is the perfect time to remind you that there are no refunds on soup. Waiter! Soup there's speakerphone picture frame!
  9. A video where some random guy is talking about comments.
  10. A video (Indiyskiy fil'm nyeryeal'niy boy which I guess translates to "Indian film ____ ____?") which shows a completely fake fight that's in a language I really want to learn.
  11. There might be too little Xactar, but at least there's plenty of Xacktar in it! Waiter! There's a Grammar .... in my soup!
  12. Granted. It undergoes hasty unintentional lithobraking on landing that results in rapid unplanned disassembly of the lander and a loss of crew. I wish I could into space.
  13. True. The user below me doesn't have an A/C
  14. Your blocks have been converted to plasma by a nuclear bomb (in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace).
  15. Granted. Squad rushes the update and it turns out that it has a bug in which it overheats your system components and permanently damages them. They find out that you made them release the update faster and make you pay for all damages that everyone experienced. I wish my computer worked.
  16. A dumb video about someone talking about something we really don't care about.
  17. You broke your rules on your own forum game. Anyways, the above video demonstrates the effects of being stuck in mud.
  18. I seriously have no idea what to say about this video on particles and people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RS9DFbztNU
  19. Criticizing the 844's use of recycled engine oil to preserve resources? CHEATER!!!!
  20. Banned for having a banning reason that doesn't make sense
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