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Everything posted by ShadyAct

  1. Are you gonna take volumetric clouds off the attempt list? @Bekie Ouch. I'd probably laugh if that happened to me though.
  2. Could you make the cockpit windows light up like the ones in B9?
  3. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty_Questions I don't think you know how the game works. I linked to the simple version.
  4. The Spaceport link links to a forum thread - just a friendly heads up.
  5. In my game (and everyone's maybe) the 2.5m and 1.25m plasma thruster have the same weight and most if not all of the same stats. Is that intentional?
  6. Could someone just edit the cfg of a given part to function as the heat fins for this mod (by adding a module or something) it would be very interesting if the insulation part of this mod was integrated with the radiators from KSP Interstellar (they look nicer and have more functionality (I think)] http://i.imgur.com/ldhUzWv.png
  7. Step 1, Orbit Planet - Successful SSTO flight I Live Here Now - Survive a landing in which all engines are destroyed. Who Needs Spaceships? - Put yourself into orbit with a jetpack. Don't Move or I'll Chute - Land safely using only parachutes.
  8. You could deal with it, play sandbox, wait until the game is actually done, fix it yourself, use a tech tree mod, or play a different game. Or you can show people the upper limit of how impotent someone's rage can be.
  9. True, but I feel that they're too small. Also what's a polygon count specialist?
  10. You should change 'Cutes' to 'Cute' in your 'Cutes Girls' recruitment. Chicks dig literacy.
  11. You're welcome. I don't know how my previous post came across but it wasn't an insult, I'm just wondering why the fuel tanks don't match.
  12. The name by itself made me think the mod was something MUCH more ambitious until I read the description, but still, you sir, are a beast.
  13. Are you also speaking for that guy? I took we to mean the other people in the thread, which seemed like a safe assumption. But some guy named after an anime character got mad for some reason. ON TOPIC: There's already a mod that can keep a certain center of mass. You should use that form at the top right that says 'Advanced Search' more often. Preferably so much that you'd have no time to post. And there's a mod that adds parachutes but I guess you want this stuff for stock. Is that a safe assumption? If more people request the same feature it'll just make it seem more 'in-demand'.
  14. Did you mean to make the last two tanks not match flush with the rest of the parts?
  15. A quick tutorial on how to make sure planes move in a straight line on the runway.
  16. I made a wish ... and had it horribly granted the very next day!
  17. Could you make a power hungry part that reduces oxygen consumption by cryogenically freezing Kerbals?
  18. I posted this in 'Feature Requests for .22' ... yesterday? I doubt you saw that but thanks.
  19. I doubt it's against the rules but you released the mod for an obsolete version of KSP.
  20. That seems a little hyperbolic :/ and it would be on your hands if you're killing yourself.
  21. A countdown would be nice. Without having to do it myself :/
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