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Everything posted by Neutrinovore

  1. Hello all. @Balto-the-Wolf-Dog, good to see new parts, keep up the very nice work! One comment, if I may: I think that the new Asima pod is your best looking part yet! However, I think that from the look of it and just the general proportions, it would work much better as a 2.5 meter pod instead of the 1.25 meter size it is now. Just my opinion. Anyway, I rescaled it in the config file, and it works just fine. I'm sure that the IVA doesn't work very well now, but since I don't really use the IVA views when I play, it's not really a big problem for me. Although, if you did want to do a 2.5 meter version of this cockpit with a corresponding IVA, I'm sure that would be pretty cool too. Also, at the larger size, I think that I'll add some crew capacity as well, I'm sure that it would carry at least 6 Kerbals now. Anyway, fwiw.
  2. I'll second that! There have been a lot of changes since you last played KSP, Sumghai, so I totally agree that you should take some time to get reacquainted with the game in its current state, and also to just enjoy it again for a while. Have fun, my friends!
  3. Yep. With the current version, anything with a scale type of "stack" will change the scale in increments of .025 meters at a time, but you have to use the slider bar to do that. If you use the arrows to either side of the slider bar, it will change sizes from "1.25m" to "2.5m", "3.75m", etc. I really like that the ability to fine tune the size was added to the slider bar, because sometimes one modder's '2.5 meter' diameter part doesn't quite match some other '2.5 meter' parts that I have in my inventory.
  4. It appears to me to be a rescaled (i.e. TweakScaled) stock avionics nosecone, but I'm only 99.3% sure about that. If you don't recognize it, it may also have been retextured by Ven's Stock Revamp mod, or another retexture mod, perhaps.
  5. Yes, I realize that the part shown is not going to be the final version, and you're right, I too have full confidence that K.Yeon will polish the final product much more than shown. But my disappointment also extends to the fact that Mr. Yeon has created several different iterations of his parts, and almost ALL of them were extremely useable in-game. Some more than others, I'll admit, and there was a version of the 'K' cargo bays that had some seriously borked animation colliders making them essentially UNuseable, but still... My point is that he has created a great many parts that were (in my opinion) pretty much perfect, that K 'Valkyrie' cockpit being one of them, and I used them quite a bit while they were the current version. But then, those parts have just been discarded and replaced with all new parts that, in their own way are just as functional as the previous ones, but are sometimes lacking a certain feature (such as the inline 'J' docking port that could dock with both 1.25 meter AND 2.5 meter docking ports, that thing was total GENIUS!), or perhaps just don't look quite as nice (again, IMO), and you can't even keep using them because the newer parts' cross-section has been slightly changed. Anyway, @K.Yeon, man, I love you like a brother from another mother, I really do. I just wish that you'd realize how good you really are, and just leave some things as they are, instead of pursuing an almost never-ending program of 'just one more try, I think I can do better this time'. Seriously, your parts are awesome, and have been from the beginning, and I really do look forward to every new OPT release, even if it does make me tear out my hair because I have to re-build all of my spaceplanes from scratch every dang time, grrr!! Lol, later everyone!
  6. Yes, hear hear! I also thank AlexUstas for the update. As long as we (I) know that this mod hasn't been abandoned or forgotten about, that's all I ask. But, that doesn't mean that I'm not disappointed that it'll be even LONGER now that we have to wait for KSP 1.1 to drop, and then have to wait for Alex and all the other mod developers to figure out how to deal with all the changes... *sigh*... Anyway, thanks again for letting us know you're still alive. Later, all!
  7. Ooohh, very nice, Absolution! Thank you very much for the update, my friend, downloading now.
  8. Yeah... wow. I'm sorry, K.Yeon, but it's very obvious that there was not nearly as much time spent on modeling and texturing the newer part. I know that you and all mod makers do this on your own time and at your own discretion, but... well, let me just say that this is a very disappointing photo. VERY disappointing...
  9. What if I want to use the Supernova engine on a long range unKerbed probe? I guess I'll have to have a rendezvous flight just for the purpose of upgrading the engine... Or, can the engine be upgraded as it sits on the pad BEFORE launch? That way all I'd have to do is drive a rover out, walk an Engineer over, and do it that way.
  10. Umm, okay, you came out of nowhere with some pretty darn nice looking parts, my friend! I'm looking forward to having some new command pods to play with, thank you!
  11. Got it. I think I figured it out about 2 minutes after I asked the question, but thank you.
  12. I've scanned this thread searching for a download link, but I'm getting the impression that this mod is not available yet, correct? I'm looking forward to it, though, I like some of the larger command pods, and some of the engines look pretty nifty too! Hopefully we'll get to play with it soon.
  13. Alrighty, excellent, thank you greatly sir! Ehm, or perhaps Madam, lol, sorry for not knowing which right this second. Anyway, yep, your link worked great, and I've already got it downloaded. Greatly appreciated. Have some rep! Uhhh... how do I give reputation points on this new forum?
  14. Hey RoverDude, while if you're taking requests, any chance of fixing the IVA on the AES pod? I'm having a major problem that makes that part unusable: After about a minute into a flight, some props or items in the AES pod's IVA get insanely large, and clip out through the pod and any other parts that are near or surrounding it. I don't get any explosions from intersecting colliders or anything, but visually these big slab-like things just block views and look generally fugly. Interestingly, if I switch focus to another vessel outside physics range, or go back to the space center, and then switch back to the vessel with the AES pod, everything goes back to normal... for a few minutes anyway, then *DOINK*, the IVA internals go crazy again. I tried removing the IVA module from the config file and replacing it with Squad's placeholder 'black void' IVA, but then it looks like the USI transparent pod module interferes, and makes all of the crew position boxes in the placeholder internal visible as opaque black boxes surrounding the AES Pod, so that's just as bad. I then tried removing the USI transparent pod module from the part config, and now the window is still transparent but the entire pod is transparent from the inside, so again, visually the pod really isn't usable. Whew, sorry for the long-winded explanation. Just trying to be thorough. To recap: I'm having trouble with the IVA on the AES pod, something to do with the internal props that causes something to get really large and clip out through the pod. Thanks for reading, and I hope this is enough information to at least point in the right direction. Later!
  15. Well, yes, thank you. I just checked again, approximately 24 (or 19, whatever... ) hours later, and the links are still broken. So yes, if it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate an alternate link to the latest version. Again, much thanks!
  16. Hmm. Trying to download 2.6.17, and the links on the front page and also in one of Sarbian's posts on the previous page don't do anything, they just open a blank page. I am using the Microsoft Edge browser, I don't know if that makes any difference. I'll try it on Internet Explorer. Update: Nope, IE does the same thing, the link just leads to a blank page. Looks like the link is broken, at least for me. FYI.
  17. Yeah, well, I'd bet that most of us feel the same way. Unfortunately it looks like this 'mod' can join Konquest mod and anything by BobCat, to name a few, in the pantheon of 'vaporware' mods that are (and forever will be) in perpetual 'development'. Which, you know, that's the way the cookie crumbles. If the developer lost interest, or life intervened in some way so that he/she no longer has the time or energy to devote to working on this mod or even messing with KSP at all, then that's life, I guess. I do hope that this Rover does get completed someday, sooner rather than later. But I won't be holding my breath, that's all I'm saying.
  18. Regarding the lag issue, I believe that it's also been established that parts-pack mods cause lag in two main ways: One, the more animation modules or animated parts there are on your vessel, the more lag you'll get in both the editor and in flight. Two, the more IVA's your parts have, and as a corollary, the more Kerbals you have in your vessel in flight, the more these factors will generate lag. I've encountered both in several mods that I've had or still have. In Lionhead Aerospace, for instance, almost every animated part in that mod generates so much lag that the mod is essentially unusable for me. Radiators, solar panels, even the iris on the heatshield causes me major problems. I also get a lot of lag when I use a lot of FusTek Station parts, this time because Sumghai, like this mod, likes to create very detailed IVA's, and once I get more than 4 or 5 FusTek parts on my craft in the editor, it really starts to chug my PC. Anyway, I haven't really had the time to play around with this mod very much because I've been focusing on SpacePlane and mapping probe construction lately, but if this mod is causing a lot of lag for certain folks, I'm almost certain that it will be due to the large number of (and the details within) the IVA models and textures that the game has to process and render for every frame, even though we don't see them at all in the editor, and barely at all even in flight, for most of us. I don't think that the texture size has much to do with anything, because active texture management (if you use it, as I do) compresses IVA textures just like any other, unless they're DDS format, of course, but even then that doesn't seem to matter. It boils down to the simple facts: The more IVA's you have on your craft, and/or the more animated parts there are, the more lag you will encounter. I hope this information helps someone. Later!
  19. That's cool, Abs. It's not really like it looks BAD, I'd take it as it looks now, I usually end up attaching all manner of extra greeblies to my ships anyway, i.e. antennas, science bits, radiators, solar panels, etc. And about the Unity 5 thing, yeah... I'm pretty sure KSP 1.1 is going to break virtually every mod in existence, not looking forward to it.
  20. OOOHHhh! The 'First Light' is looking nice, but I agree with Wasmic that it certainly needs a bit more color somewhere in there. Right now I think K.Yeon is doing some excellent texture work with his OPT mod, you might check that one out, Absolution. Of course, you don't need to do all of the spaceplane 'leading-edge heat tiles' thing, but since I plan to land this ship on atmospheric planets, some heat resistant looking areas on the front and bottom wouldn't look out of place, IMHO. Anyway, as always I look forward to trying out a new version of the First Light when it's ready. Keep up the great work, Absolution! Later!
  21. Aww, crud, I think that your current wings work great, they're literally the ONLY wings and control surfaces I use anymore! Well, almost... Anyway, I'm greatly disappointed to learn that the wings won't have built-in control surfaces. I'd like to encourage you to please try your best to retain this feature, mainly because I've never liked the look of having ailerons or flaps or rudders or anything like that just tacked on to the back of a wing or fin, it just looks... well, tacked on, lol. I also second Rho-Mu 34's request for inline and/or otherwise built-in retractable docking ports in a variety of configurations, in I, J, and K profiles at the least. Again, because there are a limited number of options for adding docking ports to a streamlined spaceplane design without it looking just fugly. So, yeah, hopefully we'll see some more great OPT parts soon. Keep up the great work, K.Yeon! Later!
  22. I realize that Technogeeky doesn't seem to be active here on the forums much anymore, but I just thought I'd check in to mention that I don't find any information about the Kerbin system (Kerbin, Mun, & Minmus) anywhere in this thread, updated or otherwise. There's everything else, just nothing about the Kerbin system. In scanning the thread quickly, I've picked up a few comments alluding to the fact that some things may have changed in 1.0.5, or perhaps even before, that could have an effect on some of these charts, so if that's the case, I suppose I can just resort to 'trial and error' in fixing my problem. Oh, I guess I should mention what that is, yes? Using old data from over a year ago, actually it's the same charts that are linked in the post directly above by Meyerweb (thanks, btw, it is good to have a way to get to those older posts!), I was scanning Minmus, and all of the orbits I'm using (SCANSat: RADAR, SAR, and Multispectral) are resonant, instead of non-resonant, resulting in a criss-cross pattern of scan results, with blank areas in between. I'm going to try another set of parameters to see if it just so happens that the ones I chose were the only 'bad' ones in there, but... well, we'll see. Anyway, I hope this thread hasn't been totally abandoned, it's a really useful tool to have for those of us who use the various surface scanning mods that have been developed for this great game! Later all!
  23. Are there supposed to be pictures somewhere in this thread? Because I'm not seeing any, nor am I seeing any kind of link to an Imgur album or any other kind of picture hosting site...
  24. Ah, well... I was hoping for a Christmas present from OPT, but such is life. I hope you, K.Yeon, and everyone else reading this, of course, has a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year!
  25. I tried this, and the textures are still broken on all of the engines (well, the VTOL Shoto and Tanto are fine, which is something) for me, as they were since 0.90, if I remember correctly. I was going to ask if there would be an update to the Space Tug, because the textures have been messed up on that one for quite a while too, but since nothing has actually been 'fixed' for 1.0.5, it's cool.
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