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Everything posted by Deejay2000

  1. Could I get some help on re-entering Kerbin's atmosphere without burning up? (I have the deadly re-entry mod.) I just want to try from a 300 km orbit. I've tried almost every altitude possibility, but I always end up burning up at the 60 km mark with my heat shield exceeding 1500 degrees Celsius[?]. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. I didn't wait for nukes, I don't think that is entirely necessary. I got to Duna, landed on Ike, went to Jool, and got into orbit around Laythe on my third or fourth mission. The mission after that I went straight to Jool and got a gravity assist from Laythe, Vall, and Tylo, then landed of Pol with exactly zero fuel. So, it's not required if you can use really small engines with high thrust to weight ratios. For example, the nuclear engine has 2.7 TWR whereas the Rockomax 48-7S has 29.4 TWR. So, the smaller the engine, the less mass you have to carry and the less mass you need to carry, the less fuel you need.
  3. Signal Delay and Flight Computer, the moment I've been waiting for.
  4. Wonderful, it appears they will be putting this in-game (the lab part, at least).
  5. Clean up debris? I say it's an achievement to create artificial rings around planets.
  6. Yeah, the ability to only be able to store one Mun-rock is kind of annoying. There should be a part capable of holding Mun-rocks. Or... the capsule should be able to hold a certain amount of samples (rocks/dirt/whatever else) before being full. Along with that, it should be able to hold the same experiment many times, rather than just having the ability to hold one of each experiment. Hopefully the ability for this will be in the next update.
  7. Hey everybody! I couldn't find a thread on this, so I thought I'd create it myself. Rovers still seem rather useless. There's not a whole lot of things for them to do, so I thought maybe they could do science much like the real ones (specifically the ones on Mars). It'd be nice if they could have a robotic arm or something that could take surface samples. Maybe they could be worth more science(?). Another idea is a command module (or something similar) capable of analyzing science, so it'd be worth more science than just transmitting the data straight to mission control. For example, you could have an orbital space station that with a lander that could descend to a planet/moon, collect science, and return back and have it analyzed, then have that information transmitted for more science than if you just directly transmitted it without it being analyzed. Or, of course, you could have a landed lab and have rovers collect science, dock to the lab (or possibly have a kerbal transport the samples[?]), and have it analyzed, and, again, transmit that data. Thoughts? Opinions?
  8. There are so many good mods coming out... Here, have a pile of rep.
  9. "[key]" is the variable you are changing, in this case, you want to change the "ipBinding" variable. So type: /set ipBinding [iNSERT IP ADRESS HERE] without the "[]" Regards, Deejay
  10. I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for this moment... Well, I actually can tell you...
  11. I've gotta say Duna. It's always the first place I go to try something new. Not the Mun, not Minmus, not anywhere else. It's always Duna. I like it's thin atmosphere and low gravity, and it's red... But I wish it had two moons.
  12. You need to set your ipBinding to the IP you portforwarded.
  13. I still love this mod, adds a lot of extra challenge and realism. I have a problem though. I cannot see the Mun unless I'm almost inside of it's sphere of influence, so I can't see it from Kerbin (or anywhere close to Kerbin). Regardless, it's a great mod.
  14. This is amazing! Thank you for making this! I hope you continue on making this mod more amazing than it already is. Regards, Deejay
  15. You're not looking far enough into the future... ... ... Sooo... What do you want in 1.0?
  16. A long time ago, I was too lazy to switch the channel from the Science channel. Laziness isn't always a bad thing!
  17. I recently orbited Pol (very lumpy moon, much like Gilly) and I had a perfectly round elliptical orbit. So... Iunno Regards, Deejay
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