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Superfluous J

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    My Launcher is CKAN

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  1. Oh great another game engine to get excited about, half-code half-thought of game mechanics in, and then abandon forever. Oh wait it's all about politics? F that is there anything actually different about it or is it just "Godot where you can hate people"
  2. People differentiate economies of different countries on Earth. Which of those should we lump Space into?
  3. I don't know, "they weren't ready to tell us anything" pretty well sums up the past 7 years of KSP-related communications.
  4. I will never support "do this action multiple times or we won't allow you to go to Mun." If I can land on Mun on my very first rocket, go me. Don't lock down the ability behind doing any number of orbital flights, even if that number is 1. Everybody complains that science points are arbitrary but so is XP in pretty much every single game ever made. Lara Croft learns how to craft better shoes by shooting dudes with arrows. In Factorio you learn how to build a rocket by shoving gears and circuit boards (and a dozen or so other semi-random items) into "science" bottles and disintegrating them. Is it realistic? Of course not, but what it does do - in every good instance of it at least - is create a gameplay loop that rewards the player for doing the thing that the game is about. Tomb Raider, it's killing dudes with arrows (and raiding tombs sometimes though not all that often these days). In Factorio, it's setting up factories to make stuff. In KSP, it's building rockets that go places. Is science perfect? Of course not, but the problem isn't that the points don't make sense. If anything, it's that there are far too many of them available and also that once you unlock the tech tree they're not useful anymore.
  5. Naw I don't think I'll have to do that again. I'm far less concerned about image links on the forum breaking now, than I was 5 years ago.
  6. I disagree. You make many fine points and I personally agree with them, but there is a segment of the population that values ease of use to simplicity of design, and for these people a Smart TV is a boon. Buy a TV, Plug it in, Give a few companies a credit card and bam you're watching Grey's Anatomy in no time. I just wish that - along with all the Smart TVs - there was even the option to not buy one. And don't get me started with trying to find a refrigerator without a built-in ice machine. Box (at least my Roku) breaks, buy a new box for $50. TV breaks, good luck finding a good one for so cheap.
  7. When I self-hosted all my images it went great, until I decided to give up the whole "have a website" thing and then I had to load all the cached images up on Imgur and re-link them. The ones I found. I'm sure there are dozens or hundreds that are still broken, all over the dark corners of the Forum (and the rest of the Internet)
  8. How dare you not get warm happy feelings buying a new kitten calendar.
  9. Are you sure of that? In my experience, you stop paying the license for licensed software, you stop being able to use that software.
  10. HarvesteR was in a bad situation with no way out. He didn't own KSP because he made an agreement with his company (Squad) early on that the program was Squad's property, in exchange for them letting him stop doing whatever he used to be doing and instead work on it. That sounds like a crazy agreement considering it's about the only way the game would have ever existed I'm glad it went down that way. Then when things stopped going his (and our) way, he left instead of getting walked all over. Thankfully KSP1 survived this and IMO is better for it. KSP2, not so much None of that is official record and I have no insider information. I just connected dots based on what I've read over the past decade plus.
  11. For things like this I unashamedly go into the cheat menu and complete the contract there, giving me full rep/science/money.
  12. A moderator told you over PM but won't post in the forum? For what it's worth I believe you. Not like it makes any difference in the long run anyway.
  13. It implies it, but remember the forum software is apparently registered by the year/month and it's only renewed until either March or September 2025, depending on if you only believe the forum post, or trust hearsay (not throwing shade just using the term as its defined) from a trusted source.
  14. It lasted all of a fraction of a second but I actually saw detail, like fire or plasma or whatever blowing off. Then I had a green/orange line through my vision for a half hour
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