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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I guess you could say it's all about the base. No tweaking.
  2. I found out today that if you want to add more than a couple new Kerbals to your space program (Say, 2 dozen of your YouTube viewers) You need a ridiculous amount of money. Your 25th Kerbal, for instance, costs over 400,000 funds. I think I spent 6-7 million - all told - hiring Kerbals today. All hacked in, of course.
  3. You must be remembering a mod. Stock fairings have 2, 3, or 4 (I think. I know it goes up) sides based on the size of the base. You can change it in the part files (or use Modulemanager) but that won't allow you to set it per ship in the VAB. I'd like this too, so I asked over at Tweakable Everything about it. We'll see how it goes.
  4. Sweet do you plan to allow tweaking the number of pieces around? Right now it's hard coded for each base diameter. I'd love to be able to specify how many I want for each.
  5. The only way I've found is to change the names until you get a name that gets the career you want. I like to change the first letter of the last name. I had Ferman, Berman, Yerman, even a Pferman when things got really rough. The Ship Manifest mod kludges around this the best way a mod can and allows you do automatically set the professions in-game
  6. You forgot about how each rocket follows a proscribed path set in motion by precise engineering and computer control, honed by years of experience. Not tapping the "d" key a couple times every few thousand meters and hoping you remember to hit spacebar at the right time.
  7. Oh so many times I realize too late that the center of my crazy asparagus rocket needs to be different. One nice thing about 1.0, that sort of design is kind of out the door now. But still, I'd love this.
  8. You can accomplish this in stock by having a pilot or probe core and aiming prograde. It only works while the vessel is active, though. You can accomplish this on all vessels with the Persistent Rotation mod. I don't know much about it. I decided to wait until 1.0 to try it, and now I'm waiting until it's officially updated to 1.0.x
  9. Then the others are correct: Your ship isn't big enough to see the benefit. And this is a good thing. It's no longer "SLS engines to launch, 48-7S for small stuff in space, LV-Ns for large stuff in space" anymore. Engines have uses and when you don't use the correct engine for the application, it doesn't do as well.
  10. I tilted my nose down 25 degrees and accelerated. Like you, I won't disclose how fast I was going or my altitude at the time.
  11. Hot things glow, even when they're not actively being heated.
  12. The only thing I can think is it has half the fuel. LV-N only uses liquid fuel now. Swap those tanks with the basic tank of jet fuel, 4 of them total.
  13. I truely don't remember. Probably by clicking. I usually click. Will do. I've used it several times since it broke that time, after restarting the game, and it's never failed on me since. So, it may be hard to tell if this fixes it or even if was truly your mod.
  14. I know what you mean, but the implied self-censoring of this sentence made me smile.
  15. Because you can't. You would have to have an Earth sized Kerbin with an atmosphere that mimics Earths, and roughly double the size of all parts, increasing their mass by 8. You'd then need to balance all the engines and parts to all this new stuff and when that was all done, it'd suck because taking 20+ minutes every launch is boring.
  16. Well yeah, I couldn't run it before due to the memory leak.
  17. It's all relative. If I have to choose between planes reaching mach 1 at liftoff and shuttles coming in too slow, I'll pick shuttles coming in too slow.
  18. A picture is worth 1000 craft files But I loaded it anyway. You are lacking fins on the rear. I'd put 4 of them around the swivel engine. Also, those physicsless parts might still cause drag. The goo pods surely do. Drag at the top of your craft = bad. Put them all in a service bay. Also, do a slow gradual turn to orbit, don't crank it over at 10km like in the old days.
  19. After getting a decent amount of time with the new (new) aero, I'm voting 1.0.2. It's harder, sure, but what did you expect from rocket science? Once I nosed to the grindstone and built an actual ship for an actual mission and figured out how to get it into orbit, everything is really coming together.
  20. After further testing, I'm ready to rescind my earlier concerns. Note: my only concern was that 1.0.2's atmo and/or part changes caused the old 45@10 gravity turn to be more efficient, or at best only slightly less efficient, than a proper gravity turn. My tests had been with moderately small, simple rockets that did little more than get into orbit. They were small enough and had low enough TWR that at 10km, a 45 degree turn was easy to do. Not so with rockets with any sort of payload. Also, I finally got a chance to build and fly a plane. It was a perfect blend of .90 stock's actual ability to control planes and FAR's actual ability to glide. Flying felt both real and possible. I said in another thread that it was glorious, and I can't think of a better word for this post. In short, I'm much happier with 1.0.2 now than I was last night. Though I still need to perfect my gravity turn (something I'm happy to do) I can tell that this is going to be a fun, fun ride from here on out.
  21. I flew a plane I built. It didn't immediately flip over and nosedive into the runway. It was glorious. I also figured out how to get a Kerbal into and out of a plane without ladders or retractable landing gear. Can't wait to show that off in Episode 3.
  22. For whom? For someone just buying the game? Yes. Easy career mode is too hard. There's too much to learn and too large a penalty for failure (unless they quickly learn to revert every single mistake). They should play science mode until they feel they are ready. For someone with a solid understanding of the game? No. It is not.
  23. I may have found a bug. It seems to be with this mod but I'm no modder. After many successful simulations (Well, successful in terms that the simulation mod worked ) I modified my vessel, clicked "launch," clicked "simulate" like I always do. Then real life happened so I hit ESC to pause, was away from the computer for a minute or so, came back, resumed the simulation, and no keyboard keys or mouse clicks would work except ESC to pause and cancel again. I couldn't rotate the camera, select parts of the vessel, turn on SAS, launch, anything. I tried a real launch, and it worked normally (which is why I think it's the mod). I went back into a simulation and had the same problem. I've a save file and a output_log.txt if they'll help.
  24. I just tested this in space and there is no torque on the ship. Therefore bug in KER.
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