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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. The numbers were NOT correct before. They were less different, but the numbers in the VAB, in Atmospheric mode, did NOT match the numbers sitting on the pad. I suspect what you are thinking is the old "4500m/s to LKO" adage. That number is vacuum dV of the rocket. You actually end up spending less "dV" because in the lower atmosphere you spend more fuel to get that dV, but in the end you spend enough fuel to equal about 4500m/s of vacuum dV. Nowadays, we spend 3500 or so (The numbers are still in flux, and they could change at any time with a new update) vacuum dV, but total dV put into the rocket is a bit less simply because the rockets - more than before - are burning more fuel to get that dV when in the lower atmosphere.
  2. I gots no problem with uncomplicated. It's what draws me to this mod in the first place (and previously what drove me to Snacks). But I still think I'm going to look into it my own self. My instincts tell me I'll fail but I'm so frequently wrong it's still worth a shot
  3. It's in there. I've disabled it too. You just have to look EVERYWHERE. IIRC it's hidden on a screen you get to by clicking on a drop-down menu that looks like a label. It's a funny suggestion, but seriously just try clicking on everything until you discover something you didn't know existed.
  4. I could, but the reaction wheels work great. (I understand that my circular argument is circular)
  5. If that greenhouse needs sunlight (like solar panels do) I will be so happy. If not, I'll still be pretty happy and may even try to figure out how to do it myself.
  6. I hacked a ton of money into the game so I could hire 25 Kerbals. In my defense, it was to put my viewers in my game and when I was done, I hacked the money back down to where it was before.
  7. That's not abusing the cargo bay. It's abusing part clipping. You can do that without a cargo bay. Just clip everything into your vessel.
  8. I've only started to fiddle with fairings (because I just got to the point where I'm not sending stuff that's already aerodynamic up) but every ship that I've put them on had 3 things in common: 1) They were very unaerodynamic without the fairings. 2) Adding fairings kept the ship controllable. 3) dV to space went down - sometimes significantly - with the fairings added. So useless? No. Far from it.
  9. It's also a great, subconscious indicator that what you're doing is putting stress on your craft.
  10. I know it's not 60km, because I just deleted some trash that dipped down into that range. I personally don't mind manually deleting debris. I try hard to not make much, and to make *zero* debris in stable orbits. It's kind of a point of pride I define "stable orbit" as an orbit that will never cross an SOI boundary, or contact a planet surface or atmosphere. Any debris that does ANY of those things is fair game to delete.
  11. I personally prefer it that only elite QA testers are testing while the game is in QA. Is it elitist to say that people who have proven they can't drive cars should not be allowed to drive? This is the same thing, only less bloody.
  12. You just came out with a new version, so I think it's a perfect time to request a feature The stock resource panel hides itself if you hover over other icons, even though it's been clicked and is supposed to be visible. For example, you hover over the contract icon and the stock resource box goes away so you can click the contract. Once your mouse leaves that area, the stock resource box comes back. With this mod, I have to actually click the resource icon to make it go away, then look at my contracts. I know, first Kerbin Problems and all. But anyway, is there a way to make the Alternate Resource Panel behave - in this one way - like the stock one?
  13. Do what I (well, Scott Manley. But I do it now because it's a good idea) do: Burn your ascent stage out with your periapsis still in Kerbin's atmosphere. Then at that higher-than-normal apoapsis, do a small burn so your actual craft is in orbit. You'll put more energy into your orbit, making your eventual ejection to Mun or whatever cost slightly less dV. If you're way off on launch dV you may waste some Oberth effect, but if you launch at dawn for inward transfers (Eve and Moho) or dusk for outward transfers (Everybody else) then your resultant periapsis will be just about where you should burn to eject.
  14. I'm getting really sick of you modders and your coming up with awesome mods I want to install. Really this looks cool. It does two things that I personally wanted from snacks (predictability and serious consequence) and the storage containers look swell to boot. I'm'a think I'll add this right now.
  15. I don't think you can do it. Atmospheric values will have to be in a range. They always were before, of course. The "4500" value for Kerbin was really more like "4500-5000" depending on TWR. Now you have TWR, drag, how far you must divert from ideal ascent to avoid flipping out, and who knows what else? I think 3500 is a good benchmark, but really I think we should be designing our craft to get wherever they must go from LKO, and then do the rest by trial and error (oh so much error).
  16. KSP is not a designed to simulate every last detail of historic Human spaceflight. And using hashtags and LOLSOKERBAL to make fun of things people enjoy is unbecoming.
  17. I'm finding it fairly similar. My first launch was a hop over the VAB into the grasslands using tier-1 stuff. Launch 2 was an orbit with goos and jrs and lots of EVA reports. I had a couple test launches that I don't count, as they were tests to see how much dV I needed to just reach space, and launch 3 was for fun to try the tourism contract. Launch 4 actually did that tourism contract (I blame a non-updated KER ) and my 5th launch was to land on Mun. Money and science don't seem to be a problem, so long as you are a stickler to get all the science and do as many contracts in each launch as you can, and keep expanding where you go.
  18. Small nitpicks aside, I am very happy with 1.0. I would never go back to the old atmo and love the (concept of) stock ISRU. I'm playing moderately slowly through career (stupid real life and its wanting me to earn money and stuff) and enjoying almost every aspect of it.
  19. I love this mod (of course I do, my video's in the first page), but would it be possible to be able to selectively disable ONLY waypoints? I prefer the way Waypoint Manager displays waypoints, but I want to keep the other markers for NavHud such as prograde, radial, etc. Right now, I seem to only be able to toggle ALL markers at once. Maybe split them between nav markers and waypoints?
  20. Why do I always have to answer "Other"? I always go to the Mun first in a new career, unless I'm doing something crazy like trying to get through the entire career without ever visiting Mun or Minmus. Always. As soon as I can get out of LKO, Mun here I come. After I've done the bare minimum there, though, I do any REAL Kerbin-SOI work on Minmus. Mun is just too annoyingly big compared to its little minty brother.
  21. 1.0 There's no way to tell if my parts are overheating until they explode! 1.0.2 Why did my game just crash?
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