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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Did you go to Mun and Minmus quickly? I vaguely recall a bug in earlier versions (that may not have been fixed, or even seen as a bug) where once you either land on or enter the sphere of influence of a world, its "explore" contract gets somehow marked to never appear.
  2. I assume they can and also assume they won't tell. I'd be very mad if my supposed anonymous feedback was revealed without my permission. Don't sweat ratings. I only notice them when someone brings them up. I suspect they have no affect on anything other than making someone feel edgy for downrating a thread. I have no interest in this thread as I'm not a modeler (I've tried Blender and it made me want to curl up in the corner and cry), however I'll 5-star the thread to offset the 1-star rating it got
  3. Cool, creative, works in 1.0.2, and is an SSTO to boot. Question: How do you land?
  4. KSP has consistently been and still remains the most fun I've had on a computer ever. It is in almost every way exactly the game I want it to be. Sorry to hear your rockets are flipping around, but really the fault is either in the design or the piloting, not the game. I will give you that a little more feedback could be nice but I've so far seen massive benefit from turning on the drag indicators. And also refer to those linked posts. It's not harder. It's a different kind of hard.
  5. That's actually exactly what I did. The arrows helped me deduce the problem. Also, the rocket reached its most unstable state right about mach 1, which of course didn't help!
  6. Sorry I'm on my phone so it's hard to edit posts. While I have problems with some of the rebalancing those do not extend to engines. You can still be creative but now I can make an efficient ship with engines other than the nuke our the 487s
  7. Is Whackjob cheating? If you think clipping fuel tanks is cheating, then you must think he's cheating. I say he's playing a different game than you want to. Labeling him a cheater is not just disingenuous, it's downright rude.
  8. I built a rocket the other day that ingenuously (I thought) siphoned the fuel from the payload into the main launcher, to give my side boosters about 30 more seconds of thrust on ascent. My trial runs with the rocket had shown that I'd save total dV if they could burn a little longer, and why add more fuel when I didn't actually need to? Once in orbit, I could just transfer fuel back from the remaining center stack before ditching it to fall back to Kerbin. This rocket, which in early testing had been pretty rock solid on the ascent, started flipping like a baton no matter how well I kept it in the airflow, no matter how many fins I put on the bottom, and no matter how much I tried to correct manually. Now at this point, from what I see in so many posts in this forum, most people would have thrown their arms up and complained that KSP was killing their fun. Instead, I looked at it, thought about it, and realized my problem. By emptying the fuel out of the top of the rocket, I was making the whole thing EXTREMELY bottom heavy. I was - to continue to overuse an overused analogy - throwing a dart backward. Putting the feathers on the arrow head won't make it fly backwards, to overuse another analogy. So I undid my change, found a better way to add a little more time to my early boost stage, and the rocket made orbit with the payload intact. I could even deviate significantly from prograde very low in the atmosphere and at high speed, all because I (re)applied a little aerodynamics know-how. So thank you, Squad, for introducing that sort of necessary thinking into the game.
  9. I got you covered. Though I had to use my rep point to give one for you, so we're still one down VERY cool charts. I'm'a use these. And it's nice to see lots of engines being good in different situations! No more "Should I bring the LV-N or the 48-7S?"
  10. I used to, if I came to an impasse in Solitaire, switch from 3 cards at a time to 1 at a time. It didn't allow me to win every game, but it allowed me to keep playing an otherwise interesting (for Solitaire) game instead of scooping and redealing. I don't consider that cheating either. It's not like I was in a Solitaire contest or anything. I actually consider KSP to be a very structured toy. Even Career mode is just a toy with a ramping-up mechanism.
  11. *Bob breaks a solar panel* "Bob is a terrible astronaut!" *Val breaks a solar panel* "Women are terrible astronauts!" Stolen from XKCD (PS I know you're joking. I'm just expanding on it)
  12. I actually had this problem as well, but I *think* it also happened with a ship I launched after installing the mod. I was fiddling with modulemanager to get this to play nice with GPOSpeedFuelPumps, so may have triggered it that way.
  13. So we play differently. That's okay. If you want to get 2 Kerbals to the surface of Moho and want your rocket to be more "interesting", make them bring an unused but full orange tank along. Don't rob me of the use of one of the few 2-person control modules.
  14. Aside from the "no cheating in singleplayer games," no. It's still not cheating even then. Space programs have a lot of options we don't have, and our way to end run around that is to clip a little here and there. The mass is the same so other than aerodynamics, it's all a wash.
  15. Thanks for the summary. I was otherwise engaged (at Duna if you must know ) and couldn't watch.
  16. I typed "k" and got these as my first 8 suggestions: ksp contract configurator ksp modulemanager ksp hyperedit kerbin escape velocity ksp ship manifest ksp ambient light adjustment ksp atmospheric flight mod kayak
  17. Not to mention coming up with all these really good ideas for NEW mods, causing me to add yet another mod to my vast array. 1.0 eliminated the need for a lot of mods, and what to you all do? Rest on your laurels, retiring after a job well done? Pfft. Never. You just keep coming up with more.
  18. That is not a bug. When you decouple those unused fuel tanks and engines from your root part, it loses access to their dV.
  19. For a traveling circus type mission where you're hitting a bunch of places with an all-in-one ship, then it's a bit of a wash as you have to bring down fuel you wouldn't need if you brought the ISRU converter with you to make more fuel. For an ISRU infrastructure, it's better to have the converter on the ground, and a ferry that takes the processed fuel up to an orbiting station.
  20. Then why, if you kill off a dozen Kerbals, is the next one CHEAPER?
  21. Thanks! And sorry for not seeing that. I searched for the specific mod but not firespitter or the module name. :noob:
  22. There seems to be a conflict between this mod and the Stock Fuel Switch mode. When both are installed, GPOSpeed's menus are not available in the VAB or in flight. I'm not sure which mod is to "blame" but figured I'd start here, as your menus are what is missing.
  23. I read the OP, my brightness did not change back to default. Ba dum, ching. I'm here all week. Try the lobster.
  24. Hey, it makes as much sense as tying profession to name. Caste system much? That's nothing. The first Mk2 parts you unlock are the decoupler and a Mk1-Mk2 adapter. Quite literally the only thing big enough to use the decoupler on is the adapter, and the only possible use of the adapter is so all your other parts can be hooked to the decoupler. Why not? They put the Jr docking port quite low in the tree. It was one of the (few) things I really enjoyed about the new tree. I like the new nukes. Of course, I can set what fuel my tanks hold...
  25. You can also tab and shift-tab between planets. Watch out, though, as "shift" has a kind of important use already. Go up to 5x time warp before shift-tabbing.
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