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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Thanks to both of you for the clarifications. So I can be excited for 1.0.3 a little less, and 1.1 a little more
  2. 100% this. Also, it's not like knowing the dV of your ship makes you immune to failure. I screw up all the time when I have plenty of fuel to get home. I also frequently run out of fuel even though in the VAB I thought I had enough. It's amazing what flaws in your ship actually doing the mission will show you.
  3. You should. I bet if I could see you launching a ship I could tell you why it's flipping. The crashing, not so much. But if you upload a post-crash output_log.txt somewhere and post on the modded or unmodded (depending on how you play) help boards someone may be able to tell you why. I'm assuming you know about the heat gui memory leak and are not using it.
  4. The only reason I ever played an older version after a new version came out was to finish a mission. I don't upgrade mid-career, and always start a new one. Hopefully that will change now that 1.0 is out, and I'll just be upgrading like crazy and keeping my save.
  5. Just to be clear, you (smjjames) asked if it would be in, and Max replied that it absolutely would be in 1.0.3?
  6. I tip over around 50m/s, less than 5 degrees. I ignore my altitude and pay attention to 2 numbers from here on out Apoapsis and angle tilted over east. 90 is straight up, 0 is horizontal on the due east spot on the ball. When I hit 2000m Ap, I go to 85 degrees. From there to Ap of 20, I go 5 degrees every 2000m. When my Ap is at 20km, I'll be pointing at the 40 degree mark on the navball. Then I just slowly bring it down with the goal of hitting 30 degrees when my apoapsis is 30km, 20 degrees when it's 40km, 10 degrees when it's 45km, and dead horizontal from 50km onward. Depending on the aerodynamics and TWR curve of my rocket, I usually get less than 3500m/s of vaccuum dV to orbit and that's good enough for me.
  7. The big problem with restricting things to engineers isn't if it's realistic or not, it's that in this game there are 2 (not 3) classes of Kerbals: Engineer supermen who can - all alone - do everything in the game (albeit with some minor and totally mitigatable problems) and schlubs who give tiny little bonuses that are either not necessary or can be easily replicated by a couple-hundred-dollar probe core.
  8. Old aero was more soupy than new areo. All fair. But the point still stands, FAR is much closer to the new aero than the old aero, so without these caveats (which I didn't have access to at the time) the statement is (I hope) understandably confusing.
  9. I have thrown a surprise party, and in an emergency got into a car with a total stranger though I wasn't technically hitchhiking. I play the piano the way most people type: With my index fingers I have flown across the Atlantic. I have watched a pickup truck full of armed soldiers drive by me on a public road. I have kept a job with the same company for over 2 decades.
  10. Really? So it happens on the launchpad when I'm in map mode in orbit, go to the space center, and launch a new craft? That makes sense I suppose. I don't tend to land or take off while in map mode.
  11. I didn't know it was possible to get an EVA'd tourist with this mod. I've got 2 guys standing on Duna waiting for a rescue ship because if they get in the pod, they'll become inactive. On the surface, they'll happily (well, grumpily) await the food ship.
  12. I think the weirdness of the original statement was more "I loved the old aero, so when the new aero came out I switched to FAR" is akin to "I prefer smaller cars, so when my wife sold my subcompact to buy an SUV, I went out and bought a 18-wheel truck."
  13. And why does one out of every 100 launches or so start the camera about 100km away from the ship?
  14. Nothing in the game, but I did start to work on my own version of the tech tree because - much like everybody else - I know the perfect way the tech tree should be set up and it's not like anybody else's tech tree. I'm about 3 tiers in and have gained mad respect for anybody who has tackled this - including Squad. It's worse than trying to put worms back into a can (does anybody ever actually do that?). It's more like trying to fit 2 cans' worth of worms into one can.
  15. Between the two, coke. From the set of all colas, Doctor Pepper. From the set of all beverages, coffee or beer, depending on how long it's been since I woke up.
  16. I just want to be able to place "planning nodes" on planetary orbits that are in all ways like maneuver nodes except they don't attach to ships. We can drag them, go up and down orbits, make them bigger or smaller, and target another planet to get approach markers. Then we can warp until the planet is near the node (using KAC of course) and launch a ship, confident that if we set up an actual maneuver node that does roughly what the planning node did earlier, we'll get a similar encounter.
  17. Also, even in source mode (which I use exclusively) you can highlight text and hit - for example - ctrl-i to italicize.
  18. So long as it's on Kerbin, when they get below 50km they'll wake up and be able to pull the chute, won't they?
  19. "Like" is a bit soft. I personally love it. I can do real gravity turns like I used to need FAR to do, but my planes actually fly which is something that almost never happened in FAR.
  20. How can that be, when it takes more than 100 days to reach the nearest planet (Unless you're using Interstellar-style engines) so even one-Kerbal ships will run out of food before even reaching their destination, little alone waiting for the return window and coming home?
  21. Theoretical max. There may not be any place on Minmus (or any other planet) that reaches 15%, or even breaks 10%.
  22. The theoretical maximum is 15%, but 10% is quite good. I would be happy with 8.98 myself. Don't know about the different planets. I'm pretty sure it's all random.
  23. Multiplayer will not be in 1.0.3. It is a totally separate thing they're working on.
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