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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. No, it'd be "more stuff to do." No. I'm saying that once you've done an interplanetary transfer the only reason to do another is because you either enjoy it or are checking off another planet from your bucket list. Nothing will make someone enjoy interplanetary transfers if they don't already, and eventually there's no reason to do them in and of themselves. You want 1 more reason to do an interplanetary tansfer and 3-5 more reasons to perform a landing. I want millions of reasons to continue to go back to where we've already been so I don't get bored with "GP2" any faster than I got bored with Jool. For the several hours it takes to build the ship to get there, the 5 extra minutes it takes to time warp there, and the day or so landing - once - on each moon. Then you'll be aching for "GP3" or some other planet. And I'll still wish there was a reason to land a second time on Mun. Adding a planet to this game will fix it as well as adding a kid fixes a marriage.
  2. You know what? I forgot to watch the 1.0 video. I just did. Wow. That's pretty bad. It even implies something that can't happen in the game. If you have a parachute stuck to your ship you are almost always safe.
  3. Essentially, anything that you want new planets for, I would like the current planets to do them instead. Want a ring around a gas giant? Put one around Jool. Want a moon orbiting retrograde? Make Vall do it. Want something with a crazy tilted axis? Oh wait that's impossible. But if you could, make Eve do it, or Dres. Nobody likes Dres. Make Dres do it.
  4. Pro-Tip, don't hover over the ground and slowly make your way across the landscape.
  5. Hm. 1200? I know it's more, but that sounds like a lot more. I was thinking 500 or so more. I'll have to test. In any case, the ship in my slideshow had tons of dV left over while returning, so assuming you can get it off Kerbin and land it on Mun without breaking anything, it should work fine. EDIT: I just tested and it was just about exactly 1000m/s more for Mun than Minmus. I did both pretty perfectly IMO. I may have been able to save a dozen or so m/s on the Minmus one as I was in orbit mode a tad too long but the difference as actually 960m/s so I think it's safe to say an even grand. I built the best version of that ship I could with only the first 3 nodes unlocked, and it won't make it. The dV just isn't enough.I suspect the engine Isp went down between then and now. Also, those tanks aren't available so the whole thing gets pretty wobbly.
  6. Yeah but showing things going right would be false advertising For me, the best parts are when something goes horribly wrong but I manage to pull trough anyway. To answer the OP, I like 'em, but could live without 'em. They're not for us anyway, they're to get people who haven't bought the game to check it out.
  7. If you want the game to be realistic in this manner you can severely limit or even totally disable reaction wheels. I personally would hate this. I'll take magically strong torque over insanely frustrating... everything. Every time.
  8. Get good at docking without RCS. Not just comfortable with it, but proficient. This will do 2 things: 1) You'll find that you use a LOT less RCS when docking, allowing you to either bring less or keep what you bring for longer. 2) If you run out of RCS anyway, you'll be fine. RCS will have gone from a necessity to a convenience that you can easily do without. NOTE: This only really works when at least one of the ships has a docking port on its front, facing forward, so you can use engine thrust to go toward the target port.
  9. It's the best name I've found for them. It explains what they are, is quite accurate, and doesn't imply "OMG KSP IS BROKEN I HATE SQUAD THEY ARE SO DUMB," at least not to me.
  10. That describes all the best games I've ever played. Including Kerbal Space Program. The game is solid and fun. It beats the pants of the latest Sim City game.
  11. Yes they are the default. You need do nothing (except install the mod) and your fairings will clamshell by default. I don't know if it will work on ships you already built, though. Those may keep the confetti fairings as that's how they were set when built.
  12. The way Whackjob uses girders is not AS struts, but as a way to make strut connections shorter and therefore more rigid. The girders and trusses won't function as struts on their own.
  13. This ship went to Minmus on Tier-1 parts, which I *think* is what you meant by "first 2 tiers". It's from before 1.0 so it may have some aerodynamics issues, but it also has 1200 more dV than it needs now so I suspect, as long as you can keep it from flipping out, it'll make it. Of course, there may be parts in there that aren't in the first 2 tiers now but I don't think so. Generally any ship that can go to Minmus and back can also go to Mun and back (provided it has the TWR) so, other than being afraid of landing on the engine bell and/or falling over, I think this ship'd be fine. Maybe with some minor tweaks.
  14. Yes. It's never been brought up on these forums. Joking aside, I'd rather the devs spend their time giving us things to do with the worlds we already have. Currently, they're big balls of "oh do I wand to land on the dark <primary color of the world> or light <primary color of the world> area?" Adding a Jool clone with some Tylo/Vall/Pol/Bop/Laythe clones as moon doesn't sound like a good idea.
  15. Can you eject the fairing, and hit timewarp right away? Or F5 right away so you can then F9? Or escape, and go to space center? When you come back the fairing will be gone. Or have a ship 2km away and moving away from you, hit the fairing, and then > to switch to the other ship? Let that ship get 3km away from your ship and it'll unload from physics. That's all I got. I've never personally had a fairing stuck that didn't kick off with just a little spinning.
  16. But the obvious bonus that if you have a camera and a telescope (or even binoculars) you can take an astrophotograph right now. Unless it's light out where you live. I took a few nice pics of the Moon with my phone camera through a telescope that was about as powerful as the Galileoscope. It was easy and very rewarding, if not all that great quality.
  17. You should copy that into a text file. You could say that about pretty much every single aspect of this game. Random examples: Ctrl-z to undo in the VAB Right-clicking things for science. Left-clicking doors to transfer crew. Right-clicking maneuver nodes to delete them. Or, to jump forward and backward an orbit. Alt-">" to do physics warp in situations where just hitting ">" would regular warp. Made perfect sense to me, but I'm pretty warped.
  18. I'm not being snippy, sorry if I sounded as such. I just don't see why this is any worse than hitting "Launch" in the VAB and finding out it's nighttime at the KSC. Though it is far more dramatic, of course, it seems to be just as detrimental to your ship. I actually expected someone to point out what I missed.
  19. In my experience 1 hour of recording gives 20-30 minutes of video, possibly less. This is for KSP. For most any other game it's far better. KSP just has *so* *much* stuff to edit out it's crazy. Just editing out time warping isn't enough IMO. After 3 or 4 ejection burns people are going to get bored. Your schedule sounds fine, and it's similar to mine though I can pretty much record any day of the week. I tend to record whenever I can, and fit editing in during those times when I can't record but have down time. Mostly you just have to do it, and see. Nobody can tell you if you'll have enough time to do that but you. One strong suggestion I have is to drop the idea of a schedule until you know how much you can do. YOu may find you can put out 2x the videos you are planning, or that 2 videos is way too much and you can only do 1 a week, or less. Another thing I suggest is to - once you know roughly how often you can expect to get a video out - to not just publish videos but to utilize the "Schedule" option in YouTube. Upload 2 videos, but schedule the 2nd one to come out 3-4 days from now. That way, you'll have 1 video every 3-4 days instead of 2 videos at once and a week before the next thing comes out.
  20. If something so tiny as my modulemanager config needs permission, I grant it to anybody who wants to make a CKAN package for it. Or do anything else with it. I personally can't be bothered to support CKAN but am not anti-CKAN or anything like that. All I'd ask is that RoverDude says it's okay or at least make it obvious that the config is not supported by him.
  21. I see the problem, but don't see why waiting a few hours for the eclipse to end isn't an option.
  22. That is about 10 times the thought I put into it. For me it was more, "Okay I got this whole thing figured out and... wow it's boring."
  23. Because earnd and earst don't sound right. What is the difference between flammable and inflammable?
  24. 1.0 also "broke" physicsless parts. Your COSes all impart their mass onto the ship now instead of being magically massless. I personally am okay with this. Better than. I'm happy with it.
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