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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Guys, come on. You can hate Pewdiepie (I don't watch him myself but save hate for people who have actually done me wrong) all you want but do you really think their money could have been better spent on someone who won't generate 2 million views in a weekend? That's like saying "Don't advertise on this billboard next to the major highway. Spray paint your ad on this alley wall. The highway's full of posers."
  2. Oooh I like the sound of that You may cure my fear of the "no quicksaves" option yet.
  3. I think "normal" is just about right as far as amount of science gained and how much each tech tree node costs. I also think that the money is about right for what everything costs. I do however take some issue with what things cost relative to each other. Hiring a single Kerbal should not cost more than a new rocket. I thought it odd that I could get 500,000 roots off of my 2nd launch (my first orbit) but 3 upgrades later I was back to almost nil. And I hadn't built a rocket yet. Luckily, the rockets in this (rocket building) game are by far the cheapest things to build. And why are the first two 2.5 meter parts you get a decoupler and an adapter? There is absolutely nothing the decoupler will fit to except the adapter, and the adapter's only purpose would be to widen your craft so it can use that overlarge decopuler. Who thought that was a good idea? And right about the time you're unlocking that essentially useless stair-step of a tech node, you start building rockets that you'd really like to slap fairings around. So why not put a fairing in that node instead of those useless parts? Put them a bit further up so you actually unlock them when you need them? But as far as grind/play ratio, I think normal mode - for my abilities and preferences - is just about right.
  4. I wish it was about 100-500 meters high, so it looked like an ice shelf.
  5. I have it on "normal," and don't think it needs toned down anywhere except it should be 0 when a Kerbal goes on EVA. I was surprised at such a high number of people who don't use it at all, actually. I thought it'd be closer to 90/10.
  6. I'm sorry, but at least 2 threads here say that SSTOs are impossible and the game is broken forever. You are obviously not playing correctly.
  7. Very cool. Like the simulation mode in Kerbal Construction Time without all the Kerbal Construction Time stuff around it. (Nothing wrong with KCT. Just not my thing)
  8. Yes, very glowing review they got. I guess (at least some of) my concerns about releasing too early are not coming to light. Which makes me very happy.
  9. Only one of those decouplers (on each side) is actually involved in holding the side tanks to the ship. Unless you're using struts that we can't see to hold them on.
  10. Yeah I saw that, after I'd made my logo and intro sequence. I'm just glad they don't have a similar logo to me That's what I get for not having TV, not going to malls, and not living in Canada. And thanks for the contract pack. I have done a stock tourism contract and that's all I feel I need to do of those, so a modded one is exactly what the doctor ordered. Checking it out now.
  11. I love it. I never want to turn it off but worry that some of my viewers will complain.
  12. You can set persistent debris to 0, or a very low number like 10 or something. You can also do what I do: Don't leave debris! NASA does it, so you should do it too I make sure to never drop something (barring any emergencies of course) unless it will impact a planet or moon, or will at least have an SOI change some time in the future that will toss it either out of the Kerbin SOI or into another encounter that will cause it to crash or be flung. Then, anything in such an orbit I can delete manually. It's not so bad deleting it manually, though, because just by being aware of the need to keep the space lanes clear, I end up mostly destroying stuff by crashing it into Kerbin or my target world. - - - Updated - - - I'm pretty sure that in real life, it's both. But that doesn't mean we should deal with it in game. I have to do laundry, feed the cat, and all that stuff but I don't want to have to do all that before every launch either!
  13. There are plenty of YouTubers who are making current content (ahem ahem). Just say farewell to the old and explore the new.
  14. If you only ever launch ships that can just get to LKO to dock with a refueling station, the single most efficient infrastructure would be to mine at minmus, refine it to fuel on the ground or in orbit (Used to be in orbit was better, now they should be the same thanks to the change in dry tank mass), bring that fuel down to LKO but also have some in Minmus orbit, so you have 2 refuelling stations, one in LKO and one orbiting Minmus. And finally, periodically bring fuel down to Kerbin, provided you can recover the return ship for more money than you spent on the launch ship. Then, every ship you ever launch should JUST be able to get to LKO. It then docks with the LKO refueller, fills up, and then goes to Minmus to top off. Then, it leaves minmus backward, swings by Kerbin, and uses the Oberth effect to launch out to its interplanetary destination. But really that's a lot of work
  15. Wow I feel like Rip Van Winkle. 2 updates while I slept!
  16. Yes, I know all that. I also know I'd rather have all these silent errors going on in the background and be able to make proper maneuver nodes during the days or weeks or whatever until the mod gets updated.
  17. Is this still not ready for prime time? I just downloaded it off of KerbalStuff, along with the runways pack and the texture pack, and I can launch from a runway once. If I then try to launch from the runway again, I spawn in the correct place, but there is not runway there anymore (or any other buildings). I can take off just fine (provided there is level ground) but it's weird that the runway and buildings show up the first time, but not the second.
  18. Yeah it's working better than many mods that have been updated.
  19. That's a lot of fuel. But yes, I've seen weird values from KER. I had one ship that KER reported I had 2000m/s dV (It was to complete a suborbital contract). I launched it and it barely made it to 40km. When I checked the ship later, KER decided it only had 1500m/s dV. I think we just need to wait for a proper update.
  20. As an example that I've used since the Kethane days, set your drilling base's fuel tanks to 8 (16 now. the highest value). Set your tug's value to one less than that (15). Set your space station (that holds the fuel for passing ships) to one below that (14). Then, use the other levels how you wish on other ships but always keep them at 13 or lower. Then, when you land your fuel tug at your drilling base, the drilling base just automatically fills it up, no interaction required (well, you have to dock, claw, or KAS your tug to your station). Lift your tug up and dock with the orbital station, it dumps all its fuel into the station, no interaction required. Then any passing ships come by, dock with the station, and (you guessed it) they fill up their tanks, no interaction required. It's a click saver, time saver, and headache saver. At the very least. - - - Updated - - - That is - in spirit - the exact same argument that the guy from Spinal Tap used for his amplifier going up to 11.
  21. Hence the use of the words "sort of" in parenthesis in the subject line of the post. Claw already did what? Modified stock fairings to open clamshell-style? I would be very interested in a link to that post.
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