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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Starting over is the bane of all creative types. You can never reach the finish line if you keep going back to the start line. Do what they do in National Novel Writing Month, but stretch it out a bit. Give yourself a goal of finishing a scene a week. If you fail one week, that's not a failure, but try to catch back up the next week (finish the current scene and then finish the NEXT scene as well). In a few months you'll have a completed movie. And when you finish a scene, it's DONE. Complete. Don't look at it again until the final pass. That way madness lay. Source: I've written a couple unpublished novels and ran a bi-weekly fiction podcast for the better part of a year until I burned out.
  2. I don't know in meg or gig, but I'm pretty sure it will be exactly 1 KSP Memory Footprint in size. (More seriously, there's no way to know. Even the people with access to it could only guess because I don't think any of them have the actual final copy)
  3. I have no idea where to post this so I'll toss it in here. A pretty good recap of the parts and features of 1.0
  4. I saw it in the official 1.0 stream yesterday. I don't remember whose stream it was in but it was unmistakable.
  5. Through the magic of subdomains. The main kerbalspaceprogram.com server could be in a totally different continent from the forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com server. Also, there is still a physical machine serving web pages. It just is currently serving a web page that says "we're not serving any web pages."
  6. The inclination requirement is there so you have to do (almost) all the same maneuvering you'd need to do for a full scan, minus the wait. I wish though that the requirement wasn't there and if you had a 45 degree orbit, you'd know from +45 to -45 but not the poles.
  7. Make a quicksave and then time warp out to Moho. There is a modreate chance that the encounter still exists but the game just doesn't see it. Manually slow down as you get close to see. If so, it's a bug, and it's one that I've even seen in the livestreams so If not, then you somehow lost your encounter so just fiddle with a mid-course correction to nail it. You *should* be close, close enough that the fuel to fix it should be marginal.
  8. I prefer it the way it was implemented by RoverDude. The only thing it removes is boredom and tedium. Feel free to mod those back into the game under the banner of realism. I'll go without.
  9. Source? Its total lack from all streams I've seen (No, I've not been up for 40 hours so I haven't seen them all, but I've seen a surprising number of them) implies just the opposite to me. Though for all I know it's 99% ready but just didn't make the 1.0 cut.
  10. It's not in the VAB. It's in flight and it looks different than I'd imagined but I think it'll be helpful. It puts a series of spiky arrow... things on your ship. Red ones showing drag, blue ones showing lift, and yellow ones showing control surfaces. I get the drag and left, but control surfaces confuse me. Aren't they just also creating lift or drag? Anyway, Here's a post with a picture. I saw a better picture somewhere else on this thread but can't find it right now.
  11. #lolconfettipotatochips is not feedback. "I hate the fairings and they're stupid and you're stupid and everybody is stupid" is not feedback. "I think the fairings that separate into many pieces do not look realistic and would like clamshell fairings" is feedback. Now, many have actually given feedback but many more have just been complaining. And you may think I'm complaining about it, but really I'm just trying to give feedback.
  12. Everybody who has mentioned it has said they deplete, and lose mass. I've not seen someone show it though. I expect that they will go down in size, but maybe not in class. Unless like 90% of the asteroid is ore.
  13. The short answer is we have no way of knowing until tomorrow. The longer answer ends with "probably."
  14. No I think he means where you get out of the pod and (assuming you don't fly away) your Kerbal slowly slides up or down the ladder until he falls off the end.
  15. This is totally unrelated but I figured it was worth noting. This is my 5,000th post. - - - Updated - - - And to bring it back on topic... 100% of the time while iteratively testing a new system, like a proper QA team should do. They should have a list of all new sytems and all things you can do with them to make sure there are no bugs. I suspect instead Squad says "Hey, here's 1.0 give it a try!"
  16. I like the instacan for resources. The hard part is getting the satellite into the correct orbit. Making a sandwich while time warping adds nothing to the gameplay. Though you do get a nice sandwich.
  17. That is an anomaly. Everybody knows space gates are only in Pegasus
  18. I wonder, did 100 people miss it or did it just go on the "nobody will notice this" board? I mean, the non-critical-bug board.
  19. And we are in a totally different situation right now. If the posts that are related to post count were removed from this thread it'd be about 10 pages long and the last post would have been a week ago.
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