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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I can pretty much guarantee that THAT won't happen. But if it did, where would be the fun? The best part of this game is that no matter how ready you think you are, you never are ready. All I can say is go for it. I don't have the same long-term-travel hangup so maybe it's easier for me, but the planets are there to visit. Go visit them!
  2. This has nothing to do with newbies, but as this is becoming a "little stuff wish list" howsabout colored lamps actually looking like their color? Currently, a lamp that lights up the ground green will still look like white light if you look at the actual lamp.
  3. I plan on just jumping out and doing a tuck-and-roll. Worked for .90
  4. I've made 2 Gilly bases (on camera!). The problems on Bop should be similar. I've found that tethering the base to the ground via KAS pipes or grappling hooks works wonders. Also, the uneven ground means that anything with 0 degree flatness will likely not actually be flat. Both of my bases were Extraplanetary Launchpad bases (because there's no reason to make a base if it has no use, and that's a pretty good use) so step one was to get a starter base there, and step 2 was to design a second base that was tilted in the VAB with the same degree tilt as the slope of the land, so the resultant base would be flat.
  5. If that comes with a decoupling of names and professions, I will be one of the happiest LPers ever.
  6. I'm inordinately hyped that the drills have smoke coming out of them. Smoke was the only thing I missed from Kethane when I switched to Karbonite.
  7. Aerodynamics and all it implies (re-entry heat, fairings, proper gravity turns, having to think about how you'll push your ship up through the atmosphere, having to think about how you'll get whatever you're returning to Kerbin back in one piece). If we're doing 2nds and 3rds, 2nd is all the bugfixes. Memory leaks and patched conics not noticing SOI changes need to never ever be a thing. And the radial decouplers not properly decoupling. Or docking ports not undocking. Kerbals sliding off ladders or being ejected from them with force. All these, assuming they all made it in, are great "features." Don't know what 3rd would be. Lot of good runner ups to the runner up slot. Female Kerbals. New (and easily moddable) tech tree. Actually balanced parts. The list goes on and on.
  8. It's been done. I think there was also a 1/100 config out there too where Kerbin was 12km wide. ...here it is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95122-1-10-Stock-System-Config-for-RSS
  9. That experience may have been the first instance of Harv removing (and vowing to never return to) time wait-based mechanics.
  10. Escape velocity at that altitude is 48m/s. You are never coming down and are - as far as I can tell - the first to 'infinity' this challenge.
  11. I hope (if) it's a countdown (you can disable it). - - - Updated - - - I know what it is! If you fix your staging on the launchpad, it saves it in the craft file. (No I don't *know* this, but wouldn't it be awesome?)
  12. Oh, I understand full Heisenberg notation. vveszuvf
  13. No worries, your launch clamps (that defaulted to somewhere in the middle held your rocket in place so nothing bad could happen.
  14. I think there should be an in-game contract pack you can enable that will not only teach you, but pay you for completing each lesson. Double benefit for the poor newbies who blow up 9 out of every 10 rockets.
  15. You removed the crazy sliding-in-from-the-side menus? SWEET. Or maybe you set default throttle to 100%. That's a feature I'd have loved as a newbie. Or maybe tooltips and other indicators that show you can right click things to do stuff. I see a lot of people totally missing that on YouTube.
  16. Amusingly, the only thing that seems to survive is the spaceplane cockpit.
  17. They're "bad." AKA nothing. They just don't like 'em.
  18. Yeah but at least people could say that news is getting them hyped, instead of page after page of discussing how many pages the thread should have.
  19. It's so sad when a hype thread gets more hype from itself than the thing it's hyping. Oh well maybe this thread will become fun again when some more news comes out.
  20. Actually, I agree with (to co-opt a Scott Manleyism) Old Harv here. New Harv is implementing something that will either: 1) Encourage time warp just for time warp's sake, if it gives decent gains. 2) Not be worth implementing at all, if it doesn't give decent gains.
  21. Yeah I worded that poorly. I meant more "The ability to move through the ship in IVA mode" I saw on the first page someone suggest First Person EVA and I got confused. Hey, it's late in the day for me (i.e. morning for everybody else)
  22. Oh, all those endless nights I spent arguing with my dyslexic friend about the true nature of Dog.
  23. If you don't understand, just accept that it does. I can't explain it any better.
  24. HarvesteR said the game has needed it for a long time. That rules out a "dV remaining" display. I suspect that he STILL thinks it doesn't belong in the game. I hope it's not first person IVAs. Or anything with IVAs unless it's "we removed IVAs to save memory for clouds."
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